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Group Administration Files
GOS/15 · 1944-2008

Great Ormond Street Hospital Group Administration files comprising: GOS/15/1, Hospital Admission Leaflets (information for parents); examples of and correspondence about revisions, 1962-1975; GOS/15/2-4 Allocation of Accommodation, 1957-1974; GOS/15/5 Medical Staff Conferences, 1970-85; correspondence and agendas; GOS/15/6 Annual Reports, 1959-1967 and correspondence; GOS/15/7-11 Architects' Correspondence and reports, 1961-1983; GOS/15/12-13 Consulting Engineers and Surveyors, correspondence and reports, 1973- 1982; GOS/15/14, Building Consultants, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 1983; Agreements with Budgen and Partners for new ward ceilings.

GOS/15/15-16 Accidents to Staff, 1972 -1974 and 1976*; GOS/15/17 Accidents in the Home; LCC enquiry into and related papers, 1958-1968; GOS/15/18-25 Automation; correspondence and reports on development of computer systems at GOS, 1965-1985; GOS/15/26 Minutes of Computer Working Party, 1964-1973; GOS/15/27 Postgraduate Hospitals Computer Feasibility Study, 1979-1981.

GOS/15/28, Battered Babies, correspondence and reports on procedures for dealing with, 1970-1973; GOS/15/29Allocation of Beds, 1955-1964; GOS/15/30, Blood Transfusion Service, 1939-1974; GOS/15/31,Chairman's File, of miscellaneous Chairman's and House Governor's correspondence; GOS/15/32, Report on Child Health Services (Fit for the Future), 1977 (GOS response to the Court Report).

GOS/15/33 Staff Christmas Festivities and Cards, 1960-1970; GOS/15/34(Hospitals for Sick Children) Group as a Supra-Regional Centre (London Co-ordinating Committee. papers), 1976-1978; GOS/15/35-38 Infection Control procedures; 1962-1977; GOS/15/39-41 Cots-design of and new prototypes; 1957-1981; GO8/15/42 Audiology Working Party papers, 1977-1978; GOS/15/43, Deputation to the Ministry of Health over maintenance of administrative links with the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 1969; GOS/15/44 Hospital Archives and establishment of Museum (the Peter Pan Gallery), 1977-1979.

GOS/15/45-46 Miscellaneous enquiries to the Hospital, 1964-1971, including /45 includes correspondence about the career of Dr Norman Bethune, the Hospital support scheme for Kampala Children's Hospital, Uganda, Lewis Carroll and Great Ormond Street; Muscular Dystrophy treatment at Carshalton; Mrs Gatty and the 'Aunt Judy' Cot and a gift of books by Enid Blyton.

GOS/15/47, Terminal Care Working Party and Parents Interview Room (review of arrangements for dealing with patient deaths), 1981-1983; GOS/15/48, Fire Precautions and Inspector's reports, 1963-1984; GOS/15/49 Gas, Electricity and Fuel Supplies to the Hospital, 1964-1983; GOS/15/50, Patient visiting by Siblings and other Children (policy correspondence), 1970-1981.

GOS/15/51-54 Gifts to the Hospital, 1959-1984; GOS/15/55-61, The Great Ormond Street Gazette; draft articles and editorial correspondence, 1962-1974; GOS/15/62, Use of Hospital Patient Casenotes for Research, and general Casenote confidentiality, 1970-1979; GOS/15/64-65 Hospital History, including early policy statements on Archives policy, including /64, 1895-1965, including reports on 1940 bombing, a short history of the hospital by Sir L Barrington-Ward, miscellaneous draft articles about the Hospital, the 1895 plan of the neighbouring Hospital of St. John and St Elizabeth prior to its purchase by GOS.

GOS/15/66-68 Green Paper on Future of the NHS in London (Todd Report); Hospital response to, and minutes of the London Postgraduate Committee, 1967-1980; GOS/15/69 Infection Precautions, 1961; GOS/15/70 Infection Control Memoranda (mainly Ministry circulars), 1961-1982; GOS/15/71, Assistance to the development of local paediatric services in the Sultanate of Oman by GOS, 1983-1984; GOS/15/72 Royal Commission on the NHS, 1976-1978; GOS/15/73 Hospital Catering and Joint Purchasing schemes, 1954-1965.

GOS/15/74/1-9, Kampala Project (Provision of Staff, Training and Support Service to the Mulago Children's Hospital, Kampala, Uganda, 1959-1972; GOS/15/75 Hoxton Psychology Consultant (QEH), 1968-1970, (proposed joint appointment with Hoxton Child Guidance Clinic); GOS/15/76/1-3 Medical Equipment (purchase of), advertisements, proposals for purchase, and funding of; 1969-1984; GOS/15/77 Welton Foundation (donation for purchase of new computer for Radioisotope work), 1979-1980; GOS/15/78 Development of the Hospital Shop, including plans, 1979-1984; GOS/15/79 Hospital Memorial Services, 1944-1974, including correspondence and Orders of Ceremony, including services for Sir Stanley Cohen, Eric Lloyd, E A Cockayne, Sir R Hutchison, C A Lucas, G McNab, F J Poynton, M Bodian, G Boggon, Sir L Barrington-Ward.

