Affichage de 105 résultats

Description archivistique
Invoices relating to Philadelphia
GB 0096 MS 675 · 1833-1879

A collection of 240 invoices, printed forms completed in manuscript, often with engraved headings and scenes, dated between 1833 and 1879, addressed to 107 companies and individuals in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and to 2 in New York, from one German and 89 British manufacturers. Goods invoiced consist mainly of textile and textile machinery, pottery, cutlery and tools. Most invoices after Sep 1835 bear the stamp of the Custom House, Philadelphia, and after Feb 1869 many have attached a consular certificate combined with a sworn declaration by the manufacturer as to the origin, destination and price of the goods.

Sans titre
Bills of sale for ships
GB 0096 MS 680 · 1866-1869

Two bills of sale of vessels registered at Liverpool, details as follows:

  1. Sale of 4/64 share of the barque Charlotte for a consideration of £675, by Philip Nelson, shipowner, to Henry Gardner, produce broker, both of Liverpool, 1 Jun 1866.
  2. Sale of 8/64 share of the barque Cecilia, for a consideration of £900, between the parties as above, 25 Feb 1869.
Sans titre
Album, 1899-1915
GB 0096 MS 702 · 1899-1915

Album inscribed 'To Blanche in loving memory of Nettie', 30 Sep 1900. The front cover is stamped with the initials J.C.B. and B.M.B. in the upper left and lower right corners respectively. Blue, pink or white pages with poems, watercolours and sketches; one oil painting on cardboard inserted (f.56). The dates range from 1899 to 1915, the majority of entries being of 1900-1905.

Sans titre
GB 0096 MS 706 · 1786-1791

Papers relating to the estate of John Appleton of Queen Square, Bristol, 1786-1791, including:

  1. An inventory of his goods and chattels taken at his lodgings in Queen Square, Bristol, 10 Oct 1786, including details of clothes, household goods, plate, and books and pamphlets, with a total value of £170 11s.
  2. An account of monies received and paid out by Thomas Rutter, executor of John Appleton, 1786-1790.
  3. Letter from Thomas Rutter to Patrick Buck explaining that, owing to bad debts, the effects left by Appleton are not sufficient to pay the legacies left by him, 1789.
  4. Receipt, 1791, signed by William and Hannah Reynolds for legacies left them by Appleton.
Sans titre
Philosophy fragment
GB 0096 MS 724 · mid 13th century-late 13th century

Two bifolia, formerly pastedowns, containing part of a work of scholastic philosophy, including a section on fate (sors), with marginal headings, annotations and indexing symbols in the hand of the text and in other 13th century hands. The manuscript was probably written in Italy during the mid-late 13th century.

Sans titre
GB 0096 MS 733 · 1842

Copy of an inventory of the possessions of 'Farmer Cotton' of Longparish, Hampshire, taken by H.B.Coles. The fixtures in the pantry, bakehouse, kitchen, yard, rick yard, granary and 'yard etc.' are listed, and valued at £16 17s.6d. Individual items are not valued. The inventory is addressed to H.B.Coles, Middleton House, Longparish, and franked Andover 12 Jul, and Whitchurch, 13 Jul 1842.

Sans titre
Wills (Kent, miscellaneous)
GB 0096 MS 773 · 1615-1777

Four wills, details as follows:

  1. Probate copy of the will of William Batte of Shoreham, Kent, making 'my loving master John Baker' the overseer of his will, 27 Dec [1615]. Lacking letters of probate and seal.
  2. Probate copy of the will of Joseph Wright of Maidstone, Kent, 'practitioner of physick', 12 May 1701. Lacking letters of probate and seal.
  3. Copy of the will of John Streatfield of Maidstone, Kent, 12 Apr 1766, with a note of probate on 4 Nov 1768, 'Extracted from the registry of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. The will mentions bequests to the Charity School of Maidstone and monies to be distributed to the poor of the parished of Maidstone, Hever, Mayfield (Sussex), Tonbridge and Penshurst.
  4. Copy of the will dated 11 Oct 1777, with a codicil of 28 Mar 1781, of Robert Streatfield of Burwack [Burwash], Sussex, with a note of probate on 19 Mar 1782. The will was extracted from the registry of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
Sans titre
Legal case book
GB 0096 MS 806 · [1770]

Manuscript notebook, describing cases to illustrate legal procedure in different forms of action. The cases given relate chiefly to Liverpool and Lancashire, but also to Chester, Berkshire and Middlesex. A table of fees allowed in West Derby Court (Lancashire) occupies the last written leaf. Many of the cases date from 1769, but there are additions to 1776.

