GB 0402 WME
Papers of W O McEwan, 1884-1885, including four field notebooks, Apr 1884 - May 1885, of a journy from Durban to Mozambique via the Zambezi river, Livingstonia and Karonga on Lake Nyasa and of a journey from Lake Nyasa to Lake Tanganyika; astronomical observations, on river Kwaka and at the African Lakes Corporation station at Maruru, British East Africa, May 1884; notes taken on route from Lake Nyasa to Lake Tanganyika, including particulars of the countries passed through, notes on an alternative route from Chirimadamusi to [Diumkorolo]; three sketch maps of British East Africa and aprinted map of 'Route survey Nyassa to Tanganyika by James Stewart, 1879' with red ink line of 'proposed variation' added.
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