Three bound volumes relating to problems in the coal industry, containing:
Vol. 1 Printed and stencilled pamphlets and memoranda.
Vol. 2 Miscellaneous letters.
Vol. 3 Press cuttings from The Times 8 Apr 1921-19 May 1921.
One volume containing papers of William Beveridge relating to the family allowance, including correspondence with Eleanor Rathbone (1872-1946) and the Family Endowment Society.
Sin títuloPapers concerning the control of munitions labour, collected by Beveridge while Assistant General Secretary of the Ministry of Munitions. The material has been arranged into eight sections, including:
Section 1: Papers dating from early 1915 to the date of the Munitions of War Act, Jul 1915.
Section 2: Organisation and history of the Ministry of Munitions of War.
Section 3: Papers from Jul 1916 to the date of the Munitions of War Act, 1916.
Section 4: Central Munitions Labour Supply Committee: memoranda.
Section 5: Papers dating form after 27 Jan 1916, including document relating to Demobilisation and conscientious objectors.
Section 6: Papers relating to The Labour Exchanges and National Insurance.
One bound volume containing the papers relating to the Capital and Labour Committee, a sub-committee of the Reconstruction Committee:
Item 1: Draft terms of reference to sub-committee folio 1.
Item 2: Enterance to trades (note) folio 2 - 3.
Item 3: Beveridge, Profit sharing between employer and trade union (memorandum, 8 May 1916) folio 4 - 10.
Item 4: Beveridge, Profit sharing between employer and trade union (corrected draft of above) folio 11 - 18.
Item 5: Beveridge, Relations of capital and labour after the war (memorandum 13 Jun 1916) folio 19 - 27.
Item 6: Beveridge, Relations of capital and labour after the war (corrected draft of above) folio 28 - 38.
Item 7: Report to the Board of Trade on the Industrial Disputes Investigation Act of Canada 1907, by Sir George Askwith (1861-1942) folio 33.
Papers relating to the Unemployment Insurance Committee.
Item 1: "The character of the scheme".
Item 2: "The scheme in practice".
Item 3: "The scale of work".
Item 4: "The Offices of the Unemployment Fund".
Item 5: "Courts of Referees and Umpire".
Item 6: "Provision for Fluctuations of Work".
Item 7: "Total staff for unemployment insurance and labour exchanges and certain heads of expenditure".
Item 8: "Other items of expenditure".
Item 9: "Summary of Expenditure and Conclusion".
Beveridge's papers as Second Secretary of the Ministry of Food during World War One, including:
Volume 6: The 9d loaf and the bread subsidy, May-Aug 1917.
Volume 7: Sugar distribution scheme, Dec 1916-Sep 1917.
Volume 8: Rationing. Jan-Apr 1917.
Volume 9: Rationing, Apr 1917-Mar 1918.
Volume 13: Papers on the future of the Ministry of Food, Nov 1918-1921.
Volume 15: Industrial unrest. Railway strike, 1919.
Volume 16: Industrial unrest. Coal strikes, Oct 1920 and Apr 1921.
Volume 23: Diary of the Ministry of Food, 1917-1919.
Volumes 24 - 26. Minutes of the Food Council, 1917-1920.