Sans titre
Engamehath Manor, Essex: writ
GB 0096 MS 837 · 1615

Writ, dated 13 May 1615, addressed to the Sheriff of Essex ordering him to have John Webb brought to Westminster to do homage for the manor of Engamehath, held of the Crown, which he had recently received from Thomas Broxley without royal licence. Endorsed by the officials concerned.

Sans titre
GB 0096 MS 847 · 1420, 1435, 1499

Documents relating to land tenure in Calais, 1420-1499, as follows:

  1. Conveyance, dated 9 March 1420, between Henry Morton of Calais and John Baxter, burgher of Calais, and Richard Newerk, of a cottage in Hemp Street, St Mary's parish, Calais, which Morton had inherited from Robert Clyderowe by the latter's will of 2 Oct 1419. Abuttals given. Seal of Morton, on a parchment tag cut from a deed relating to Calais mentioning the following names: John Basing and Thomas Mysterton; fragment of the seal of the Mayoralty of Calais.
  2. Two halves of an indenture, dated 22 June 1435, by which Henry Bywell, also known as Topclyf, burgher of Calais, sold to Hugh Wychard, baker of Calais, a tenement in the parish of St Mary, Calais. The terms of the sale were recorded in another document; this indenture recorded the right of the vendor to occupy the property until the buyer should require it. Seals of the parties do not survive. The indenture was cut through the words 'Thomas Rygon'.
  3. Conveyance, dated 21 Jan 1499, between Richard Walden and Jacob Yerford, merchant of the staple of Calais, of a tenement in the parish of St Nicholas, Calais. Walden appointed Thomas Barton, merchant of the staple of Calais, his attorney in the transaction. Seals of Walden and the Mayoralty of London, on a parchment tag cut from a deed drawn up in the name of George Nevill, knight, 'dominus Berge[vaun?]y'.
Sans titre
Wine trade petition
GB 0096 MS 856 · 1743 or 1754

Petition to Henry Pelham, First Lord of the Treasury, presented by glass makers giving 'Reasons against importing French Wine in Bottles', dating from either 1743 or 1754. Signed by Richard Ricardi, Gerard van Horn, William Jackson and Samuel Lowe.

Sans titre
Certificate of Henry Wright
GB 0096 MS 871 · [1797]

Printed certificate with texts in English and French testifying that Henry Wright was an Englishman, possessed a 'handsome property', and 'may be depended upon in any mercantile concern he may transact between England and France, or any other nation', signed by Wright and 16 inhabitants of the parish of Tamworth, Staffordshire. With two duty stamps, one dated 1797. Printed by 'Cotton, printer, Tamworth'.

Sans titre
Contract of loan, Paris, 1754
GB 0096 MS 875 · 1754

Leaf from a cancelled instrument recording the contract established before two notaries of the court of the Prévôté of Paris, by which Jean Baptiste Godin, of Rue St Denis, undertook to pay annually to Nicolas Avisse, of the Faubourg St Germain, the sum of 250 livres, being the interest on a loan of 5,000 livres. An inscription records the cancelling of the contract: 'Constitution du 8 Mai 1754 de 5,000 livres de Capital. Remboursé'.

