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Blake, Sir Geoffrey (1882-1968)
GB 0064 BLE · Coleção · [1914-1945]

Papers of Sir Geoffrey Blake covering Blake's career from 1914 but not in great depth. There are official service documents; photographs of his service in the First World War and official papers relating to his period in America; papers covering affairs in Samoa, 1930, and other items relating to the New Zealand appointment. In addition, there are semi-official and personal letters, 1937 to 1940, from Admirals Sir Dudley Pound (1877-1943), A.B. Cunningham (q.v.), Sir Charles Little (1882-1973), and Admiral Stark (1880-1972), United States Navy, 1945, as well as post-war correspondence with Admiral Stark, Lord Louis Mountbatten (1900- ), General Lord Ismay (1887-1965) and Professor Marder (1910- ). There are also some notes on the attack on Oran, 1940, and on Operation Torch, 1942.

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