GB 0366 WVR
Papers of Sir Toby Weaver, including articles and papers, 1943-1996; a sample of the day-to-day work of a civil servant (DES) in 1968; miscellaneous copies of articles and papers by and about Weaver, Hansard reports, and DES establishment lists, 1973; analysis and review of the DES programme on Higher Education, 1971-1972; books and articles about and by Weaver; papers on the development of higher education policy, 1963-1973, relating to the Robbins Report, binary education system and the creation of polytechnics, including a calendar of main events and copies of key papers; biographical material, 1961-2001; cassette tapes containing talks by Toby Weaver, 1960s-1990s; 3 reel-to-reel tapes containing same.
Weaver , Sir , Tobias Rushton , 1911-2001 , Knight , civil servant and educationist