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GB 106 9/29 · Fondo · 1912-1970

The collection contains letters, a charge for orders, and notes from, to and concerning Billinghurst from a range of writers including Alice Ker, Dora Gregory, Harriet Ker, Jessie Kenney, Beatrice Sanders, Christabel Pankhurst, Major Coates, the Home Office, Elinor Penn Gaskell, Mabel Tuke, Jane Terrero, Winifred Mayo, Henry D Harben as well as members of her family. The second section of the volume consists of letters from Dr Alice Ker, from Holloway Prison, to her daughter Margaret Ker.

9/29 - Billinghurst Letters and Dr Alice Ker Letters; Billinghurst Letters 1912 and 1913; Letters of Dr Alice Ker to her daughters, 1912 - Begin AL/5459.

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