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GB CR/1919/4 JSCSC · 1919

301 Indoor exercise No 15: administrative problems, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 302 Subject anti-tank defence, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 303 Precis of lecture: 2nd Afghan War 1st phase, A & B Div, Br Gen Charles. 304 Precis of lecture: transportation with special reference to railways and railheads, A & B Div, Lt Col Grubb. 305 Indoor exercise: Corps Cavalry, B Div, Lt Col Osborne. 306 Precis of lecture: staff duties (10), A Div, Lt Col Collins. 307 Precis of lecture: 2nd Afghan War 1st Phase (II), A & B Div, Br Gen Charles. 308 Precis of lecture: retreat 1914, A Div, Lt Col Perkins. 309 Agenda Conference 11/11/19, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 310 Precis of lecture: 2nd Afghan War 1st Phase (III), A & B Div, Br Gen Charles. 311 Indoor exercise No 15: Administrative Problems (solutions), A Div, Lt Col Venning. 312 Outdoor exercise No 19: Tactical exercise with troops, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 313 Precis of lecture: minor tactics and inf. Formations, A Div, Lt Col Freyberg. 314 Indoor exercise No 16: Staff duties (orders), A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 315 Precis of lecture: Ludendorff, A Div, Lt Col Cornwall. 316 Agenda conference 11/11/19, A Div, Col Anley. 317 Precis of lecture: freedom of the sea, A&B Div, Lt Col Pigott. 318 Notes on conference 30/10/19, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 319 Conference notes: outdoor exercise no 17: preparation of a scheme for a tactical exercise with troops, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 320 Syllabus of lecture: the seamanship of combined operations, A&B Div, Capt Egerton RN. 321 Precis of lecture: combined naval & military operations, A&B Div, Lt Col Festing. 322 Naval & military exercise Parts 1 & 2, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 323 Agenda for conference: anti tank defence, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 324 Conference notes: anti tank defence, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 325 Precis of lecture: history of M G [machine gun] development, A Div, Maj Cameron. 326 Precis of lecture: M G [machine gun] fire direction, A Div, Lt Col Charteris. 327 Precis of lecture: Provost duties in peace and war, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 328 Conference 11/11/19: inf. Formations in the attack, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 329 Precis of lecture: machine guns in the attack, A Div, Col Anley. 330 Precis of lecture: ordnance services, B Div, Lt Col Grubb. 331 Precis of lecture: night operations, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 332 Precis of lecture: east coast defences, A Div, Maj Rowan. 333 Precis of lecture: Japan, A Div, Lt Col Piggott. 334 Precis of lecture: the evolution of the tank and its influence on future tactics, A&B Div, Col J.F.C.Fuller. 335 Agenda Conference 25/11/19: night attacks, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 336 Precis lecture: intelligence, B Div, Lt Col Piggott. 337 Precis of lecture: administrative staff duties in peace, A Div, Br Gen Anderson. 338 Precis of lecture R.A.8: development of artillery tactics, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 339 Agenda conference 25/11/19: night attacks, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 340 Outdoor exercise No 23: arrangements for Div training, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 341 Indoor exercise No 16: preparation for the inspection of a division, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 342 Precis lecture R.A.9: Development of arty. Tactics 1914-1918, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 343 Precis lecture: petroleum supply in war, A Div, Maj Hopwood. 344 War Game 1.12.19, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 344a War game 1.12.19, B Div, Br Gen Charles. 345 Precis of lecture: convening & checking courts martial, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 346 Indoor exercise No 17: checking courts martial, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 347 Precis of opening remarks on discussion of exploitation of success, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 348 Agenda. Conference 6/12/19: morale: on rising [sic] the soldiers moral in war, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 349 Conference notes: “night attack”, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 350 Signal lecture III. A & B Div, Lt Col C-Smith. 351 War Game 4.12.19, A Div, Lt Col Osborne. 352 Precis of lecture & maps: Sinai operations, B Div, Lt Col Farr. 353 Precis of signal lecture IV, A&B Div, Lt Col C-Smith. 354 Artillery lecture No 12: counter battery work and art. Intelligence, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 355 Precis of lecture on mines warfare, A&B Div, Lt Col Williams. 356 Precis of lecture: the Canadian forces, B Div, Lt Col Alexandra. 357 Conference Dec 6th: means of raising a soldiers morale in war, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 358 Precis of lecture: “interior economy”, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 359 Conference 9.12.19 on defence, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 360 Signals exercise, A&B Div, Lt Col C-Smith. 361 2 maps: campaign of Sir J Moore, B Div, Maj Fellows. 362 Maps of Australia: to illustrate lecture on organization of Australian forces, A Div, Lt Col Somerville. 363 Indoor exercise No 17: checking courts martial, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 364 War Game 15.12.19, B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 365 Precis of lecture: interior economy, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 366 Conference on intelligence duties, 13th Dec 1919, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 367 Indoor exercise No 19: staff duties, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 368 Conference 17.12.19: counter attacks, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 369 Diagram “Ramps”: embarkation & disembarkation, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 370 Precis of lecture: the New Zealand forces, B Div, Maj Bremner. 371 Precis of lecture: organization of Canadian forces, A Div, Lt Col Boak. 372 Precis of lecture: staff duties in defence, B Div, Lt Col Neame. 373 R.E Lecture No 5, A&B Div, Lt Col Neame. 374 Artillery in defence, B Div, Lt Col Wynter. 375 Precis of lecture: mobilization, A&B Div, Lt Col Liddell. 376 Conference notes: soldiers morale in modern war, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 377 Precis of lecture: South African defence force, B Div, Capt Prine. 378 Maps illustrating preparations for an offensive, B Div, Maj Priestman. 379 Notes on the conference on defence 9.12.19, B Div, Br Gen Kearley. 380 Precis of lecture: campaign in Mesopotamia, A Div, Lt Col Bond. 381 Precis “Royal Military College of Canada”m A Div, Lt Col Neame. 382 Precis of lecture: territorial forces, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 383 Precis of lecture: campaign in the Balkans, A Div, Maj Lucy. 384 Precis: development of platoon organization & tactics in France, A Div, Lt Col Pearkes. 385 Agenda conference: counter attacks 18.12.18, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 386 Notes on games & sports in the Army, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 387 Precis of lecture: Italian campaign 1915-18 (with maps), A Div, Maj Richardson. 388 Indoor exercise No 20: corps mounted troops, A Div, Lt Col Osborne. 389 Precis of lecture: tactical turning movement in a division, B Div, Maj Blewitt. 390 List of student lectures 1919, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 391 List of outdoor & indoor exercises: winter term, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 392 List of weekly conferences, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 393 List of outdoor lectures, A&B Div, Br Gen Dill. 394 List of exercises: winter term, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 395 List of students lectures 1919, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 396 Conference notes: infantry tactics in the attack, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 397 Conference notes: counter attacks, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 398 Precis of lecture: campaign in the Balkans, A Div, Lt Col Stevens. 399 List of outdoor & indoor exercises, May to July, A Div. 400 List of papers & lecture, May to July, A Div.

