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Descrição arquivística
Worshipful Company of Drapers
GB 2154 · 1364-present

Archives of the Worshipful Company of Drapers comprising:

Company charters including Letters Patent, 38 Edward III, 15 July 1364; Letters Patent, 17 Henry VI, 30 November 1438; Inspeximus Charter, 6 Edward IV, 26 July 1466; Letters Patent, 1 Richard III, 21 May 1484; Charter, 4 James I, 19 January 1606/7; Supplemental Charter, 56 Victoria, 1892-3; Charter, 1 Edward VIII, 1936; Supplemental Charter, 2 Elizabeth II, 1953-4; Letters Patent, 13 Elizabeth II, 14 May 1964;

records of governance including Ordinances and oath books, c 1460, 1662; Court of Assistants' Reperatory books, 1513-1603; Court of Assistants' rough minutes, 1525-6, 1531-6, 1553-5, 1711-1727; Court of Assistants' extracts from records and minutes books, 1507-1640; Court of Assistants' records 1603-1742; Court of Assistants' minutes 1734-present; Court of Assistants' agendas, 1836-present;

Court of Wardens' minutes, 1659- present;

Finance and General purposes Committee minutes, 1841- present; Estates Committee minutes, 1880-1996; Education Committee minutes, 1862-1994; Tottenham High School for Girls' minutes, 1887-1890; People's Palace Sub-Committee minutes, 1893-1895; Sir William Boreman Foundation minutes, 1905-present; Howells' School, Denbigh, Governors minutes, 1927-1999, and Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes 1927-1975; Bancroft's School minutes, 1838-2000; Charities Committee minutes, 1994-present; Investments Committee minutes, 1996-present.

minutes of ad hoc committees including Rebuilding Drapers' Hall, 1667-1672, View and Value of Lands, 1668-1672; Concerning Royley's Trust, 1679, Preparations for Lord Mayor's Show, 1675-1744, Special committee appointed to consider amendment of standing orders and other matters, 1945-1951, Special Committee appointed to review the Company's trusts, 1946-1965, Hall improvement Committee, 1959-1963, Drapers' Company Sexcentenary Committee, 1961-1964;

memoranda books, 1711-1902 (incomplete);

copies of Company letters out, 1823-1994;

Financial records including Wardens' accounts, 1431-1718 (incomplete); Renters Warden's accounts, 1605-1710; ledgers, 1710-1952; financial journals 1718-1963; cashbooks and rough cash books, 1665-1957; day books, 1894-1917; proof of cash books, 1834-1894; balance of cash books, 1908-1824; petty cash books, 1773-1938; receipt books, 1625-1919; analysis of expenditure books, 1871-1921; bill books, 1704-1784; tables of expenditure, 1907-1954;

records relating to apprenticeship and membership to the company including Freedom and Bindings books, 1603-present; Freedom lists, 1567- present; printed lists of Freemen, 1842-1859; Declarations of Freemen, 1814-1988; Quarterage books, 1605- present; Livery records including lists of Livery men and lists of Court members, 1604- present; Fee books relating to Bindings, Freedom and Quarterage fees, 1740-1965; Declarations of the Masters and Wardens including Disbelief in Transubstantiation, 1689-1876, and the Company Oath, 1871-1970; Wardens of the Yeomanry Books, 1560, 1615-1691; Dinner books, 1563-1860; guest books, 1821-1932; Waiters' account books, 1823-1892; Wine record books, 1806-1925;

records relating to rents from properties let by the company including Renters' account books, 1481-1719 (incomplete); Rentals books, 1581-1970 (incomplete); Rentals miscellaneous books, 1898-1940 (incomplete); Cartularies, 1490-1694. (incomplete); Rent Collection books 1808-1959 (incomplete); Land Agents' record books, 1858, 1874-1894; Surveyors' record books, 1822-1954 (incomplete); insurance books, 1833-1963;

records relating to charitable functions of the Company including Company Poor Roll books, 1779-1899; Pension books, 1760-1897; Register of Almspeople, 1844-1933; Bequest and legacy administration books, 1604-1685; Abstract of deed and wills, 1568-1674;

collection of Corporate documents including deeds and documents relating to property transactions, arranged alphabetically by parish, 12th- 19th centuries;

plans of farms and buildings, ground plans, and elevations relating to Company's properties, some no longer in their possession, throughout England, but mainly located in the South East.

photographs, depicting the furniture, fittings and works of art of the Company, interior and exterior views of the Drapers' Hall and buildings with connections to the Company, events and ceremonies, Masters, members and staff, 1870s-present;

microfilm copies of The Drapers' Company County Londonderry Estate Archive (D/3632) now held by the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI).

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