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Heatley, Norman George (b 1911)
GB 0120 GC/48 · 1939-1942

This small but important collection is concerned with the research and development of penicillin. Heatley's laboratory notebooks (A.1-3), October 1939-June 1941, and sketches and diagrams of apparatus, 1941 (C. 1-5) form the core of the collection. The famous experiment of 25 May 1941 on the 'Curative Effect of Penicillin' on mice is recorded in notebook A.2. There are also diary entries, narratives and explanatory notes, some prepared by Heatley expressly for the collection. The correspondence and reports exchanged between Heatley and Florey (section D.) is a set of photocopies, included to provide a complete account of the collaboration between the two on the penicillin project.

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