GOS/15/80/1-3 GOS Medical Staff and Statistics; correspondence, staff lists and new appointments;, 1963-1968; GOS/15/81/1-2 Medical Staff Statistics (returns to Ministry and national NHS data,1963-1972; GOS/15/82 Training of Junior Medical Staff, correspondence and minutes of Sub-Committee, 1966-1971; GOS/15/83/1-2 Consultant Staffing, correspondence and reports, 1959-1972.

GOS/15/84 Medical Registrars, 1955-1966; GOS/15/85 Surgical Registrars, correspondence reports and regulations for, 1963-1966; GOS/15/86/1-4, Staff Honorary Contracts (for short-stay overseas staff); 1961-1974;
GOS/15/87 Medical and Surgical Staff Review; reports and supporting documentation of Staff Review Committee, 1964-1965; GOS/15/88 House Officers, correspondence and memoranda, 1960-1972; GOS/15/89 Joint Appointments with the National Hospital, 1963-1972; GOS/15/90 ENT Registrars, 1964-1969; GOS/15/91 LCC Welfare Clinic, Lower Clapton, and the employment of GOS staff at, 1958-1967; GOS/15/92 Physicians to Medical Out-Patients (temporary honorary assistants from other Hospitals), 1951-1967; GOS/15/93/1-6 Medical Staff Locums, 1963-1973.

G0S/15/94 Bone marrow Transplantation; development and funding of treatment, 1982-1985; GOS/15/95/1-5, Nursing Staff, general correspondence, statistical data and Sub- Committee papers; 1964-1971; GOS/15/96 Nursing Salaries and Senior Posts, 1969, including appointment of new Chief Nursing Officer; GOS/15/97/1-3 Nurse Training; 1964- 1970; GOS/15/98 Nurse Training, Lectures and Examinations, 1965-1986; GOS/15/99/1-10, Establishment and construction of the Charles West School of Nursing, 1956-1960.

GOS/15/99/1-10, General Buildings Correspondence, 1956-1960; GOS/15/100 Nursing Staff Training, Reorganisation of Tadworth, 1938; GOS/15/101 Organisation and Management Survey of Nursing Services, 1961; GOS/15/102 NHS Designation of Teaching Hospitals, 1947-1954; GOS/15/103 Nursing Staff Medals and Certificates, 1963-1982; GOS/15/104 Nursing Awards Ceremonies, 1956-1981; GOS/15/105 Midwives(Obstetric Courses for pregnant parents of GOS patients), 1962-1983; GOS/15/106/1-2 Nurses' Uniform, 1960-1986; GOS/15/107/1-2 Nursing Reports by the General Nursing Council, 1959-1982; GOS/15/108/1-6 NHS Consultative Documents, 1970-1974; GOS/15/109/1-5 Oxygen and Medical Gases (purchase, usages and storage of), 1949-1971; GOS/15/110/1-2 Oxygen Apparatus and Incubators, 1963-1978; GOS/15/111 Polio Respirators, 1949-1965; GOS/15/112/1-4 Private Patients, finances and provision, 1964-1982.

GOS/15/113 Patients, general correspondence with other hospitals, General Practitioners, and /1-9 parents,1961-1978; GOS/15/114/1-3 Patient Statistics, 1962-1972; GOS/15/115/1-2 Patient Welfare(official and Hospital reports), 1963-1985; GOS/15/116, Visiting of Patients in Hospital, 1964-1986 (policy correspondence and responses to the Platt Report); GOS/15/117 Legal Reports, 1960-67 , comprising largely responses to requests for GOS staff advice for divorce and other legal cases involving child health.

GOS/15/118/1-2 Operation Consents (policy on and design of consent forms), 1966-1978; GOS/15/119 Overseas Patients (Treatment and funding of), 1958-1961; GOS/15/120 Sponsored Patients, 1957-1967; GOS/15/121 Directives on Overseas Patients, 1954-1966; GOS/15/122/1-2, Patient Age-Limits (Policy on admission of adolescents), 1954-1977; GOS/15/123 Hospital Pharmacopoiea, 1958-1975; GOS/15/124 Patrons and Vice-Patrons, 1948-1965 *; GOS/15/125/1-2, Press enquiries, largely for proposed articles about the Hospital, 1953-1985, including controversy over proposed closure of Banstead Wood country branch and Tadworth Court.

GOS/15/126/1-2 Publications, general ( supply of articles and information for), 1961-1980; GOS/15/128/1-5, Radium and Radioactive materials; 1948-1980; GOS/15/129, Residential Accommodation (ownership, staffing and management of), 1964-1972; GOS/15/130, Royal Garden Parties (invitations to GOS staff), 1935-1980; GOS/15/131, Health and Safety at Work legislation and the Hospital, 1978-1980; GOS/15/132, Hunt Report on Hospital Supplies Organisation, 1966-1967; GOS/15/133, Southwood memorial Statues and Plaques (statues of St Nicholas and Christopher); plans and correspondence with Board members and the sculptor (Gilbert Ledward), 1950-1964.