Directing Staff, Staff College Camberley
GB CR/1910/1 JSCSC · 1910

1 American civil war No 1, and maps of US. 1861, Virginia and Maryland, and the Valley, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 2 American Civil war No 2, Bull Run, with maps, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 3 American Civil war No 3, Lt Col Stewart. 4 As CGS Conf. forces, appreciate situation in E Virginia end of February, 1862, Lt Col Stewart. 5 Col Henderson's "notes on strategy", Lt Col Stewart. 6 On writing papers connected with military subjects, Lt Col Stewart. 7 Hints on making an appreciation, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 8 Draw up memo dealing with points necessary to bring out in area reconnaissance, Lt Cols Barrow and Hull. 9 American Civil war No 4, Battle of Kernstown, Lt Col Stewart. 10 Exercise in marches, time and space; diagram etc required. 14 syndicates, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 11 Artillery lecture No 1, Lt Col Furse.

12 Artillery lecture No 2, Lt Col Furse. 13 Marches, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 14 Artillery lecture No 3, Lt Col Furse. 15 Orders for march of brigade, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 16 Instructions for carrying out intelligence course, Col Gough. 17 Memory sketch of position, Lt Col Barrow. 18 American Civil war No 5. Results of Battle of Kernstown, Lt Col Stewart. 19 Orders, and index of sections of FSR affecting issues of orders in the field, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 20 Artillery lecture No 4, Lt Col Furse. 21 Horseback reconnaissance, Lt Col Hull. 22 American Civil war No 6, Front Royal and Winchester, Lt Col Stewart. 23 Artillery lecture No 5, Lt Col Furse. 24 Artillery scheme No 1. 15 syndicates, Lt Col Furse. 25 Seven tables etc containing examples of staffs for intelligence force; 'General' or 'Army' HQ etc, Col Gough. 26 Lecture on protection, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 27 American Civil war No 7. Maps of Cross Keys and environs of Richmond, Lt Col Stewart. 28 Intelligence scheme. On occupation of Crete state steps to be taken; strength of intelligence branch &c, Col Gough. 29 Lecture 'The Cardwoll system', Lt Col Whigham. 30 Area reconnaissance, Lt Col Barrow. 31 Cavalry scheme No 1, Lt Col Barrow.