Sans titre
Report on English finances
GB 0096 MS 138 · 1784

Manuscript volume containing a [transcript of a] report by Maximilien Lasowski on the state of English finances in 1784, addressed to his pupil François Alexandre Frédéric, Duc de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (1747-1827), a French educator and social reformer. The report is written in the form of four letters, dated at Bury St. Edmunds, 10 Jun, 25 Jun, 14 Jul and 2 Aug, and includes a letter addressed to the Duc de Liancourt concerning the laws and principles surrounding parliamentary elections in England, and various impressions of political customs there, [1784]. The manuscript is written on the left half only of each page, and there are additions in pencil and ink in the right hand margin.

Sans titre
Insurance company
GB 0096 MS 141 · 1793

Manuscript Articles of Agreement, 1 Feb 1793, between a company of gentlemen for raising a fund of fifty thousand pounds, for the purpose of establishing a general insurance office, 'to ensure persons from loss of property by burglaries, highway and footpad robberies, public and private thefts, together with the expense of prosecution'. Includes the signatures of the 84 original shareholders against the number of shares held by each.

Sans titre
Paternal advice
GB 0096 MS 144 · c1650-c1700

Manuscript letter, c1650-c1700 from a father to his son who wishes to make a voyage to the Levant and stay at Aleppo, imparting religious and moral advice, with philosophical reflections.

Sans titre
Medbourne, account of cow pastures
GB 0096 MS 145 · c1750-c1800

Manuscript account, [1750-1800], of all the cow pastures belonging to the town of Medbourne, Leicestershire, giving a list of 49 inhabitants and the number of cows sent to the 'Upper' and 'Nether' pastures respectively. 20 of the names are to be found in the poll book for the 1741 parliamentary election in Leicestershire.

Sans titre
Memorandum on the Composition Trade
GB 0096 MS 207 · c1675

Manuscript volume containing a memorandum proposing the re-establishment of the Composition Trade, c1675, by which foreign merchants were allowed to import goods for re-shipment to foreign parts on payment of a customs duty, and beginning 'The inhabitants of France, Spain, Flanders and other parts, finding that their merchant ships did not pass the seas with that security as those of England...'.

Sans titre
Mathematical treatise
GB 0096 MS 391 · c1682

Manuscript volume containing a mathematical treatise, [1682], with diagrams in the text. The chapter headings are: 'Analysis triangulorum rectilineorum', 'geometriae practicae cap. 1m', 'principia geographiae generalia', 'de globe eiusque usibus', 'de projectione astronomica', 'de invenienda locorum longitudine', and 'astronomia'.

Sans titre
Geometry treatise
GB 0096 MS 397 · 18th century

Manuscript volume containing an eighteenth century treatise on geometry, entitled 'Geometrie Pratique'. The chapter headings are: 'Livre premier: des logarithmes', 'Livre II: De la trigonometrie rectiligne', 'Livre IV: De la construction des figures', 'Livre V: De la longimetrie', 'Livre VI: De la planimetrie', 'Livre VII: De la stereometrie'.

Sans titre
Deeds relating to Yorkshire
GB 0096 MS 476 · 1422-1716

Collection of deeds relating mainly to Yorkshire, 1422-1716, as follows.