GOS/15/134/1-2 Medical Staff Establishment (new appointments, financing of new posts, statistical returns to Ministry) 1950-1964; GOS/15/135/1-3 Nursing Staff Establishment (new appointments, financing of new posts, statistical returns to Ministry) 1950-1964; GOS/15/135/1-3, Nursing Staff Establishment; 1963-1972; GOS/15/136, Staff Statistics, general, 1964-1972; GOS/15/137, Staff Sickness (papers on Working Party on in-house staff health-care provision), 1968-1971; GOS/15/138, Staff Conditions of Service, 1964-1972, including GOS responses to the Lycett Committee of Enquiry; GOS/15/139, Industrial Action (Strike Contingency Planning),1953-1979; GOS/15/140/1-3, Trade Unions at GOS; 1948-1985; GOS/15/141, Contingency Plans for Thames Flooding at the Hospital, and transfer arrangements from other units in the event of it, 1972-1979.

GOS/15/142, Hospital Transport. 1954-1963 (to Tadworth Court and general); GOS/15/143 Gifts of Toys to the Hospital, 1957-1968; GOS/15/144 Tuberculosis treatments and precautions, 1949-1965; GOS/15/145/1-2, Transplantation of Organs, 1968-1980; GOS/15/146 Department of Paediatric Surgery; general correspondence, 1976-1986.

GOS/15/147, Hospital Newsletter (Roundabout); incomplete set, 1971-1982, with correspondence; GOS/15/148/1-6, Visits to the Hospital (by Royal Family members, politicians, sportsmen, actors and actresses, colonial health ministers, overseas statesmen's families and so on, 1960-1978.

GOS/15/149-151, Official Visits, 1964-1986, including visits of British and overseas Royalty and Government members, GOS/15/152 NHS 25th Anniversary Lunch (for 1948 Board members), 1973; GOS/15/153-154 Royal Visits, 1959-1984; GOS/15/155 Working Party on Future Development of Medical Work at GOS, 1971-1976; GOS/15/156, Nursing Services and Matron's Office Work Survey, 1961-1967; GOS/15/157 Investigation into over-expenditure on the Barrie Wing, 1963-1964; GOS/15/158 Ahmad Amirahmadi Nursing Scholarship Fund (donation by Iranian former patient), 1970-1976; GOS/15/159, Management Consultants, correspondence with, and reports by, the London Postgraduate Teaching Hospitals Management Services Unit, 1971-1986.

GOS/15/160 ENT Department, general correspondence and reports, 1976-1983; GOS/15/161, Miscellaneous correspondence of Hospital departments, 1976-1983, including Audiology, ENT , Dental, Neurophysiology , Chaplaincy, mainly concerning equipment purchase and staffing disputes *; GOS/15/162/1-2, Pharmacy, 1972 and 1979-1982, mainly concerning equipment purchase, drug trials and costs.

GOS/15/163 Respiratory Unit (establishment of), 1976-1978; GOS/15/164/1-2 Diagnostic Equipment (funding and purchase of), 1965-1969 and 1976-1984; GOS/15/165 Chemical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry departmental correspondence, mainly financial, 1981-1982; GOS/15/166, Voluntary Workers, 1972-1984, including Voluntary Services Annual Reports and Information Leaflets, and correspondence on the use of voluntary workers during strikes.

GOS/15/167/1-3 Hospital Social Services correspondence, including with Wolfson Centre and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 1974-1985; GOS/15/168 Out-Patient Department, 1980-1986, general correspondence, and 1986 Management Services report on its work; GOS/15/169, Department of Physical Medicine, 1971-1981; GOS/15/170/1-2 Medical Records Department; 1976-1984;GOS/15/171, Nephrology department, 1966-1983; development of the Renal Unit, joint work with the Royal Free Hospital, Home Dialysis services; GOS/15/172 Speech Therapy Department correspondence, 1972-1979.

GOS/15/173 Immunology Services, 1972-1979; GOS/15/174 School of Nursing papers, 1972-1979; GOS/15/175 Dietetic Department correspondence, 1972-1984; GOS/15/176 Medical Illustration Department, 1972-1979; correspondence, equipment purchase, policy statements on legal implications of photographing children *; GOS/15/177 Provision of services for mentally-handicapped patients, 1972-1985; GOS/15/178 Haematology Department papers, 1981-1984; GOS/15/179 Hospital Working Parties, miscellaneous (on Central Nervous System, new Ophthalmology Posts, Radioisotopes), 1972-1978.

GOS/15/180 Hospital Crèche, 1979-1980; GOS/15/181, X-Ray Department, 1981-1985; GOS/15/182 Neurophysiology Department papers, 1972-1979; GOS/15/183 Catering Department and Catering Competitive Tendering, 1972-1985; GOS/15/184 Hospital Transport, 1972-1986; GOS/15/185 Private Patient Beds Provision, 1969-1982; GOS/15/186 Department of Psychological Medicine papers, 1976-1981; GOS/15/187 NFER (National Foundation for Educational Research); licensing of 'Symbolic Play Test' video by GOS (royalties from sale in USA); GOS/15/188 Gastroenterology Working Party, minutes and correspondence, 1972-1975; GOS/15/189 Surgical Appointments and Division of Surgery correspondence; also papers of Working Party on the Future of Surgery in the Group, 1972-1976; GOS/15/190-192 Future of the Postgraduate Hospitals and Institutes; 'SCICOM' Review and establishment of Hospitals for Sick Children Special Health Authority,1973-1982; GOS/15/193 London Advisory Group Reports(on future of Hospital provision in London), 1980.