32 American Civil war No 8. Stuart's raid and the 7 Days, Lt Col Stewart. 33 Tactical exercise. Rearguard in retreat. 6 syndicates, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 34 Artillery lecture No 6 Fire tactics, Lt Col Furse. 35 American Civil war No 9 and maps of Sharpsburg, Lt Col Stewart. 36 Artillery lecture No 7. Fire discipline, Lt Col Furse. 37 Artillery scheme No 2. 15 syndicates, Lt Col Furse. 38 River reconnaissance, Lt Col Barrow. 39 Exercise in writing orders (general idea), Lt Col Hon G Morris. 40 Artillery lecture. Heavy artillery and howitzers, Lt Col Furse. 41 American Civil war. Chancellorsville, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 42 Camping scheme. Officers work in pairs, Lt Col Hull. 43 Gettysburg, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 44 American Civil war, scheme 2. Appreciate situation for Lee, July 1st, 1863. Officers work in pairs, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 45 2 lectures. "The battle" and "information", Lt Col Hon G Morris. 46 Allez! Allez! Same as issued for No 1 of senior division - ½ division each day, The Commandant. 47 Report on visit to Woolwich arsenal, Lt Col Furse. 48 Tactical scheme - defence in a wood. 6 parties, Lt Col Stewart. 49 Waterloo campaign: 1st set of notes and all usual maps except field of Waterloo, Lt Col Stewart. 50 Waterloo campaign, 2nd set of notes and map of field of Waterloo, Lt Col Stewart. 51 As CGS to Napoleon, appreciate situation, 8am 17th June 1815, Lt Col Stewart. 52 Billeting scheme, No 1. Officer work in pairs, Lt Col Hull. 53 3 lecture "night operations" with two sets of diagrams, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 54 Military administration scheme, Lt Col Barrow.

55 Tactical exercise, "protection at rest". 2 parts, 7 syndicates, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 56 Artillery lecture No 10. Mountain artillery, Lt Col Furse. 57 Drafts etc, 1st lecture, Lt Col Whigham. 58 Artillery lecture, No 11 - organisation, Lt Col Furse. 59 Drafts etc, 2nd lecture, Lt Col Whigham. 60 Selection and preparation of position. 10 syndicates, Lt Col Furse. 61 Artillery lecture No 12 - ammunition supply, Lt Col Furse. 62 Horseback reconnaissance, Lt Col Hull. 63 The development of tactics, Lt Col Stewart. 64 Artillery lecture No 13, Lt Col Furse. 65 Artillery lecture No 14, Lt Col Furse. 66 Report on training, while attached to other arms, The Commandant. 67 Notes for lectures on "Austerlitz", "order of battle" and composition of Grande Armee, with map of Ulm to Brunn, 1805, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 68 Cavalry scheme I, protection of cavalry on march, Lt Col Barrow. 69 Tactical exercise, defence of position. 8 syndicates with directing staff, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 70 Artillery lecture No 15, coast defence, Lt Col Furse. 71 Organisation of army administration in India on abolition of military supply department, Lt Col Bols. 72 Austerliz diagram and battlefield, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 73 Artillery lecture No 15. Coast defence, Lt Col Furse. 74 Tactical exercise (Vite! Vite!) - retirement after action. 10 syndicates, Lt Col Stewart.

75 Billeting scheme - 6 syndicates, Lt Col Hull. 76 Scheme prepared by "A" parties of senior division for ST 8th-10th June. 8 parties. Appreciations to be handed in June 3rd, Directing staff and senior division. 76A Tactical exercise. Attack and defence, 6 parties, Lt Col Stewart. 77 Re visit division to Isle of Wight defences, Lt Col Furse. 78 Campaign of 1814. Set of notes for lectures and maps - 6 copies, to each of division, of litho' map, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 79 Tables "E" and "F" - continuation of tables issued with No 25, Lt Col Whigham. 80 Cavalry scheme No 2. Contact squadron. 6 parties, Lt Col Greenly. 81 Artillery lecture, No 18. Coast defence V, Lt Col Furse. 82 Course of instruction in artillery, Lt Col Furse. 83 On billeting and bivouacking of cavalry, Lt Col Barrow. 84 Night operations (tactical exercise). 7 syndicates, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 85 Reconnaissance, Lt Col Barrow. 86 Cavalry scheme, Lt Col Greenly. 87 Artillery lecture, No 19. Coast defence vi, Lt Col Furse. 88 L of C and advanced base scheme. 5 syndicates, Col Foster and Lt Col Harper. 89 Tactical; exercise; 4 parties under directing staff, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 90 Attack of a position. Two parts, 7 syndicates, Lt Col Stewart. 91 Cavalry Allez! Allez! No 2. 6 parties, Lt Col Whigham. 92 2nd area reconnaissance, Lt Col Barrow. 93 Schemes prepared by "B" parties of senior division for staff tour, 20/22nd July, 8 parties. Appreciations to be handed in on 16th July, directing staff and senior division.

