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Description archivistique
Bentham, George (1800-1884)
GB 0068 GEB · 1799- 1897

Papers of George Bentham, 1799- 1897, comprising four series. The first is a collection of correspondence addressed to George Bentham, primarily from other botanists and botanical in subject, in addition to letters from Bentham addressed to Sir Joseph Hooker and several others (GEB/1). The second series consist of diaries written by Bentham, the earliest beginning in 1807 and the latest finishing in 1883, near the end of his life (GEB/2). The third series contains various papers, manuscripts and documents relating to the life and death of Bentham, as well his autobiography covering the years of his life from 1800 to 1834 (GEB/3). The fourth and final series contains botanical works, papers and manuscripts written by Bentham, including his nine volume work on Leguminosae and the Bentham Herbarium plant list (GEB/4).

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