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BARNES, Robert (1817-1907)
GB 1538 S61 · [1838]-1891

Papers of Robert Barnes, c 1838-1891, including a series of 46 notebooks, c 1838-1891, two of which contain more extended sections of case material.Typically these volumes include notes and cuttings on books and articles by other authors. Also included are a few items of correspondence, illustrations and case material. Two of these notebooks are of a combined noted and cases format i.e diary entries on visits to own or colleagues' patients rather than as supporting second-hand information or for reference. Case books, c 1846-1863, comprising General Practice (Including male patients) and Obstetric (Obstetrical and Gynaecological patients). Reports as Medical Officer of Health, Shoreditch, 1857-1859 and birth, mortality and temperature Charts of sufferers of scarlatina, 1875-1884.

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