94 Syllabus for examination in "Military history and geography" and "strategy and tactics", Lt Col Hon G Morris. 95 Course of instruction in administrative subjects, Col Foster. 96 Compare supply and transport of modern army with conditions obtaining at beginning of XIXth century, Col Foster. 97 Reconnaissance (rapid) and panorama, Lt Col Barrow. 98 Cavalry schemes: I advanced guard, II flank guard, Lt Col Barrow. 99 Memory reconnaissance, Lt Col Barrow. 100 Salamanca. Notes for lectures and set of four maps, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 101 Syllabus for examination in cavalry, infantry, etc, Col Gough. 102 Syllabus for examination in military engineering, Lt Col Harper. 103 Scheme A, strategy and tactics, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 104 Memory reconnaissance (mounted), Lt Col Barrow. 105 "1866" - notes No 1; maps; small general; German confederation; 'A' strategical, 'B' quadilaterals, Lt Col Stewart. 106 "1866" Notes No 2, Lt Col Stewart. 107 "1866" Notes No 3, Lt Col Stewart. 108 Tactical exercise: delaying enemy's march, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 109 "1866" notes No 4 (Moltke's projects), Lt Col Stewart. 110 Infantry (1st lecture), Lt Col Hon G Morris. 111 "1866" notes No 5 and map of operations to 3rd July '66, Lt Col Stewart. 112 "1866" scheme B. Review criticism of deployment and movements of Prussians between 15th May and 15th June, 1866, Lt Col Stewart. 113 Mobilization scheme. Fill in AF B.89, Lt Col Hull. 114 "1866" notes Nos 6 and 7, Lt Col Stewart. 115 "1866" notes No 8. Maps: operations on the Iser, and positions of both armies on 25th June, Lt Col Stewart. 116 Tactical exercise: advanced guard in pursuit. 9 parties, Lt Col Stewart. 117 Division in enemy's country; billeting and bivouacking, outpost, etc. 9 syndicates, Lt Cols Hull and Hoskins. 118 Cavalry scheme for 28th: measures for security etc of detachment marching to protection of LofC in enemy's country, Lt Col Greenly. 119 Syllabus, work in military law, Lt Col Bols. 120 Infantry (2nd lecture), Lt Col Hon G Morris. 121 "1866" notes No 9; map, "position on 26th June", Lt Col Stewart. 122 "1866" scheme C. State and discuss situation on evening of 26th June, from Austrian point of view, Lt Col Stewart. 123 "1866" notes No 10, Lt Col Stewart.

124 L of C, French and German armies, Lt Col Bols. 125 A. Army system prior to Crimean War. B. Army system introduced by Mr Cardwell, Lt Col Whigham. 126 Colonel Edmond's lecture on "laws and usages of war", Lt Col Bols. 127 To calculate transport and time to evacuate wounded, Lt Col Russell. 128 "1866" notes No 11; and map showing billets of VI Austrian Corps morning of June 27th 1866, Lt Col Stewart. 129 cavalry scheme: Allez! Allez! Continuation of no 118, Lt Col Greenly. 130 Administrative services, India, Lt Col Bols. 131 "1866" notes No 12 (for 2 lectures, 12 and 13), Lt Col Stewart. 132 Notes infantry (3rd lecture), Lt Col Hon G Morris. 133 Uncivilized warfare. Map Sudan expedition, 1884-5, Lt Col Stewart. 134 Cavalry in co-operation with the other arms, Lt Col Barrow. 135 Uncivilized warfare, notes No 2, Lt Col Stewart. 136 Establishments - horses, Lt Col Bols. 137 Bush warfare, Major Hogg. 138 "1866" notes No 14; map, positions 2nd July, Lt Col Stewart. 139 Sadowa, 1st lecture, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 140 Strategy and tactics - scheme D, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 141 Sadowa - 2nd lecture, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 142 Colonel Pemberton's lecture on evidence, Col Foster. 143 Sadowa - 3rd lecture, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 144 Some considerations in the realm of strategy, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 145 Section through modern infantry fort, Lt Col Harper. 146 Staff duties Allez! Allez!, Lt Col Whigham. 147 Memoir: four important lessons from 1866 campaign and their application to our cavalry division and 6 divisions, The Commandant. 148 cavalry scheme: short narrative of operations in diary form as kept by squadron commander, Lt Col Greenly. 149 [Map of] Port Arthur, Lt Col Harper. 150 India, Lt Col Stewart. 151 Afghanistan, Lt Col Stewart. 152 Persia, Lt Col Stewart

