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Archivistische beschrijving
GB 0120 WMS/Amer.140 · 1859-[1920]

Journals, account-books and note-books by a Tsimshian Native American: with reminiscences of his early life; extracts by Sir Henry Wellcome from the journals 1875-1905; and a 'List of journals, account books and other memorandum books of Arthur Wellington Clah', with brief notes by Wellcome on the development of writing and culture.

The journal series was intended to be a history of his people: it includes daily weather-notes, regular pious interjections, and much sporadic material on his life and work, on epidemics, residual potlatch ceremonies, Native American relations with whites, and on land-claims. Produced at Port Simpson, Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia, Canada; at New Metlakahtla, Alaska, U.S.A.; and at other locations.

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