Personal and professional correspondence, photographs and papers of George Rolleston and his son Sir Humphry Rolleston, 1805-1947. There are also miscellaneous Rolleston family papers, as well as 2 papers given by John Davy Rolleston. George Rolleston's main areas of research were in comparative anatomy, zoology, archaeology, anthropology - his correspondence was often with contempories who were prominent in the same or related fields (botanists, biologists, natural historians). Humphry Rolleston was a keen photographer, and his albums contain a total of 323 photographs. These include portraits of relatives and friends, as well as contemporaries who were subsequently prominent in medicine and surgery. There are also general photographs taken during his career in medicine which are of interest for medical historians. His correspondence and papers cover both professional and personal matters.
Rolleston , George , 1829-1881 , Professor of Anatomy and Physiology Rolleston , John Davy , 1873-1946 , physician Rolleston , Sir , Humphrey Davy , 1862-1944 , Knight , physician
GB 0120 MSS.4245-4247, 6119-6127, 7494 and 8184