Directing Staff, Staff College Camberley
GB CR/1908/2 JSCSC · 1908

1 Outline of theatre of war, 1870, Lt Col Braithwaite. 2 Notes on strategy, by Col Henderson, Lt Col Braithwaite. 3 Books to read for study of Franco-German war, Lt Col Braithwaite. 4 Railway system, South Africa, Col Stopford. 5 Defence of United Kingdom during formation of Territorial army. 3 parties, Col Stopford. 6 Plates of relative strengths of fleets, and ships in commission in European waters, Lt Col Harper. 7 As CGS French army (1870), draw up memo dealing with possible altered strategical situation, and draft orders for Army & independent corps commanders (syndicates not shown in table), Lt Col Braithwaite. 8 Reconnaissance of Blackwater with view to defence from land side. Imperial strategy scheme No 1. 10 syndicates, Lt Col Harper. 9 Programme for 2 parties visiting battlefields, Lt Col Braithwaite. 10 With ref to theory of employment of strategic advanced guard, discuss occupation of Weisenburg by Douay's division, Lt Col Braithwaite. 11 Compare strategical and tactical lessons of 1815 etc with experiences of Manchurian War, The Commandant.

12 Outline of campaign of 1806, preliminary movements of French army and map, Lt Col Ross. 13 Railway exercise No 1, Col Stopford. 14 Weissenburg and march of III German army, Lt Col Ross. 15 Woerth. French obstns and attack of XI G corps, Lt Col Braithwaite. 16 Staff arrangements for over-sea expeditions, Col Stopford. 17 Railways across Canada, Lt Col Harper. 18 Capture of defended harbour (B'water). Orders for landing in Stratfieldsaye Bay etc. 4 syndicates, Col Stopford and Lt Col Harper. 19 Discuss action De Failly should have taken on 5.8.1870 on receipt of MacMahon's telegram, Lt Col Braithwaite. 20 Entraining a force of 3 divns and a cavalry Bde, Col Stopford. 21 Spicheren about 12.30pm, and position on evening of 5.8.70, and movements 6th and night of 6th-7th, Lt Col Ross. 22 Positions 13th August, 1870, E of Metz (Colombey lecture), Lt Col Ross. 23 Give opinion as to how far French criticism of handling of German cavalry 10-11th.3.'70 is justified, Lt Col Braithwaite. 24 Stocks of raw material held in this country and imported, Lt Col Harper. 25 Reconnaissance of position for attack after disembarkation of expeditionary force. Re-embarkation. 4 syndicates, Lt Col Harper. 26 Combined naval and military tours, No 1. 3 parties, The Commandant. 27 Embarkation scheme. 6 parties, Col Stopford. 28 Gravelotte. German movements during 16th August and 1st attack of IX corps, Lt Col Braithwaite. 29 Discuss action of v.Kamepe, v.d.Goltz and v.Alvensleben at battles of Spicheren, Colombey and Mars le Tour. 10 syndicates, Lt Col Braithwaite. 30 Scheme IV. 5 syndicates, The Commandant (Lt Col Harper). 31 Positions of both armies 24th and 28th August, Lt Col Ross. 32 Railway exercise No 3. 7 syndicates, Col Stopford. 33 i. Battle of Beaumont. ii. Positions evening of 31st August and German advance 1st September (Sedan), Lt Col Ross. 34 Attack on L of C. Red side - appreciation etc. Blue side - dispositions for convoy, etc. Lt Col Harper. 35 Combined naval and military staff tour, 2nd tour. Disembarkation, The Commandant. 36 Typical line of communication (both divisions), Lt Col Banon. 37 Tactical scheme. 1. Short appreciation. 2. Reconnaissance and operation orders (2 parties). 3 Further operation orders, Blue force, Lt Col Ross. 38 To illustrate campaign in valley of Po, 1859, Lt Col Braithwaite. 39 2 graphs showing supply arrangements to a force from a stationary advanced depot (both divns), Lt Col Banon.

40 Re intelligence reports and war diaries, Col Stopford. 41 Appreciation. Reconnaissance &c, opposing forces, Redland and Blueland, The Commandant. 42 Camping scheme for advance guard, Lt Cols Perceval and Ross. 43 Tactical scheme, Red (defending force). Reconnaissance, etc, 4 syndicates, Lt Col Ross. 44 Memoranda relating to Blue medical arrangements during Severn Balley staff tour, Lt Col Braithwaite. 45 Campaign scheme for division - 4 syndicates, Lt Col Perceval. 46 Tramways and light railways, Lt Col Perceval. 47 Part I Wales staff tour. Short minute from GOC to C-in-C in India, from all officers. Part II. Composition of columns and standing orders for forces. 3 parties and GOC expedition, The Commandant. 48 Combined scheme. 1st exercise (strategy), Red and Blue plans of campaign and special naval (Red) problem, Lt Col Braithwaite. 49 Combined scheme. 2nd exercise (staff duties). Disembarkation. 6 syndicated, Col Stopford. 50 Medical arrangements in the field, Col Stopford. 51 Combined scheme, III exercise (staff duties) Forward march of Normanian army to concentration area: supply system etc, Col Stopford. 52 Tactical scheme - advanced guard action. Two situations. 3 syndicates, Lt Col Ross. 53 Re writing report while attached to other arms, The Commandant.

