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Description archivistique
GB 0366 GDS · Collection · 1872-2005

Papers of the Girls' Day School Trust (GDST) and it predecessors, 1872-2005, including corporate records, 1872-2002; shareholders records, 1872-[1950]; financial records; papers relating to the central governance of the schools, 1920-2000; papers relating to the general central administration and organisation of the schools; papers relating to curriculum and teaching; papers relating to inspections and examinations; papers relating to scholarships and prizes; papers relating to school property; papers relating to staff; papers relating to students and pupils; papers relating to current schools, 1873-2006; papers relating to former schools, 1873-1997; papers relating to teacher training; published histories of the trust and of individual schools; publicity material; papers relating to events; photographs; papers relating to the Friends of the GDST; papers relating to alumni; artefacts and historical information.

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