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Descripción archivística
G., G. (and others)
GB 0120 MSS.2454-2456 · c 1765

'Recueil de divers secrets rares et éprouvés concernant la Chymie, l'Alchymie, la Médecine, la Philosophie Hermétique, le tout tiré des plus célèbres Médecins et Artistes de l'Europe. Traduit du latin et de l'italien par G.G., Interprète juré des langues orientales', with other extracts and receipts from alchemical and medical authors. The third volume contains 37 full-page symbolic alchemical water-colour drawings with 68 figures (pp. 304-369): there are two symbolic diagrams in red and black on p. 190 and illustrations of alchemical apparatus on pp. 419, 430, 547. These three MSS. have been tentatively dated c 1765, as on the fly-leaf of Vol. II is an inscription: '1762. 16 aout. Tome 2ème'. Below this is the date 1785, but by the script, they seem to have been written consecutively within a few years.

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