54 Combined scheme. IVth exercise (staff duties). Organisation of L of C, advanced depot, etc. 4 syndicates, Col Stopford. 55 Prepare scheme for 'tactical fitness' examination. 5 syndicates, Col Stopford and Lt Col Braithwaite. 56 Combined scheme Vth exercise. Move of Normanian army to position selected by C-in-C for night of 13th/19th days, Lt Col Braithwaite. 57 Staff duties. Arrangements for carrying out a review. 3 syndicates, Col Stopford. 58 Inspection staff tour. Opposing forces. Individual appreciations and orders for movements written by 16th October, The Commandant. 59 Alterations in Army establishments 1908-9 as compared with 1907-8 (to all officers), Col Stopford. 60 Tactical scheme, opposing sides. 2 syndicates each, Red and Blue, Lt Col Ross. 61 Paper for DSD "What is best organization for independent cavalry." Syndicates of 3, Lt Col Braithwaite. 62 Army manoeuvres, detailed arrangements prior to carrying out. 4 syndicates, Col Stopford. 63 Trees of Japanese army administration in peacetime, etc (staff system), Lt Col Perceval. 64 Russian staff system, Lt Col Perceval. 65 1st set Russo-Japanese war. Forces at end of April. 2nd week in May and on 8th June, 1904, Lt Col Braithwaite. 66 SE Belgium, Lt Col Harper. 67 3 papers issued in connection with lectures on Russian and Japanese mobilization, Lt Col Perceval. 68 Staff duties. Preparation of scheme of training for troops. 2 parties, Col Stopford and Lt Col Braithwaite. 69 Home defence scheme, part I, Lt Col Harper. 70 Russo-Japanese war. NW corner of Korea, and form showing field rations carried by 1st Russian army, Lt Col Banon. 71 Russo-Japanese war. Battle of the Yalu, Lt Col Furse. 72 Continuation of No 69. War ships in commission, Lt Col Harper. 73 Home defence scheme, part II. 5 syndicates, Lt Col Harper. 74 Russo-Japanese war. 2 maps showing Japanese landing at Pi-tzu-wo, and one of battle of Nanshan, Col Perceval and Lt Col Ross. 74A [Map of] Te-li-su, Lt Col Furse. 75 Home defence scheme, part III, Lt Col Harper. 76 Belgian scheme, part I. 7 syndicates, The Commandant. 77 Russo-Japanese war. Situation 22.8.04, up to Liao-Yang, Lt Cols Furse and Ross. 78 Belgian scheme, Part II. Appreciations, orders, etc. Same syndicates as for part I, The Commandant. 79 Scheme for defence of NW frontier of India. 6 syndicates, The Commandant. 80 Set of 3 maps to illustrate battle of Liao-Yang, Lt Col Ross. 81 Russo-Japanese war. Mischenckos raid, Lt Col Barrow.

Directing Staff, Staff College Camberley
GB CR/1907/1 JSCSC · 1907

1 Memo detailing manner of disposing of auxiliary forces during absence of regular troops, The Commandant. 2 List of books, maps &c, best suited for study of Imperial strategy, Col Aston. 3 List of books to read for study of Franco-German war 1870, Col Du Cane. 4 Fill in form showing places visited in foreign countries, for use in setting up Imperial strategy schemes, Col Aston. 5 General outlines of French & German armies 31.7.70, Col Du Cane. 6 Draw up memo to French emperor recommending plan of campaign in event of failure or negotiations with Austria and Italy, Col Du Cane & Lt Col Braithwaite. 7 Notes on strategy by Col Henderson, Col Du Cane. 8 Railway map, South Africa, Lt Col Stopford. 9 List of N.I.D books, Col Aston. 10 Numbers of population of U.Kingdom (B.2), Col Aston.

