Halford's papers, c.1767-1843, include notebooks containing medical extracts and observations, which include prescriptions, in the format of commonplace books, including prescription by Halford's father, James Vaughan, 1767, 1767-1801; Clinical reports, 1783-86, and lecture notes made whilst a student in Edinburgh, 1785-89; Case notes with prescriptions, from practicing in Leicester, 1787-91; Fee books, 1791-1808, annual cash-books with fees and receipts, 1796-1839 (incomplete, missing 1814, 1831), and cheque-book stubs, 1805-09; Prescription books, including one kept whilst practicing in Scarborough, 1792, 1802-03; Halford's copies of Jacobii Hollerii Stempani in Aphorismos Hippocratis commentarii septem... (printed, 1675) with annotations in his hand, and the Middlesex Hospital Pharmacopoeia, c.1790s; Monthly note-books containing daily appointments and total fees per month, 1802-43; Papers and speeches given at the College, including lectures on medical subjects, the Harveian Oration, 1800, and oration made at the opening of the new building, 1825, 1800-35. There is also a copy of Moore's Almanack for 1812, a postcard of hotel in Copenhagen, 18th century, and journal belonging to Jean Gaspard Lavater, 1787, found with Halford's papers.
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