Records of the Grand Junction Waterworks Company relating to water supply and distribution, including water supply agreements; laying on books; meter agreements; meter readings; fire report books; water rentals books; pipes records; examination of mains books; papers relating to alterations to pipes and fittings; meter charges; supply and engineering records.
Grand Junction Waterworks CompanyStaff records of the Grand Junction Waterworks Company, comprising staff wages books.
Grand Junction Waterworks CompanyPurchase records of the Grand Junction Waterworks Company, comprising stock books.
Grand Junction Waterworks CompanyGeneral records of the Grand Junction Waterworks Company, including examples of forms printed and distributed by the company; general index of drawings; papers relating to rate assessment appeals; valuation of tools and working plant; and papers relating to Parliamentary Acts and Royal Commissions.
Grand Junction Waterworks CompanyStock register of the Grand Junction Waterworks Company, 1904.
Grand Junction Waterworks CompanyCorporate records of the Grand Junction Waterworks Company, including Court of Directors minute books; Committee books; Court record books; General Assembly minute books; Directors' reports; correspondence and letter books; registers of shareholders; stock ledgers; mortgage records; and contracts records.
Grand Junction Waterworks CompanyRecords of the Grand Junction Waterworks Company, including Court of Directors' papers; legal papers; parliamentary papers; investments records; plans; engine and coal accounts; contracts; staff records and property records.
Grand Junction Waterworks CompanyFinancial records of the Grand Junction Waterworks Company, including half-yearly accounts; ledgers; journals; cash books; liabilities; balance books; revenue ledgers; office rate books; Collectors' recoveries and meter collections.
Grand Junction Waterworks Company