The collection contains letters and some papers of Hannah More, 'Rhapsody on Friendship' by More, 1774; letter to Cadell (publisher), 1793; letter to Messers Cadell and Davies, 1799; Rev Jarrett, 1801; Mrs Bright, 1801; John S Harford, 1807; to Mr Bird (representative of Cadell and Davies), 1807; to unnamed man, 1807; Miss Topping, 1807; Mrs Hoare, 1808; John S Harford Jr, 1811; Miss Scott, 1812 (fragment); Mr Z MacAuley, 1818; to Rev Thomas Biddulph, 1818; poem addressed to Master John MacGregor, 1825; to Dr Carrick, 1825; Mrs Balgin, 1827; series of letters between 1827 and 1833 to: unnamed man, Miss Roberts, John Harford Jr, Dr Lovell, and two unnamed men; letter from Rev Henry Thompson to Mr Hall regarding a visit to More's home at Barley Wood.
Sans titre
GB 106 9/16