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Description archivistique
Recensus scriptorum celebriorum
GB 0120 MSS.4130, 4131 · Collection · 1745

Recensus scriptorum celebriorum, seu Delectus autorum libris et lucubrationibus suis magis illustrium, ex Romano-Catholicorum, Heterodoxorum, ac Gentilium virorum ordine, compendiosa relatione perspicuus, ad cognoscenda et dignoscenda authorum nomina, libros, scripta, statum atque aetatem, anagnostae publico ac privato accomodus ex variis recentioribus conscriptus. At the end of the second volume are lists of Roman Emperors, Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, Kings of France, Spain, Hungary, Bohemia, and England. The latest date is that of the coronation of Francis I, husband of Maria Theresa, as Emperor 4th October 1745: Philip V of Spain, who died in 1746, is entered as still reigning. Items on the Papal Index [1681-1734] are marked in red. Each volume is stamped on the sides with an unidentified coat of arms, and lettered P.A.M.N.

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