Copies of the travel journals of Sir David Wedderburn, 1866-1892, including Vol 1: 1866, United States, Canada, Atlantic passages; Vol 1A: 1868, Ireland; 1873, France, Germany, Luxembourg; Vol 2: 1869, Hungary, Turkey, Syria, Palestine, Egypt; Vol 3: 1870-1871, France, Spain, Gibraltar; 1873, Algeria; Vol 3A: 1871-1872, France, Switzerland, Italy; Vol 3B: 1872-1873 Austria, Channel Islands; Vol 4: 1874, Ceylon. Australia; Vol 5: 1874, Australia, and New Zealand; Vol 6: (Missing); Vol 7: 1876-1877 India; Vol 8: 1877-1878, Ceylon, Java, China, Japan; Vol 9: 1877, Japan and USA, June 1878 Iceland; Vol 10: 1878 Denmark, Russia, Greece, Italy: Vol 11: 1880, Brittany, Ireland, Russia, Pyrenees; Vol 12: 1881-1882 South Africa and a 'Life Sketch' of Sir David Wedderburn 1835-1882, by D A Percival.
Wedderburn , Sir , David , 1835-1882 , 3rd Baronet , MP
GB 0402 SDW