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Descripción archivística
Zimbabwe: Trades Unions Material
GB 0101 TU.ZW · 1959-

Zimbabwe: Trades Unions Material, 1959 onwards, including journals, memoranda, conference reports and minutes, pamphlets, addresses, agendas, constitutions, letters, interviews, membership cards and miscellaneous materials issued by the African Farmers' Union of Rhodesia, the African Trades Union Congress of Southern Rhodesia, the Agricultural and Plantation Workers' Union, the Central African Power Corporation Staff Association, the Confederation of African Labour, the Fort Victoria Municipal Employees Association, the Industrial Commercial Union (Zimbabwe), the International Federation of Free Trade Unions, the National African Federation of Unions (Zimbabwe), the National Association of Local Government Officers and Employees (Zimbabwe), the Pilots' Association of Rhodesia, the Rhodesia Posts and Telecommunications Association, the Rhodesia Railway Workers' Union, the Salisbury Municipal Employees' Association, the Salisbury Municipal Professional Officers' Association, the Salisbury Municipal Workers' Union, the Southern Rhodesian Trades Union Co-ordinating Committee in the United Kingdom, the Trades Union Congress of Rhodesia, the Typographical Union of Rhodesia, the United Textile Workers' Union of Rhodesia, the University College of Rhodesia Students' Union, the Zimbabwe African Congress of Unions and the Zimbabwe Students Union.

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