One bound volume containing the papers relating to the Capital and Labour Committee, a sub-committee of the Reconstruction Committee:
Item 1: Draft terms of reference to sub-committee folio 1.
Item 2: Enterance to trades (note) folio 2 - 3.
Item 3: Beveridge, Profit sharing between employer and trade union (memorandum, 8 May 1916) folio 4 - 10.
Item 4: Beveridge, Profit sharing between employer and trade union (corrected draft of above) folio 11 - 18.
Item 5: Beveridge, Relations of capital and labour after the war (memorandum 13 Jun 1916) folio 19 - 27.
Item 6: Beveridge, Relations of capital and labour after the war (corrected draft of above) folio 28 - 38.
Item 7: Report to the Board of Trade on the Industrial Disputes Investigation Act of Canada 1907, by Sir George Askwith (1861-1942) folio 33.
Three bound volumes relating to problems in the coal industry, containing:
Vol. 1 Printed and stencilled pamphlets and memoranda.
Vol. 2 Miscellaneous letters.
Vol. 3 Press cuttings from The Times 8 Apr 1921-19 May 1921.
One volume containing papers of William Beveridge relating to the family allowance, including correspondence with Eleanor Rathbone (1872-1946) and the Family Endowment Society.
Beveridge , William Henry , 1879-1963 , 1st Baron Beveridge of Tuggal , economistBeveridge's papers as Second Secretary of the Ministry of Food during World War One, including:
Volume 6: The 9d loaf and the bread subsidy, May-Aug 1917.
Volume 7: Sugar distribution scheme, Dec 1916-Sep 1917.
Volume 8: Rationing. Jan-Apr 1917.
Volume 9: Rationing, Apr 1917-Mar 1918.
Volume 13: Papers on the future of the Ministry of Food, Nov 1918-1921.
Volume 15: Industrial unrest. Railway strike, 1919.
Volume 16: Industrial unrest. Coal strikes, Oct 1920 and Apr 1921.
Volume 23: Diary of the Ministry of Food, 1917-1919.
Volumes 24 - 26. Minutes of the Food Council, 1917-1920.
Papers concerning the control of munitions labour, collected by Beveridge while Assistant General Secretary of the Ministry of Munitions. The material has been arranged into eight sections, including:
Section 1: Papers dating from early 1915 to the date of the Munitions of War Act, Jul 1915.
Section 2: Organisation and history of the Ministry of Munitions of War.
Section 3: Papers from Jul 1916 to the date of the Munitions of War Act, 1916.
Section 4: Central Munitions Labour Supply Committee: memoranda.
Section 5: Papers dating form after 27 Jan 1916, including document relating to Demobilisation and conscientious objectors.
Section 6: Papers relating to The Labour Exchanges and National Insurance.
Papers relating to the Unemployment Insurance Committee.
Item 1: "The character of the scheme".
Item 2: "The scheme in practice".
Item 3: "The scale of work".
Item 4: "The Offices of the Unemployment Fund".
Item 5: "Courts of Referees and Umpire".
Item 6: "Provision for Fluctuations of Work".
Item 7: "Total staff for unemployment insurance and labour exchanges and certain heads of expenditure".
Item 8: "Other items of expenditure".
Item 9: "Summary of Expenditure and Conclusion".