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Archival description
GB 0120 MSS. 3352 and 5746 · 1782-1787, c.1805

MS. 3352: Copy dated c1805 of a journal of a voyage from London to Cochin-China, 11 September 1792-15 June 1793. Note on verso of leaf 2 signed 'J.B.' (Sir John Barrow (1764-1848), Secretary to the Admiralty, and founder of the Royal Geographical Society) states 'This journal was written by Lord Macartney on board the Lion merely for his own amusement and to pass away a few heavy hours on a very long sea voyage'. MS. 5746: Correspondence and papers relating to medical services in Madras, 1782-1787, comprising 2 letters to Macartney from John Ruding, surgeon, Chingleput, 1782, 1783; letter to Macartney from James Hodges, Masulipatam, 1783; letter to Macartney from George Bell (d.1789), surgeon, Tanjore, 1783; Committee Minute on a proposal by Macartney for a fixed establishment of surgeons, 1784; letter to Macartney from Terence Gahagan, surgeon, enclosing a copy of his plan for the reform of the medical department, Vellore, 1787 (the plan is addressed to Macartney's successor as Governor of Fort St George, Madras, Sir Archibald Campbell).

Macartney , George , 1737-1806 , 1st Earl Macartney , diplomat