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Archival description
GB 0120 MSS.3912, 3913 · Collection · 1752-1753

Praxeos medicinae libri II-IV. Authore D. D. Paschale Pisciottano, ad usum Joachimi de Angelis. Lecture-notes of a student at Naples University, of which Vol. I is wanting. The lectures are all by Pisciottanus except the second in Book IV 'De morbis venereis', which is by Francesco Dolce: and the last of the same Book 'De herniis', given by Agnello Firelli. Contents: Praxeos liber II. De morbis pectoris (1 l. + 37 ff. + 3 ll. (last 2 bl.)). III. De morbis abdominis (1 l. + 144 ff. + 4 bl. ll.). IV. De febribus. De morbis venereis. De morbis mulierum. De morbis infantum. De herniis (3 ll. + 269 ff. + 1 bl. l.). Produced in Naples.

Pisciottanius , Paschal