Records of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Audit Committee and predecessors, 1961-1999, comprising general correspondence, minutes and papers, 1961-1999; records relating to the Standard Maternity Information System and the National Perinatal Pathology Survey, 1980-1986, the Perinatal Definitions Working Party, 1968-1980, the Information and Computing Sub-committee, 1981-1987, and the Maternity Data-sets Sub-group, 1996-1998; records of the Audit Unit, Manchester, 1992-2007; records relating to particular projects overseen by the committee in the 1980s and 1990s including on the use of caesarean section for pre-term breech deliveries, late abortion and minimally invasive surgical techniques for the treatment of metrorrhagia; working group reports on standards in gynaecology, obstetrics and maternity care, 1995.
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GB 1538 RCOG/B7