11 Trade of United Kingdom, 1905 (C.2), Col Aston. 12 Reconnaissance of Blackwater, with view to attack in case of war. Imp.Strat.Scheme I, Col Aston. 13 Financial aspects of Franco-Prussian War, Col Aston. 14 Outline of 1806 campaign with map, Lt Col Braithwaite. 15 Action at Klip Drift Feb 1900, Col Du Cane. 16 Discuss employment of Douay's divn at Weissenburg as strategic advance guard, Lt Col Braithwaite. 17 Compare strategical and tactical lessons of 1815, 1862, 1866 and 1870 with Manchurian War, The Commandant. 18 Diagrams of rolling-stock, rails, etc, Lt Col Stopford. 19 Difficulties of sea transport during war, Col Aston. 20 March of Grande Armee to Danube 1805, Col Du Cane.

21 Telegraph cables (F) (F2), Col Aston. 22 Number and tonnage of British and foreign merchantile marine, Col Aston. 23 Prussian outposts of Saarbrucken Ridge Aug '70, Col Du Cane. 24 Weissenburg and march of III German army 4.8.70, Col Du Cane. 25 Railway exercise, preparation of station, Lt Col Stopford. 26 Programme of battlefield tour April and May, Col Du Cane & Lt Col Braithwaite. 27 2 [maps] of positions at Woerth and 1 [map] of position of both armies on 5th August 1870, Col Du Cane. 28 Staff arrangements for overseas expeditions, Lt Col Stopford. 29 1870 campaign. Problem no 3: discuss action of De Failly on 6th August, Col Du Cane. 30 Railway exercise. Entraining force of 3 divns and 1 cavalry brigade, Lt Col Stopford. 31 Special lantern lecture Clacton manoeuvres '04, Col Aston. 32 Battle of Spicheren & movements of leading troops evening of 5th, during 6th & night 6/7th, Col de Cane. 33 Capture of defended harbour in enemy's country, Contn of No 12, Col Aston and Lt Col Stopford. 34 Preliminary course. Imp strategy, list of lectures (0.4), principles of (K), Col Aston. 35 General map 1870. Strassburg to Metz, Lt Col Braithwaite. 36 Sketch of positions night of 13.8.70 Colombey, Lt Col Braithwaite. 37 As C.G.S German and French armies write instructions for employment of cavalry morning of 7th Aug, also memo on probable effect of actions by cav, Col Du Cane.

38 Disembarkation scheme III Part I. Re-embarkation part II, contn of no 33, Col Aston and Lt Col Stopford. 39 Naval and military strategy compared etc D.G.G5, Col Aston. 40 Embarkation scheme, Lt Col Stopford. 41 1870 campaign, problem no 5, Col Du Cane. 41A British Navy, strategical policy and distribution, Col Aston. 43 [sic] Combined naval and military staff tour. Reconnaissance of portion of South Coast and Isle of Wight, The Commandant. 43 Re-embarkation of force. Scheme III Part III, contn of no 40, Col Aston & Lt Col Stopford. 44 Sketch showing German movements on 18th Aug, Lt Col Braithwaite. 45 Sketch showing attack of XI Corps on 18th August, Lt Col Braithwaite. 46 Sketch showing position of both armies 24 and 28 Aug, Lt Col Braithwaite. 47 Sketch illustrating Battle of Beaumont, Lt Col Braithwaite. 48 Sketch showing position of forces 31st August, Lt Col Braithwaite. 49 Offensive action by British army in war (M), Col Aston. 50 Second combined naval and military staff tour. 4 parties with directing staff, The Commandant. 51 Types of tactical exercise to be studied, Col Du Cane. 52 Draw up scheme for tactical exercise suitable for regimental officers, Col Du Cane. 53 Scheme IV. Possible objectives for expeditions, Col Aston. 54 Tactical exercise selected from schemes drawn up under No 52 (6 situations), The Commandant (& Col Du Cane). 54A Tactical exercises selected from schemes drawn up under No 52 (4 situations), Lt Col Braithwaite. 55 Instructions re keeping and writing up of staff diaries and intelligence reports on staff rides, Lt Col Stopford. 56 Staff tour - opposing forces Red and Blue. Northland, Eastland, Welshland & Southland, The Commandant.

57 Combined scheme. Strategy, tactics and staff duties Saxonia, Anglia, Normania and Cambria. Problem no 1 (strategy), Col Du Cane. 58 Special naval problem in connection with No 57, Col Aston. 59 Railway scheme no 3, Lt Col Stopford. 60 List of strategical lectures (Imperial strategy), Col Aston. 61 Continuation of no 57. Problem no 2 (strategy). Red and Blue, Col Du Cane. 62 Show on map dispositions of troops to hold positions and dispute passage of river, The Commandant. 63 Combined schemes, tactics (cavalry) with narrative of events to 14th day, Col Du Cane. 64 Criticise paper M - objectives in foreign territory for British expeditionary forces, Col Aston. 65 Combined scheme. Problem 4 (staff duties). Disembarkation of larger force, Lt Col Stopford. 66 Combined scheme. Special problem for 24th June (4 officers Blue), Col Du Cane.