  1. Quitclaim with warranty by John Robynson (Robinson) of Jolby (North Riding) to Sir John Clesby, rector of the church of Mersk (Marske, North Riding), Sir Thomas Topclyf (Topcliff), chaplain, and William Ellerbek (Ellerbeck), of his right in all lands, meadows and tenements which they have by gift in the town of Jolby. With witnesses. Signed at Jolby, 20 July, 1422. Seal of Robinson in red wax. Endorsements.
  2. Letters of attorney of Robert Conyers (d 1431) of Sokburn (Sockburn, County Durham), Sir Thomas Laton of Sexhow (North Riding), William, vicar of Covton (Cowton, North Riding), and William Nafferton of Ravynswathe (Ravensworth, North Riding), appointing Richard Mason, Hugh Mawnsell and John Boste to deliver seisin to William Boste and Alice his wife of three messuages in Joleby (Jolby, North Riding). Dated at Sokburne, 20 April, 1427. 4 seals in red wax. Endorsements.
  3. Counterpart bargain and sale indented with warranty by Sir George Gryffyth (Griffith) of Whychenor (Wychnor), Staffordshire, to Richard Smythe (Smith) and John Dyott of the farm of their manor of Little Kelke (Kelk, East Riding) near Burton Annas (Burton Agnes, East Riding). Consideration £180. Dated 28 June, 1555. 2 marks and 2 seals in red wax. Endorsement.
  4. Gift with warranty for a consideration in money by John Dyott and Richard Smyth (Smith) of the city of Lichefeld (Lichfield) to Walter Gryffyth (Griffith) of Whychenor (Wychnor), Staffordshire, of the farm of their manor of Little Kelke (Kelk, East Riding) near Burton Annas (Burton Agnes, East Riding) which they had by conditional gift of Sir George Gryffyth (Griffith), the donee's father. Signed 22 Feb 1560. 1 mark and 2 seals. Endorsements.
  5. Agreement indented between (1) William Rookes, of Roides Hall (Royds Hall) Bradford, and (2) Robert Bradford, of Stanley, Yorkshire, and William Warde, of Bradford, Yorkshire, whereby (1) within one year will have made a deed of feoffment to (2) and will levy a fine to convey to them, for his own use during his lifetime and then for the use of his eldest son, William Rookes and his heirs male, or in default to Tempest Rookes and then to Richard Rookes, his other sons, his manor called Roides Hall in the parish of Bradford, also 100 acres of meadow, 200 acres of pasture, 160 acres of arable, 200 acres of wood, 400 acres of moor and heath, with all houses, barns, stables, orchards, gardens, dove-houses, etc., except Ryvey Wibsey (West Riding), the Neither Common next adjoining to Okenshaye (Oakenshaw, West Riding) and one tenement and lands in the tenure of Thomas Vyckars. Seal tag only. Signed 14 Apr 1575 by William Rookes. Endorsements.
  6. Quitclaim for a consideration in money by Matthew Tompson of Rowesby (Roxby) in the county of York, to Ralph Tankard, of Arden (North Riding) in the same county, of his right in all lands, tenements, meadows, feedings, pastures, rents, services and other hereditaments in Rowesby formerly of Robert Tompson his father, deceased, and given by Robert to Thomas Tompson, brother of Matthew, and his heirs male. Signed 20 July, 1602. Mark of Matthew Tompson. Seal. Endorsements.
  7. Lease indented for 60 years by George Kirke (d 1663), Gentleman of the Robes and a Groom of His Majesty's Bedchamber, and Thomas Metcalf (d 1655), of Nappay (Nappa, North Riding) in the county of York, of a messuage with one acre, a close of 20 acres called the Lery Crofte, 2 oxgangs of land, meadow and pasture, 2 acres called Forby Land or Acres, one close called Forty Acres, 2 parcels of ground, by estimation 8 acres, called The Flats, one close called Yewland with ground containing 30 acres lying without Humberbancke in Ottringham (East Riding) now in the occupation of Francis Cobb. Rent £26 p.a. Signed 30 Nov 1639 by George Kirke. Seal. Endorsements.
  8. Bargain and sale indented with warranty by Thomas Croftes, of Coverham (North Riding), to Edward Croftes of York, of a messuage with appurtenances situated within the liberty of Coverham Abbey and all the grounds thereunto belonging called Jobcroft House now in the tenure or occupation of Anthony Appleby. Consideration £30. Signed 13 Jan 1649 by Thomas Croftes. Seal. Endorsements. Annexed: Bond in £60 of Thomas Croftes to Edward Croftes. 13 Jan.1649. Condition: for the performance of all covenants specified in the bargain and sale of even date. Witnesses. Signed: Thomas Croftes. Seal.
  9. Defeasance indented by Sir Henry Griffith, Bt (d 1656), of Burton Agnes in the county of York, of a recognizance of statute staple, 4 May 1649, wherein he is bound to pay £2000 to Clement Spelman, of the Middle Temple, London, on condition that he pay Spelman £1040 on 4 October next following at the Middle Temple, London. Signed 4 May 1649 by Clement Spelman. Seal. Endorsements.
  10. Right-hand indenture of a final concord between Sir Griffin Boynton, Bt (1664-1731), Richard Hill and John Langstaffe, plaintiffs, and George Bradrick and Elizabeth his wife, John Sleightholme and Elizabeth his wife, and Philip Saunders, deforciants, of 4 messuages, 2 bakeries, 2 curtilages, 54 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 19 acres of pasture, common of pasture for all draught animals and common of turbary, with appurtenances, in Rexby Goatland (North Riding) in the parish of Pickering Growmont (Grosmont, North Riding) and Lythe. Acknowledgment of plaintiffs' rights and quitclaim to them. Warranty. Consideration £120. Dated 27 Oct - 3 Nov 1716.
Sans titre
Rivers, Sir George
GB 0096 MS 520 · 1691

