The trial of the de-naturalisation of Feodor Fedorenko (aka Feoder Dimitrievich Fedorendo aka Feoder Fedorenko aka Vladimir Serduik), former Ukranian prison guard at Treblinka, initially took place at Waterbury, Connecticut, USA. It was adjourned, to be reconvened in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The case was brought on the accusation that Fedorenko had illegally obtained naturalisation as a US citizen because he had lied at the time of entry into the US, by withholding the fact he was a guard at the death camp, Treblinka. However, the judge in this case, refused to believe the testimony of the witnesses for the prosecution, claiming that they had conspired and that their testimony was coached. The case was later successfully appealed, and Fedorenko became the first Nazi war criminal to be deported to the Soviet Union. In a court in Southern Ukraine, June 1986, he was found guilty in of treason; voluntarily going over to the side of the Fascist aggressors; taking part in punitive actions against the peaceful population; and mass executions of citizens of many countries. He was sentenced to death in Kiev in 1986.
Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 539a