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Description archivistique
GB 1556 WL 805 · Collection · 1924-1938

Correspondence between Dr Maurice Laserson and Professor Ernst Cohn-Wiener, art historian, 25 Feb 1924-26 Dec 1938 on topics including Cohn-Wiener's travel experiences and the art treasures and traditions of various countries; Cohn-Wiener's experience in India including comments on the situation of the indigenous Jewish population there; Laserson's activities relating to his involvement with ORT (Organisation for Rehabilitation through Training) and efforts by Laserson, in Australia, to find suitable employment and an entry permit for Cohn-Wiener. Also Curriculum Vitae of Cohn-Wiener, written whilst in India, [1938] and a list of Cohn-Wiener's publications produced by Laserson.

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