Affichage de 1 résultats

Description archivistique
Perkins, George (1892-1979)
GB 0114 MS0264 · 1908-1980

Papers of George Perkins, 1908-1980, comprising 2 volumes containing correspondence, testimonials, and certificates relating to his education and professional life, 1908-1957; a folder containing photographs, a typescript, and correspondence relating to the Inaugural George Perkins Lecture, delivered by Professor Maurice Muller, (Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Bern), at St Thomas' Hospital on 1 Oct 1971; a reprint of The Hugh Owen Thomas Memorial Lecture 1946, delivered in the Liverpool Medical Institution by George Perkins on 11 Jul 1946; an envelope containing 11 reviews for the book Orthopaedics, written by Perkins, 1961, and a review for the book Fractures and Dislocation, written by Perkins, 1953; a volume containing a photograph of Perkins, signed by his former colleagues and friends; 3 photographs of Perkins, 1927-1973; obituaries and letters of condolence addressed to George Perkins daughter, Elizabeth, 1980.

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