GOS/15/194, Hospital Playground, 1972-1982; GOS/15/195/1-2 Reconstruction of Doctors' Mess, 1976-1980 and 1984; GOS/15/196/1-3 Reports for Legal Purposes (on GOS patients, and advice to national cases) 1973-1975; 1974; 1975-1980; 1980-1983; GOS/15/197 Growth and Development Department and Growth Disorder Clinic, 1972-1980; GOS/15/198 Hospital School, 1972-1979, includes staff applications .

GOS/15/199/1-3 CSSD (Sterile Supplies Department), 1973-1982 and 1982-1987, Management Services reports, 1978-1981; GOS/15/200 Thoracic Unit papers, 1972-1975 *; GOS/15/201 Proposed Out-Patients Department Mural, 1973-1976; GOS/15/202-223 Group Administration 'B' coded filing (Hospital Buildings); GOS/15/202/1-2 Bernard Street Properties, 1960-1969; GOS/15/202/3 Purchase of 12-14 Bernard Street, 1969-1970, including plans; GOS/15/203/1-2, 25-28 Bernard Street, 1972-1975; GOS/15/204 32 Great Ormond Street (Williams Deacons Bank); Lease of former house by the Hospital to the Bank, includes plans, development schemes and general Hospital correspondence with the Bank, 1952-1967; GOS/15/205 40 Great Ormond Street (Premises leased by the Royal Standard Benefit Company, later reclaimed as GOS Supplies Dept, plans and tenancy agreements, 1955-1967; GOS/15/206 28-40 Great Ormond Street, 1956-1966, Houses on the north side of the street, subsequently replaced by new frontage extension. Includes tenancy correspondence with Tom Driberg, Richard Seifert and Lena Jeger, MP.

GOS/15/207/1-2 Dolling's Timber Yard (off Guilford Street), 1954-1960 and 1960-1966 including purchase of by the Hospital from McFarlane Burchell Ltd, draft assignment of Leasehold, and subsequent site development for ICH and Barrie Wing; GOS/15/208 Foundling Estate; papers concerning attempts at joint purchase of residential properties on the Foundling Estate by the National Hospital and GOS, 1965; GOS/15/209 28-38 Great Ormond Street, development of as new frontage building 1967-1971, including surveys of the Hospital's usage requirements and leasing of nos. 28-34 to the Ministry of Health, 1970.

GOS/15/210, 28 Great Ormond Street; leasing and subsequent usage of section of new frontage building by Deacons Bank (later Williams and Glynn's Bank), 1964-1982; GOS/15/211 41 Great Ormond Street, includes Holborn Borough Council plans of properties on the south side of the street, 1959; GOS/15/212 61 Great Ormond Street, 1967-1970; purchase by the Hospital from Camden Council, and conversion for use by Leukaemia Research Fund; GOS/15/213, Guilford Street properties (nos. 37-39, YMCA, and nos. 41-44), 1931. Purchase of new nurses' home development, and buy-out of YMCA, including correspondence of Lord Macmillan and Mr. Chadwyck-Healey (Hospital Chairman and Treasurer).

GOS/15/214 Investigation of potential purchase of nos 55-57 Great Ormond Street by the Hospital, 1970 (for £40,000); GOS/15/215 Kent's Factory, Ormond Mews. Purchase of former sawmill, leasing to Abbott and Gerson Ltd, and proposals for demolition and development of site (future Cardiac Wing site), 1959-1963; GOS/15/216 Redevelopment of Old Building, 1965-1967. Correspondence, reports, occupation and usage data, redevelopment schemes and floorplans; GOS/15/217 Ormond Mews, 1958-1968, principally concerning access and light and air agreements with the National Hospital resulting from construction of the nstitute of Neurology, Queen's Square; GOS/15/218/1-2 72-84 Lamb's Conduit Street (development of Spens House site), 1963-1967; GOS/15/219 83-95 Lamb's Conduit Street, 1970-1984. Plans, leases, tenancy dealings with the Rugby Estate, Mel Calman Limited and others (Botnar Laboratories site); GOS/15/220/1-2 Rosslyn Lodge, Belsize Park (former GOS nurses' home), 1950-1976, includes correspondence, plans, sale particulars, lease from Church Commissioners, and Camden area environmental plans.

GOS/15/221 Surveyor's Report to the National Hospital and GOS on properties owned by the Hospitals and their redevelopment potential, l971; GOS/15/222/1-2 Hospital Properties Schedules, 1960-1968 and 1969-1974; GOS/15/223 Hospital Leases with DHSS, 1976 (Queen Elizabeth Hospital properties; 36 Doughty Street, 28-34 Bernard Street, 24 Great Ormond Street and 'Northdown', Tadworth Court).