Certified copy, made 30 June 1698, of an indenture of settlement of 21 April 1691 between (1) Sir George Rivers, Baronet, and Dorothy, his wife, of Chafford in the parish of Penshurst, Kent, and (2) William Freeman, of Sandown Castle, Kent, and John Seyliard, of Penshurst, of the moiety of (1)'s lands in Suffolk (Holbrook, etc), Essex (Finchingfield) and London (in the parishes of St Andrew's, Holborn, and St Bride's), with an undertaking to levy fines before the justices.

Sans titre
French legal papers
GB 0096 MS 529 · 1791-1800

A collection of 26 miscellaneous legal papers, 1791-1800, most of them printed forms filled in in manuscript and issuing mainly from Paris, comprising summonses for non-payment of taxes, licences to distrain goods and chattels, notices to quit, safe-conducts, summonses requiring attendance at court, etc.

Sans titre
Marriage settlement
GB 0096 MS 554 · 1678

Counterpart indenture of a marriage settlement, dated 6 Aug 1678, whereby Scarborough Chapman, of Lyncombe and Widcombe in Somerset, in consideration of his intended marriage with Anne Brinsden, widow, of Bristol, and the sum of £400 received from her, conveyed to Humphrey Little, goldsmith, of Bristol, Samuel Price and Arthur Hart, merchants, of Bristol, a messuage in Lyncombe and Widcombe, near the church of chapel there, formerly in the occupation of Robert Fisher the elder and Robert Fisher the younger, both deceased, and now of John Weekes the younger and several others, for the term of the lives of Chapman and his future wife and their heirs male, and then to Little, Price and Hart for the term of 1000 years. Signed and sealed by Humphrey Little, Arthur Hart; the third seal is unsigned.

Sans titre
Manchester Board of Health
GB 0096 MS 142 · [1804]

Manuscript notebook, compiled in [1804], containing copies of letters, resolutions, reports, certificates of health etc relating to the foundation and early years of the Manchester Board of Health from 1784 to 1804, notably a list of persons ill of the fever at Ashton-under-Lyne, 7 Jan 1796; statistics of christenings and burials for Ashton-under-Lyne, 1790-1791; resolutions of the Quarter Sessions in Manchester, 1784; material relating to fever among the deserters in the castle of Chester,1793-1795.

Sans titre
GB 0096 MS 229 · 1788

Manuscript volume containing a copy of a petition to the House of Lords by the wool producers of Suffolk, 1788, protesting against the bill 'for preventing the exportation of Live Sheep Wool'. The manuscript is endorsed 'Mr Kirby's brief'. The petition was drawn up at a public meeting held at Ipswich on May 29th, 1788.

Sans titre
List of the offices of England, 1606
GB 0096 MS 23 · 1606

Manuscript volume, 1606, containing a list of all the Offices of England, with the fees belonging to them in the gift of King James I. It contains particulars of the offices connected with the Law Courts, the Court, the Royal Household, garrisons, towns, fortresses, castles, parks, forests, and bishoprics. Of the King's artificers, the Sergeant Paynter was at the head with £100, while the Keeper of the Libraries was at the bottom with £3 6s. 8d.

