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GB 0099 KCLMA MISC: 53 and 54 · 1916-1943

Home Guard training notes, booklets and maps, 1916-1943; comprising 2 folders of Home Guard papers consisting of typescript and manuscript exercise orders, training camp instructions, night training guidance, guidance notes on the use of weapons and training proficiency badge examination mark sheets, all relating to 61 Surrey (Norwood) Bn, 1941-1943; printed War Office Home Guard regulations, training and information booklets with a guide to German infantry, 1941-1943; maps of the Western Front, Belgium and France, 1916-1918, British and German, some showing trenches, focussing on the Hazebrouck and Senlis regions, and of the Western Front and of Europe in general published by the Daily Telegraph, Ordnance Survey and others; photographic panorama showing a stretch of front with identifying background features such as roads, settlements and woodland in the Neuve Chapelle area, [1916].

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