GOS/15/224-225, Group Administration 'C' coded filing (Papers of Hospital Committees), including GOS/15/224/1-6 Board of Governors' papers, 1958-1986, and GOS/15/225 Board of Governors, miscellaneous papers, 1972-1981; GOS/15/226 Board's Official Visitors' Reports for GOS, QEH and Tadworth Court, 1959-1985; GOS/15/227 Board of Governors' Open Day, 1970; GOS/15/228/1-3 Papers of Cross-Infection Sub-Committee(later Group Infection (Committee), 1963-1978 ; GOS/15/229 Papers of GOS Drugs Committee, 1955-1968, including Reports, circulars, correspondence, and a list of banned practitioners .

GOS/15/230 Papers of Finance Committee, correspondence and reports, 1961-19; GOS/15/231/1-2 Papers of the Policy and Planning Sub-Committee(Of the Medical Committee, 1963-1969; GOS/15/232 Division of Radiologists, correspondence and reports, 1971-1978; GOS/15/233 Joint Meeting of Pathologists, reports on staff and work-rates, 1963-1970; GOS/15/234 Correspondence with Medical Committee of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, on future co-operation after amalgamation, 1967-1968; GOS/15/235/1-3 Papers of the Medical Committee, 1964-1971; GOS/15/236/1-3 Papers of the Nursing Committee, 1966-1985; GOS/15/237 Papers of the Policy and Development Sub-Committee, 1964-1968; GOS/15/238 Sub-Committee (of the Policy and Development Committee) on the Development of Tadworth Court and Banstead (country branches), 1968-1971.

GOS/15/239/1-3 Papers of the Joint Research Board, 1954-1970; GOS/15/240/1-2 Study Leave Committee, including Clinical Staff Study Leave applications, 1965-1966 and attendance at 1971 International Paediatric Congress, Vienna; GOS/15/241 Papers of Joint Meetings of Surgeons and Physicians, 1959-1971; GOS/15/242 General Sub-Committee papers, 1960-1967; GOS/15/243/1-2 Papers of the Tadworth Committee, including some minutes, 1957-1965 and 1966-1969; GOS/15/244 Papers of Tadworth Medical Committee, 1966-1967.

GOS/15/245 Minutes and correspondence of GOS Medical Records Committee, 1972-1986; GOS/15/246 Reports and correspondence on the 'Cogwheel Committee' structure of clinical committees, 1972-7198, including revised Constitution of the General Medical Staff Committee; GOS/15/247 Papers of the Joint Standing Committee for the Protection of Persons against Atomising Radiation (later Radiological Safety Committee), 1971-1981*.

GOS/15/248-380 Group Administration 'D' coded filing, (Papers of Hospital Departments), including GOS/15/248- 249, Anaesthetic Department, 1956-1974; GOS/15/250, Animal House, 1960-1975; GOS/15/252, Admissions, 1959-1975; GOS/15/254 Almoner's Department (Social Work), Administration and Staffing, 1969-1972; GOS/15/255-257 CSSDU (Central Sterile Supplies Department), 1964-1976; GOS/15/258 Catering Department, 1970-1974, GOS/15/259-260 Chemical Pathology Department, Administration and Staffing, 1967-1976; GOS/15/261 Chapel, Maintenance and Equipment, 1959-1976; GOS/15/262 Dental Department, 1958-1974; GOS/15/264 Dietetic Department, 1965-1975; GOS/15/266 Dispensary (Pharmacy), Administration and Equipment (Sample), 1959-1976; GOS/15/267 Hospital Crèche, 1968-1977.

GOS/15/268 Parent's Unit 1971; GOS/15/269 *ENT Department, 1958-1973;GOS/15/271 Psychiatric Unit (Establishment of Mildred Creak Unit), 1969-1974; GOS/15/272 Psychiatric Unit, Maintenance and Equipment (including plans), 1970-1971; GOS/15/273 Staff Occupational Health Centre (Establishment of and subsequent Maintenance and Equipment, 1972-1977; GOS/15/274, Growth and Disorder Clinic, 1962-1974; GOS/15/275-276 House Governor's Office, 1959-1973; GOS/15/277-278 Haematology Department, Administration and Staffing, 1961-1974; GOS/15/280 Matron's Office, Administration and Staffing, 1943-1972 includes 1948 Rules for the Matron, and 1964 work review of the office.

GOS/15/281-282 Medical Records Department, 1959-1971; GOS/15/283 Hospital Milk Kitchen and Milk Feed System, 1958-1972; GOS/15/284 Medical Artist's Department, Staffing and Equipment, 1955-1974; GOS/15/285 Morbid Anatomy Department, Administration and Staffing, 1970-1976; GOS/15/286 Microbio1ogy 1960-1972; GOS/15/287 Medical Workshop (Biomedical Engineering), including minutes of the Medical Workshops Sub-Committee, 1957-1974 (sample).

GOS/15/288, Administration and Staffing, miscellaneous papers (sample), 1963-1972, including correspondence with or about present and former staff, alleviation of parental visiting restrictions, reminiscences of Norman Bethune by Thomas Twistington-Higgins and of the appointment of Lord Southwood as Chairman in 1939 by William Surrey Dane.