67 Combined scheme. Problem no 5 (staff duties) bivouacs, Lt Col Stopford. 68 Scheme for tour in Wales 1st-4th July. Ist ex. Minutes describing suggested operations against Afridis, The Commandant. 68A IInd ex and plan of campaign. Composition of columns with standing orders for same, The Commandant. 69 Table of transport for moving supplies from base to army in the field, Lt Col Stopford. 70 Instns for writing report on training with other arms (summer vacation), The Commandant. 71 Combined scheme, operation orders issued in connection therewith (Maj McMicking), Lt Col Braithwaite.

72 Combined operation orders (Capt Montgomery); combined disposition of advd gd (Maj Buckley); combined narrative 18th div (Capt Kenrick); Col Du Cane. 73 Combined problem no 6. Organisation of L of C supply from base, advanced depot &c, Lt Col Stopford. 74 Combined scheme. Problem no 7. 1st day billeting and supply, Col Du Cane. 75 Combined scheme. Problem no 7. 2nd day: march of 1st army on 17th day, Col Du Cane. 76 Maps prepared by parties in Imp strategy sch No IV, used for conference, Col Aston. 77 Prepare scheme for tactical exercise; selected schemes to be worked out on 22nd, Col Du Cane. 78I Tactical exercise. 5 situations. ½ division, Col Due Cane. 78 II Tactical exercise. 4 situations. ½ division, Lt Col Braithwaite. 79 As Major GS arrange examination of officers in 'tactical fitness for command'. 5 syndicates, Lt Col Braithwaite. 80 Scheme no VI. Objectives in foreign territory for force not exceeding 6 divns & 4 cav bdes, Col Aston. 81 Staff duties. Arrangement for carrying out review, Col Stopford. 82 Inspection staff tour 15th-18th Oct. Red and blue opposing forces, The Commandant. Red, 1st part, appreciations, Col Aston. Blue, both sides, Col Du Cane. Work for Monday, composition of forces etc, Red, Col Aston. Work for Monday, composition of forces etc, Blue, Col Du Cane. MM overseas operations on a large scale, Col Aston. 83 Operations involving employment of Brit exped force on Continent. Gt Britain to uphold France and neutrality of Belgium, Col Du Cane. 83A Spanish-American war, 1898, Paper S, Col Aston. 84 Return of strength in Far East during war etc, with railway map of Trans-Siberia, Lt Col Braithwaite. 85 To illustrate war between Russia & Japan. 1 Situation end of April 1904. 2. Situation 8th June 1904, Col Du Cane. 85A War in Chile 1891. Diary of events, composition of forces &c. Papers X, X2, X3, Col Aston. 86 Staff duties. Scheme I, Army manoeuvres, Col Stopford. 87 Formation and disembarkation &c of Japanese armies in 1904, with map of N-W Korea, Lt Col Braithwaite. 88 Overseas employment of British Army in war. List of lectures. Paper 0.6, Col Aston. 89 Approx situation in Far east at beginning of 2nd week in May 1904, Col Du Cane. 90 Belgian scheme Part II, Col Du Cane. 91 Copy of Kuropatkin's and Oku's orders 7th and 13th June 04, Col Du Cane. 92 Heads of parties to amend schemes in accordance with conference. Cont of No 86, Col Du Cane. 93. Austro-Italian war '66. Lissa. Papers U, U2, Col Aston. 94. List of lectures. Historical course, Paper 0.7, Col Aston. 95 Employment of British Army in war. Part III. Oversea garrisons and home defence forces. Paper Y, Col Aston. 96 Staff duties. Scheme II. Training in Aldershot command for 1908, Col Du Cane and Col Stopford. 97 Amphibious strategy, Paper Z, Col Aston. 98 Extract from lecture. Recon of defended harbours. Paper L, Col Aston. 99 Home defence scheme. Part I. report on distribution of field units, organisation etc, The Commandant. 100 War vessels of principal foreign naval powers, G5, Col Aston. 101 Scheme for defence of India. 8 syndicates, The Commandant. 102 Russo-Japanese war, events during June, July & August '04, with maps of positions June 20th and August 26th, Col Du Cane. 103 Naval situation assumed. Cont of no 99, Col Aston. 104 Home defence scheme part II. Draw up scheme for British defence and German raids, The Commandant. 105 Schemes set during 1907 in connection with Imperial strategy. Paper 0.9, Col Aston. 106 Final lectures 1907. Paper 0.8, Col Aston. 107 4 maps to illustrate battle on the Schaho, Lt Col Braithwaite. 108 Arrangements for war game. Cont of no 104, The Commandant.

Directing Staff, Staff College Camberley