Affichage de 1 résultats

Description archivistique
ANDREWS, Michael Corbet (d 1934)
GB 0402 MCA · 1909 -1934

Papers of Michael Corbet Andrews, 1909-1934, comprising notes, photographs, tracings and drawings made by M C Andrews from 1909-1934. They refer to early cartographers, calendars, calendar staves, medieval and Sixteenth Century maps of the world with particular attention to the placenames of Scotland and Ireland. This collection notably includes calendars and almanacs; calendars including notes on lunar notations; correspondence notably concerning maps and calendars; descriptive notes on the work of cartographers; tracings and photographs of medieval maps; maps inlcuding Higden maps; photographs and photostats including maps of British Islands and Scotland. The collection also includes portolan charts and some County and medieval maps.

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