GOS/15/289 Nephrology Department (Renal Unit), 1970-1975; GOS/15/290-296, Neurophysiology Department, 1957-1977; GOS/15/297 Neurology Department, general, 1958-1974; GOS/15/298-301, Neurosurgery Unit, Administration and Staffing, 1950-1974; GOS/15/302 Nursing Mothers' Unit (including short-term parental accommodation) 1959-1977 and also some general correspondence on family visiting policy; GOS/15/303-304 Ophthalmic Department, Administration and Staffing, 1960-1975; GOS/15/305-310 Operating Theatres, 1959-1976*.

GOS/15/311-314 Out-Patients' Department, Administration and Staffing, 1960-1973; GOS/15/315 Orthopaedic Department, 1960-72; GOS/15/317-323, Pathology Department, 1951-1976; GOS/15/324 Miscellaneous, 1949-1964; GOS/15/325-326, Photographic Department, 1957-1976; GOS/15/327-332, Department of Psychological Medicine,1959-1972; GOS/15/332 Plastic Surgery Department, 1962-1972; GOS/15/333-336 Physical Medicine Department, 1958-1977; GOS/15/337-338, Physiology Department, 1960-1972; GOS/15/339 * Play (Therapy) Centre, 1965-1977.

GOS/15/340 Radiotherapy Department, 1958-1972; GOS/15/341 Research, Maintenance and Equipment, 1961-1972; GOS/15/342 Speech Therapy Department, 1960-1973; GOS/15/343-344 Hospital School, 1948-1958, and 1960-1967; GOS/15/345 Surgical and Medical Appliances, 1960-1976; GOS/15/346 Surgery, general, 1966-1972; GOS/15/347, St Nicholas's Nursery (Nursery in Guilford Street funded by the Friends of Great Ormond Street, for resident mothers, and children with feeding difficulties) no dates.

GOS/15/348-351 Thoracic Department, 1948-1971;GOS/15/352 Urology Department, 1962-1972; GOS/15/353-355 Voluntary Workers, correspondence , reports and newsletters; 1964-1974; GOS/15/356 Voluntary Gifts Department (for donated clinical equipment), 1948-1965; GOS/15/357 Hospital Wards (sample), 1961-1973; GOS/15/358-359, Hospital Wards, general (sample), l958-1972;GOS/15/359-364, X-Ray Department, 1963- 1973; GOS/15/365 Automation and Computers, 1972-1973.

GOS/15/366 Bed Allocation by consultants and specialisms, 1964-1973(for GOS, QEH, Tadworth Court and Banstead Wood); GOS/15/367 Patient Complaints, 1972-1973; GOS/15/368 Ethical Committee(Standing Committee on Ethical Practice), correspondence, minutes and proposals to, 1967-1972; GOS/15/369 Gifts to the Hospital, 1974; GOS/15/370-371 Heads of Department Meetings, correspondence and minutes; 1971-1974; GOS/15/372 Staff Incentive Bonus Schemes, 1972; GOS/15/373 Papers of Infection Sub-Committee, 1972-1976; GOS/15/374 Overseas Patient Enquiries, with related memoranda and policy documents, 1972-1973; GOS/15/375 Private Patients, miscellaneous correspondence and reports, including Royal patients; GOS/15/376, Transport of patients by Helicopter (use of Coram Fields as a landing strip for RAF helicopters delivering emergency patients), 1959-1976.

GOS/15/377-378 * Private Consulting Rooms, including minutes of Users Sub-Committee and plans, 1965-1973; GOS/15/379 Residences, correspondence and accommodation statistics, 1972-1973; GOS/15/380 Theatre Working Party, 1973-1974.

GOS/15/381-436 Group Administration 'F' coded Filing (correspondence with External Organisations and Affiliated Institutions, comprising GOS/15/381 Area Nurse Training (North-East Metropolitan Area Nurse Training Committee), 1957-1968; GOS/15/382-383 BBC Broadcasts, 1959-1966 and 1968-1984; GOS/15/384,British Paediatric Association (run from Institute of Child Health); correspondence, reports, agenda papers, newsletters, 1962-1968; GOS/15/385-388 Coram Fields-Harmsworth Memorial Park and Wolfson Centre, 1961-1983; GOS/15/389, Cystic fibrosis Research Foundation (administered by GOS staff), correspondence and newsletters, 1963-1969.

GOS/15/390, * Department of Health and Social Security (sample), 1972-1982, including correspondence with DHSS, 1983 report on Paediatric Cardiac Surgery; Rules for new Hospitals for Sick Children Special Health Authority, 1982, Hospital statistical returns to the Department.

GOS/15/391-398 Friends(of the Children) of Great Ormond Street; correspondents, minutes and leaflets, 1961-1986; GOS/15/399 Variety Club of Great Britain, 1967-1977; GOS/15/400 * Leukaemia Research Fund, 1969-1985;
GOS/15/401-402 London Borough of Camden, 1977-1986, including general plans of the area, and papers concerning the effects on the Hospital and neighbourhood of traffic and development schemes and cable-laying; GOS/15/403, Joint Research Board (with Institute of Child Health), 1970-1975; GOS/15/404-408 Institute of Child Health, general management correspondence with the Hospital, and some minutes of ICH Academic Board, 1961-1985; GOS/15/409 Royal Commission on Medical Education (Todd Report), 1968; GOS/15/410 League of Remembrance, 1959-1984; GOS/15/411-412 Metropolitan Hospitals Sunday Fund, 1959-1984.

