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Description archivistique
Art and Architecture
GB 0064 ART · Collection · [1694-1826]

Volumes relating to Art and Architecture. Of the six volumes in this class four relate to Greenwich Hospital; one contains the Royal Warrant of 1696 granting site for the building, followed by plans and elevations. The other three contain copies of prints, plans and drawings of the building, grounds and locality compiled by Robert Mylne (1734-1811) while Clerk of the Works in 1793; they include a series of plans showing the state of construction in 1728, and others variously dated, 1734 to 1791. There is also an architect's notebook, 1694 to 1700, possibly belonging to Nicholas Hawksmoor (1661-1736); and the sketchbook of Coote Carroll Nelson in HMS JAVA, 1826, in South-East Asia, which includes cartoons of life on board as well as coastlines and sketches of local craft and people.

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