GB 0120 MSS.755, 756
Commentarius R.P. Joannis Specij Societatis Jesu in octo libros Physicorum Aristotelis. Ejusdem in Aristotelis de Coelo quatuor libros et in duos de Generatione et Corruptione libros. Exceptus a Fratre Jacobo Petro Plonacho Benedictino Ottenpurano. On the verso of fol. 111 of the second volume is a pen-drawn figure of the Aristotelian geocentric Universe. In the second volume, on both title-pages the date is written wrongly 'MDCXVI' for 'MDXCVI'. On the first t.p. of this volume alone is the surname 'Plonach' of the writer given. In Vol. I and elsewhere he appears as 'Frater Jacobus Peter' only. Produced in Dillingen.
Spech , Johann