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Descrição arquivística
GB 0372 REPUBLIC · Arquivo · 1886-2007

Papers of Republic, including: correspondence between Republic members and others regarding various issues, including the Monarchy, current affairs, internal administration, publicity, strategy and personal issues, 1982 - 1992; printed agendas and minutes of the Executive Committee of Republic, 1992-2003; other minutes of Republic, including agendas, minutes and reports of Republic’s AGM, the Steering Committee, AGM and EGM documents and other miscellaneous records, 1982-1999; administrative records of Republic, including financial records (accounts, receipts, financial correspondence, membership forms, bank statements), membership records, material concerning Republic’s constitution, the Republic questionnaire on the constitution conducted amongst MPs and Peers, and Republic Working Party on a Draft Constitution and Reform of the Upper House, 1886-1992; publicity material produced by Republic for campaigns and membership purposes, 1980 - 2003; publications of Republic, including newsletters and journals, emailed newsletters and printed notices, books, pamphlets and journals, 1982-2007; miscellaneous items, including photographs of Republic meetings, audio tape recordings of meetings and public appearances, and press cuttings concerning Republic and republicanism, 1984-2006.

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