Affichage de 1 résultats

Description archivistique
Buzzard, Thomas (1831-1919)
GB 0120 MSS.7862-7864 · 1855 and undated

The collection comprises copy letters to his parents and associated material, describing Buzzard's journey to the Crimean War and life there. MS.7862 comprises a volume of transcribed letters from Buzzard to his parents. MS.7863, also transcribed letters, duplicates this material but the text differs (initially only slightly, more substantially later) with personal notes removed; some illustrations, and blank spaces apparently left for illustrations, are inserted. The volume apparently comprises a revision of MS.7862 with a mind to wider circulation and publication, probably preparing it to form the basis of sections of Buzzard's With the Turkish Army in the Crimea and Asia Minor: a personal narrative. MS.7864 comprises notes on the letters (and on the 1st Duke of Wellington) by an unknown writer.

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