Papers of Colonel David John Milton, [1890]-1987, comprising papers relating to Cyprus including documents in Greek, with references to National Organisation of Cypriot Fighters (EOKA); papers relating to operations in Cyprus, 1956, chiefly instructions and operation summaries concerning Operation LUCKY ALPHONSE (against EOKA), Jun 1956; wall poster, 'Wanted men in Cyprus' of EOKA terrorists, issued by COSHEG; copies of The Lion: British Services Cyprus Weekly, Sep 1974-Nov 1976, May 1977 and Apr-Nov 1978; Army Public Relations publication, 'Two months in summer: the army in Cyprus, Jul and Aug 74'; press cuttings relating to Cyprus 1974 and 1976 and three photographs of a signals operator, captured ammunition and a monastery.
Papers relating to signals including programme and notes relating to British Signals officers winter warfare training course, Norwegian Army School of Signals, Lillehammer, Norway, Feb-Mar 1955; memorandum by Milton, Oct 1973, relating to signals intelligence and electronic warfare; flow diagrams of present and proposed future organisation of signals units in UK, British Army of the Rhine (BAOR) and overseas; The Journal of the Royal Signals Institution, Spring 1987, including letter from Milton relating to the history of the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY); The Journal of the Royal Signals Institution, 1987, including article by Milton, 'I cope - the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry' and messages received by HMS ENDURANCE, Apr 1982, while on route to the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic, following Argentinian invasion.
Other papers including colour lithograph, 'The 1st Middlesex (Victoria Rifles) Volunteers' [1890]; brief notes on the history and composition of 6 Bde, 1810-1946, with list of Bde commanders, 1914-1949, [1949]; programmes for official dinners and other formal occasions, 1964, 1970; Sultan of Muscat's Armed Forces recruitment leaflet, aimed at British Army officers, [1970]; list of officers, lecturers, warrant officers and officer cadets, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, Apr-Jul 1971 and press cuttings, 1970-1992, relating to national security issues and the British Army.
Photographs including twenty snapshot photographs and negatives of Egypt, [1953-1957]; two press cuttings relating to Egypt, undated; three copy photographs, World War One, of: a team of horses pulling a howitzer, Royal Engineers constructing a pontoon bridge, and of a bomb shelter; two captioned group photographs of [224] signal squadron and photograph of three officers.
Publications including Atkins at war as told in his own letters , James A Kilpatrick (Herbert Jenkins Ltd, London, 1914);In Chanak with the British Army: some impressions, 'by Z' (S Dirmikis & Sons, Constantinople, Turkey, nd); The Second World War, 1939-1945. Army: signal communications Col T B Gravely (HMSO for War Office, 1950); Arms and the men, Ian Hay (HMSO, 1950); Now thrive the armourers: a soldier's story of action with the Gloucesters in Korea, Robert O Holles (George G Harrap & Co Ltd, London, 1952); The Royal Corps of Signals: a history of its antecedents and development, Maj Gen R F H Nalder (Royal Signals Institution, London, 1958); 'History of 1(BR) Corps, 1901-1967' published by 1(BR) Corps Headquarters, Nov 1967; The Cormorant, magazine of National Defence College, Chesham, Jul 1972 [1973] and Ministry of Defence commemorative booklet, 'The British Army in the Falklands, 1982', with pull-out detailed map.
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