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Description archivistique
GB 0122 V · 1851-1910

Papers of Cardinal Vaughan, 1851-1910, including correspondence on topics including the visitation of parochial churches of Regulars (Benedictines and Jesuits), 1875-1885; the Donelan case (Cambridge University hostel), 1894-1901 and Anglican Orders, 1894-1901. Correspondents include, among others, Cardinal James Gibbons, Baltimore; John Crichton-Stuart, 3rd Marquess of Bute; Henry Fitzalan-Howard, 15th Duke of Norfolk; George Forrest Browne, Anglican Bishop of Stepney; Bishop William Clifford; Bishop William Ullathorne; the Earl of Halifax; Bishop Robert Brindle; Lord Acton and Rafael Merry del Val. Also, notes on the foundation of St Joseph's, Mill Hill, 1851-1866; press cuttings; Vaughan's diaries, 1853-1881, covering visits to Rome, American tours and early Salford days; ordo recitandi and directories, 1873-1880 and 1882-1902.

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