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GB CR/1903/1 JSCSC · 1903

1 Lecture in Combined Training, Lt Col Haking. 2 Changes in War Establishments, Lt Col Capper. 3 General Remarks on the Course, Lt Col May. 4 Contouring Skeleton Map, Lt Col Heard . 5 Criticise McClellan's scheme, after Bull Run, Lt Col May. 6 Hints on an Appreciation of a Situation, Lt Col May. 7 Apprectn by Napoleon, Example of No 6, Lt Col May. 8 Apprectn by Napoleon. Example of No 6, Lt Col May. 9 Letter by Wellington. Example of No 6, Lt Col May. 10 As S.O. to Jackson write Despatch, &c, Lt Col May. 11 Suggest Plan of Campaign in Shenandoah, Lt Col May. 12 Operation Orders for Battle of Adowa, Lt Col Capper. 13 Exercise on War Establishments, Lt Col Capper. 14 Horseback Sketch, Lt Col Heard. 15 Appreciate on 17th Apr as S.O. to Jackson, Lt Col May. 16 Plan of camp Malakand Field Force, Lt Col Capper. 17 Camp with Sketch Map, Lt Col Capper. 18 Post for protection of convoys, Lt Col Haking. Map. 19 Correction. General shape of ground, Lt Col Heard. 20 Make an Aide Memoir for camping, etc, Lt Col Capper.

21 Sketch (1/2 Normal Contours.), Lt Col Heard. 22 Example of Appreciation by Jackson, Lt Col May. 23 As Jackson 26th May 62 write a letter, Lt Col May. 24 Scheme - Billeting, Lt Col Capper. 25 Lecture in Combined Training with Examples, Lt Col Haking. 26 Lecture in Combined Training with Examples, Lt Col Haking. 27 Horseback Sketch, Lt Col Heard. 28 Billeting scheme for small force, Lt Col Capper. 29 Sketch, Lt Col Heard. 30 On ranging, Lt Col Johnston. 31 Detailed billeting scheme, Lt Col Capper. 32 Instns about training with other Arms, Commandant. 33 Horseback sketch, Lt Col Heard. March of a Divn. 34 Outpost scheme, Lt Col Haking. 35 Paper and map of theatre of war in Belgium 1815, Lt Col May. 36 Detailed camping scheme, Lt Col Capper. 37 Sketch, Pewley Hill, St Marthas, Lt Col Heard. 38 Reconnaissance for advance, Lt Col Capper. 39 Orders for No 34 scheme, Lt Col Haking. 40 Military situation in Belgium June 1815, Lt Col May. 41 Arrangements for visit to I. of Wight, Lt Col Johnston. 42 Summary of Artillery lectures and Syllabus, Lt Col Johnston. 43 Report and scheme based on visit to I. of Wight, Lt Col Johnston. 44 Influence of Rys & telegraphs on 1815 campaign, Lt Col May. 45 Syllabus of Field Fortification, Lt Col Johnston. 46 Horseback sketch. March of flank guard, Lt Col Heard.

47 Reasons for Blucher standing at Ligny, Lt Col May. 48 Horseback sketch. March of a Divn, Lt Col Heard. 49 Covering dispositions & demolitions, Lt Col Johnston. 50 Advanced guards, Lt Col Haking. 51 Recon: and orders for attack, Lt Col May. 52 Arrangements for visit to Chatham, Lt Col Johnston. 53 Memo on Chatham lecture about maps, Lt Col Heard. 54 Orders for A.G. operations, Lt Col Capper. 55 Apprectn by Napoleon's C.S.O. before Ligny, Lt Col May. 56 Lessons from campaigns studied at Staff College, Lt Col May. 57 Recon: and report from memory on area of country, Lt Col Heard. 58 Plane table sketch, 2" to 1 mile, Lt Col Heard. 59 Draw map of theatre of war in Roumania 1877, Lt Col May. 60 Advanced guards, changing situation, Lt Col Haking. 61 Horseback sketch, Lt Col Heard. 62 Memory sketch on horseback, Lt Col Heard. 63 Defence of River or Frontier, Lt Col May. 64 Plane table sketch, Lt Col Heard. 65 Horseback sketch, Lt Col Heard. 66 Criticise Thuillier's Land Defence with reference to Combined Training, Lt Col Johnston. 67 Re-write orders of No 63 scheme, Lt Col May. 68 Problem on Transport, Lt Col Capper. 69 Attack of Positions. No 1, Lt Col Haking. 70 Topography examination schemes. 71 As C.S.O. to Russian C-in-C 1877 write memo, Lt Col May. 72 Paper on Jackson's Valley Campaign 1862, Lt Col Haking. 73 Paper on 1877-8 Campaign, Lt Col May. 74 Instructions for laying out a road, Lt Col Heard. 75 Synopsis of course in Mil. History, Lt Col May. 76 Synopsis of course in Coast Defence, Lt Col Johnston. 77 Advanced force covering railway junction, Lt Col May. 78 Appreciation after crossing Danube in 1877, Lt Col May. 79 Syllabus of work done in Staff Duties, Lt Col Capper. 80 Syllabus of work for examination in Tactics, Lt Col Haking. 81 Summary of course in Permanent Land Fortn, Lt Col Johnston. 82 Example of appreciation. Solution of No 78, Lt Col May. 83 Write Orders for 12th July 1877. Advance from Tirnova, Lt Col May. 84 Summary of Lectures on Art. In Defence, Lt Col Johnston. 85 Extract from Skobeleff's Orders, Lt Col May. 86 Short account of battle of Lovtcha, Lt Col May. 87 Military Law, Lt Col Capper. 88 To illustrate lectures on Waterloo, Ligny. Quatre Bras, Maps, Lt Col Haking.

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