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Stanhope, Philip, 1st Earl of Chesterfield (1584-1656)
GB 0120 MSS.761-762 · c 1635

'A Booke of seuerall receipts / for severall infirmities both in Man and / Woman, and most of them eyther tryed by / my selfe or my wife, or my Mother / or approued by such persons as I / dare giue Credit vnto, that haue / Knowne the experiment of it / themselves'. Compiler's holograph MSS., with additions by other hands. Ff. 7-13 of the Index to Letter E contain 'SMELT (Rev. C.) A few precautionary hints to his parishioners on the subject of Cholera Morbus'. This was probably written in 1831, and the Author, Rector of Gedling in Notts from 1824, died in the same year. Mayerne and Bate are referred to as contemporary physicians. The latter is frequently named, as also are other persons of the same period, such as Bancroft, Bishop of Oxford, i.e. John Bancroft [1574-1648], who was made Bishop of Oxford in 1632.

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