Corporate records of Courage and Company Limited, brewers, including Directors' meetings minute books; general meetings minute books; papers of the Board; papers of the Secretary; records of the Investment Committee; register of appeals; register of directors' holdings; articles of association; seal register; powers of attorney; papers relating to company formation; papers relating to the liquidation of Farnham United Brewery; and annual reports.
Zonder titelFinancial records of Courage and Company Limited, brewers, including balance sheet ledgers; balance and stock sheets; annual costings; accounts ledgers; analyses; journals; cash books; deposits and withdrawals; bills and general financial papers.
Zonder titelSales records of Courage and Company Limited, including Sales Committee minutes; trading figures; trade books; records of supplies; prices and charges; records of beer bought and sold; records of beer recieved; purchase and adjustment account papers; sales summaries; delivery records; licences, agreements and contracts.
Zonder titelProduction records for Courage and Company Limited, brewers, including lists of amounts brewed; lists of malt consumed; records of ingredients used; brewing books; mashing books; registers of beer; diaries of brewing; costs; papers relating to raw materials; licences; plans and sketches of brewing equipment.
Zonder titelPublic Relations records for Courage and Company Limited, brewers, including copies of "The Development and Growth of Courage's Brewery, 1787-1932" by GN Hardinge; and printing blocks showing staff, public houses and advertisements.
Zonder titelRecords of Courage and Company Limited, brewers, comprising papers of members of the Courage family including John Courage, John Robert Courage, Robert Courage and Raymond Courage. Also papers of the Hardinge family.
Zonder titelProperty records for Courage and Company Limited, brewers, including Plans Committee minutes and papers; London Properties Committee minutes and papers; financial records relating to estates income; estate maintenance records; public house ledgers; public house deeds; agreements; plans; maintenance diaries.
Zonder titelStaff records for Courage and Company Limited, brewers, including papers relating to wages and salaries; register of pensioners; papers relating to appointments; papers relating to an insurance policy for war injuries; and bye-laws of The Courage Club, staff association.
Zonder titel