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GB 1556 WL 1409 · Colección · 1947

Translation of the trial proceedings of Amon Goeth, made from the original Polish edition of the trial proceedings: Proces Ludobojcy Amona Leopolda Goetha published by Centralna Zydowska Komisja Historyczna (The Central Jewish Historical Committee), 1947. The verbatim proceedings of Amon Goeth's trial are preceded by a speech by the First Prosecution Counsel, Mieczyslaw Siewierski followed by an addresss by the Defence Counsel, Dr. Pokorny. A reading of the indictment follows. This includes a general overview of Nazi activities in Poland; a specific account of Goeth's role during this period; and descriptions of Plaszow Camp, the liquidation of Krakow and Tarnow ghettoes and Szebnia camp.

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