GOS/15/413, Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Children, Hackney, 1959-1965, including correspondence with QEH prior to period of joint management, including GOS reports giving case for designation of QEH as part of future Hospitals for Sick Children group; GOS/15/414-415 North-East Metropolitan Regional Health Board (later North-East Thames RHB), 1962-1967 and 1971-1985; GOS/15/416, Royal Melbourne Children's Hospital, 1963-1969; GOS/15/417-420 The Teaching Hospitals Association, circulars and correspondence 1960-1968; GOS/15/421-424 The Teaching Hospitals Association, London Postgraduate Committee, 1959-1967; GOS/15/425,Sir Malcolm Sargent Cancer Fund, 1968-1982* ; GOS/15/426, UNICEF, 1961-1968.

GOS/15/427, GOS Gastro-Enteritis 'Flying Squad', 1948-1949, including correspondence of Dr J A Black concerning the establishment of the service, its work at other Hospitals, and lists of equipment used by it; GOS/15/428-429 Joint Research Board(with Institute of Child Health), 1972-1985; GOS/15/430, London Planning Consortium (on general Specialist Services in the Capital), 1978-1980; GOS/15/431, Royal London Homeopathic Hospital, 1970-1981; GOS/15/432, City and Hackney and Tower Hamlets Health Authorities, largely concerning development plans for Queen Elizabeth Hospital; 1974-1983; GOS/15/433-44, City and Hackney Health Authority 'Joint Care Group' (with GOS, forQEH and general East London Paediatric services), 1976-1981.

GOS/15/435,North-East Thames Regional Health Authority (NETRHA); correspondence and reports to GOS on general paediatric matters in the Region, 1976-1981; GOS/15/436 Private Children's hospital, 1980-1981*, a proposed scheme for development of a new private paediatric hospital in Great Portland Street initiated by UME(United Medical Enterprises) group, with possible GOS collaboration.

GOS/15/437-450, Group Administration Financial Filing (former "F" coded series), omcprising, GOS/15/437 Budget Maintenance and Review; sample of original multiple files, 1962-1985; GOS/15/438-441 Budget Capital and Review, 1960-1985; GOS/15/442, Annual Capital Programme (sample), 1958-1983, including annual expenditure estimates and related correspondence with the Ministry and Hospital staff; GOS/15/443-444 Board's Endowment Funds, 1957-1984; GOS/15/445, Hospital Costings (sample), 1958-1964; G08/15/446, Fundraising, 1981-1984, including correspondence on fundraising policy and with individual donors, prior to inception of the 'Wishing Well' Appeal; GOS/15/447, Special Trustees, GOS, 1978-1984, including establishment of Special Trustees for the Endowment Funds on the creation of the Hospitals as a Special Health Authority.

GOS/15/448, Special Trustees, general, 1981-1984; minutes and related papers of meetings of the Special Trustees Group (from other London Hospitals); GOS/15/449,Valuation of Investments (of Endowment Funds and Trust Funds); annual statistics and correspondence, 1957-1983; GOS/15/450, Private Patient Charges (largely correspondence with Deptartment of Health on rates of and usage of), 1951-1969.

GOS/15/451-489, Additional 'Properties' Series (former Group Administration 'J' coded filing), comprising GOS/15/451-453 New Operating Theatre (furnishing and equipment for), 1953-1960; GOS/15/454-458, New X-Ray Department (Barrie Wing), planning, financing and equipping of), 1958-1961; GOS/15/459-462 Proposed new Administration Block (Frontage Extension), 1955-1963; GOS/15/463-472, Hospital for Sick Children and National Hospital property relations and Joint Development schemes, 1945-1968; (note that this series continues below as /481-488, former J30 series).

GOS/15/473-480 Redevelopment of 36-40 Great Ormond St (Frontage extension including Williams and Glynn Bank), 1955-1971; GOS/15/481-488 National Hospital Joint Development Schemes, 1966-1974; GOS/15/489 Mothers' Accommodation (Original Parents' Unit), 1965-69, including correspondence, plans, reports and opinions of senior medical staff on its establishment.

GOS/15/490-528 1970-1987 Group Administration 'Subject Filing' which is a heavily-weeded former numerical series, comprising, GOS/15/490 Refused Admissions reports, 1983-1984; GOS/15/491 Papers of GOS Building Committee, 1980-1981; GOS/15/492 Capital Programme, including estimates and related correspondence, 1975-1983; GOS/15/493 Hospital Catering, including sample menus, 1980-1986; GOS/15/494 Hospital Chapel and Chaplaincy correspondence, including with other denominations, 1980-1984; GOS/15/495 Chemical Patho1ogy (C1inical Biochemistry) correspondence, 1980-1984; GOS/15/496 Computers and Automation, 1980-1981; largely proposed joint system for the 'Island Site' Hospitals (GOS, National and Homeopathic); GOS/15/497 ENT Department, correspondence, 1975-1985; GOS/15/498, Children's Entertainment at the Hospital, correspondence, 1981-1984.

