Corporate records of Harmans Uxbridge Brewery Limited, including minutes, agendas and related papers; Directors' papers; papers relating to stocks and shares; trust deeds; debenture records; agreements; papers and diaries of the Company Secretary; agreements; debenture stock records; annual returns; articles of association; certificate of incorporation; register of seals; papers relating to acquisitions; financial correspondence; annual reports with accounts.
Harmans Uxbridge Brewery LtdFinancial records of Harmans Uxbridge Brewery Limited, including ledgers; journals; estate accounts; cash books; bank passbooks; accounts; bank statements; credit balances; receipts; papers regarding investments; correspondence relating to financial matters including overdraft, stock and the Loan and Slate Club; income tax papers; audit papers; tax demands and brewery accounts.
Harmans Uxbridge Brewery LtdGeneral records of Harmans Uxbridge Brewery Limited, including family tree of the Harman family; photographs of the visit of a Mayor to the Brewery; and publicity material.
Harmans Uxbridge Brewery LtdProduction records of Harmans Uxbridge Brewery Limited, including hop crop summaries; papers relating to testing and repair of plant and machinery; Board of Trade census of production returns; and papers relating to Garland Vaults (wine and spirits department) including stock taking sheets.
Harmans Uxbridge Brewery LtdProperty records of Harmans Uxbridge Brewery Limited, including rent books; purchase of property book; estates summary; tenancy records; papers relating to building repairs; rating and valuations records; redemption of land tax certificates; insurance records; deeds; and register of plant and machinery.
Harmans Uxbridge Brewery LtdSales records of Harmans Uxbridge Brewery Limited, including papers relating to beer sales; sales summary sheets; sales journals; records of free trade and tied trade; records regarding wines and spirits; customer accounts; sales representatives expenses and sales records; stock and debt books; Building Department stock lists; price lists; papers relating to lager sales.
Harmans Uxbridge Brewery LtdStaff records of Harmans Uxbridge Brewery Limited, including wages records; staff employment files; accident papers; service agreements; papers relating to pension and life assurance schemes; papers relating to the appointment of the company secretary; and telephone directory.
Harmans Uxbridge Brewery Ltd