GOS/15/499, Friends of Great Ormond Street, correspondence and financial reports, 1983-1984; GOS/15/500, Sick Children's Trust, correspondence, 1983-1984; GOS/15/501 *Histopathology Department correspondence (largely concerning the Hospital Mortuary), 1979; GOS/15/502 Institute of Child Health, correspondence with the Hospital, 1981-1984; GOS/15/503 Joint (Staff) Consultative Committee, minutes, reports and correspondence, 1976-1982; GOS/15/504 Joint Research Board correspondence, 1982-1987; GOS/15/505 Junior Medical Staff (Committee), minutes and related papers, 1980-1984; GOS/15/506 Medical Advisory Committee, correspondence, minutes and summaries of decisions, 1974-1983; GOS/15/507, Medical Records Department correspondence, with examples of standard file formats, 1982.

GOS/15/508 Museum correspondence, 1966-1984, including a 1966 report on ICH 'specimens' museum and correspondence on 125th anniversary historical exhibit, 1977; GOS/15/509 Operating Theatre correspondence, 1979-1985, GOS/15/510 Out-Patients Department, correspondence, 1979-1987; GOS/15/511/1-2, correspondence regarding painting in the hospital, inclding the Edmund Caswell mural, 1979-2000; GOS/15/512 Parents Unit; correspondence concerning administration, 1970; GOS/15/513 File 'Patients, general', 1978-1983; including complaints and compliments by parents, recommendations for treatment, correspondence on treatment of 'over-age' patients; GOS/15/514 Patients, 'Overseas Directives', 1980-1983 (re legal status concerning entitlement to treatment of EU and other overseas patients); GOS/15/515 Private Patients, 1979-1983; correspondence and complaints.

GOS/15/516, Pharmacy correspondence, 1979-1984, including a draft edition of new edition of GOS Pharmacopoeia, 1979; GOS/15/517 Medical Illustration Department, correspondence, 1979-1984; GOS/15/518, Postgraduate Hospitals - reports on the future of, and proposed amalgamation of the 'Island Site' hospitals (GOS, National and Homeopathic), 1976, this includes a memorandum on amalgamation scheme by Doctor David Owen when Health Minister.

GOS/15/519* Papers of Private Patients Staff Sub-Committee, including charging arrangements and medical supervision/management of, 1979-1984; GOS/15/520, Radio GOSH, 1980; includes minutes of Radio Committee, newsletters of radio station sponsors, the Maccabi Association, (these papers were moved to GOS 14/208-10); GOS/15/521, Tadworth Court; minutes of Staff Working Party on the future of Tadworth, October-December 1981 and the 1982 memorandum on transfer of ownership arrangements.

GOS/15/522,* Television and Radio Broadcasts at the Hospital, 1980-1984, including correspondence with the BBC and commercial broadcasters; GOS/15/523 Thoracic Unit, correspondence, 1980-1984; GOS/15/524, Visits to the Hospita1, 1980-1984 (arrangements for politicians, celebrities and general); GOS/15/525, Joint Research Board correspondence, 1970-l (includes some clinical data and research proposals); GOS/15/526, Nursing Staff Administration, 1980-1983, which includes some Minutes of Nurses' Executive Council, and 1982 memorandum, Nursing Establishment to meet Patient Needs; GOS/15/527, Papers concerning re-organisation of the Medical Workshops Sub-Committee, 1973; GOS/15/528Health and Safety; papers of Hospital Sub-Committee, and correspondence on development of policy, 1979-1981.

GOS/15/529, GOS Summary Business Plan, 1999-2000; GOS/15/530 File on the Royal visit; laying of VCB foundation stone 18 March 1991 by HRH Princess of Wales, File; GOS/15/531,Hospital Staff and Management Structure Charts, 1997-2003; GOS/15/532, GOSH NHS Trust's Monthly Newsbrief, 1996-2000 (Internal publication compiled by Corporate Support manager Lois Beckett; GOS/15/533, Miscellaneous Executive Office files, December 2002, including 1993 Space Utilisation Plan for Hospital site; Quality, Experience and Outcome (Information document for Purchasers and Referring Clinicians); 1994 report from the Task Force for implementation of New Deal for junior doctors, programme for visit of the President of Croatia, December 2001.

GOS/15/534, Papers concerning the commissioning of the Variety Club Building, apparently compiled for use of staff showing official visitors round it, also including summary histories and chronologies of the Hospital, 1987-1997; GOS/15/535, miscellaneous Executive Office papers, 1993-2008, including text of draft NHS Trust application, 1993, the Pharmacy Business Plan, 1997-1998 and the Chief Executive's Review of financial difficulties, 2007-2008.

GOS/15/535 miscellaneous Executive Office papers, 1993-2008, includes text of draft NHS Trust application, 1993, Pharmacy Business Plan, 1997-1998, Chief Executive’s Review of financial difficulties, 2007-2008; GOS/15/536 Draft ‘Health and Safety’ Policies for the Hospital for Sick Children and Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Children, with related Infection Control policies, 1992; GOS/15/537 Museum and Archives Service and ‘Peter Pan Gallery’, departmental history(correspondence, reports, memoranda),1990-2012.
Additional series; GOS/15/563-797 (33 boxes); Clinical Services Directorate Administrative filing, 1980-2005; GOS/15/809-83(8 boxes),Institute of Child Health Research & Development Office correspondence with the Hospital, 1994-2007.

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