Sans titre
Morley Estate, Norfolk
GB 0096 MS 246 · 1785-1819

Manuscript account and memorandum book relating chiefly to the 'Morley Estate', that is Morley St Botolph, near Wymondham in Norfolk, and including accounts for buying and selling land, transactions with tenants, taxes and tables of crop rotation. The entries are made in an old notebook with the running title 'Memorandum 1763', and many pages are ruled and dated with one week to a page. The notes relating to Morley St Botolph occupy 49 leaves. Some entries were apparently written by George Cook, and there are frequent references to Daniel Ganning.

Sans titre
Account book, farm labourers
GB 0096 MS 250 · 1766-1770

Manuscript volume entitled 'Laborers Book', containing accounts of the wages paid to agricultural and building workers on an unidentified estate (possibly in Wales or on the Welsh border) between December 1766 and December 1770. The account states the days worked by each man and his total weekly wage, and the amount paid each week to the bailiff or similar official in settlement of wages. Between December 1766 and September 1767, the men are divided into 'Laborers in Husbandry' and 'Laborers in Building'. After this date, the lists are combined, and a footnote is added each week giving the cost of husbandry, medicines and repairs.

Sans titre
GB 0096 MS 271 · 1588-1814

Volume containing a miscellaneous collection of legal documents relating to Kent and Sussex, 1588-1814, mainly comprising printed bonds completed in manuscript, with a small number of articles of covenant, abstracts of title, letters of attorney and quitclaims. Includes a letters of 1691 to Mrs James Iggelden of Benenden, Kent, and papers relating to her family, 1691-1730.

Sans titre
GB 0096 MS 272 · 1677-1682

Manuscript volume entitled 'Suspiria piae et acclamantis animae, or meditations, thoughts, ejaculatory prayers. On severall Occasions for private Benefit. But Made publick as they may be Applicable to ye private Necessities of any under the same Sentiments, Conditions and Temptations', [1677-1682].
The book is dedicated to "Mary Wife of Thomas Brocas of Beurepaire in ye County of Southampton Esq.", with the suggestion that she might have it printed, if she thinks it of sufficient merit; this she appears not to have done.

Sans titre
Guide book to Rome
GB 0096 MS 274 · [1650-1700]

Manuscript volume containing a guidebook to Rome entitled 'Antiquitez Romaines; Rome', [1650-1700]. Probably a school exercise-book.

Sans titre
Commonplace book (poetry and prose)
GB 0096 MS 389 · 19th century

Manuscript Commonplace Book of English poetry and prose, dating from the 19th century, containing the second half of a long poem on early biblical history 'continued from the book in white forrel', and other items. Inserted is a folded leaf containing two poems, one dated 1834, by W. C. Yonge, who may have been the compiler of the volume.

Sans titre
Notebook on philosophy and logic
GB 0096 MS 417 · [1764]

Manuscript notebook, [1764], containing an introductory section on philosophy and three sections on logic, the third being unfinished. Two engravings, printed in France, are inserted in the text, and the manuscript is probably French in origin. The partly obliterated date of 1764 occurs at the end of section 3.

Sans titre
Assessment of rates, 1634
GB 0096 MS 455 · [1634]

Incomplete copy of instructions to sheriffs of counties and mayors of corporate towns to fix tax assessments, dated 12 August, 1634. The sheriffs are to divide the whole charge laid upon the county into hundreds, lathes and other divisions, and those into parishes and towns, which are to be rated by houses and lands 'saveing that it is his Majestie's pleasure that where there shall happen to be any men of ability, by reason of gainfull trades, great stockes of money or personall estate, who perchance have either none or little land and consequently in an ordinary landscott, would pay nothing or very little such men be rated and assessed according to their worth and ability, and that the moneys that shall bee levyed upon such may be applied to the spareing and easing of such as being either of weake estate, or charged with many children or great debts are unable to beare soe great a chardge as the lands in their occupation might require in an usuall and ordinary proportion...'. The clergy are to be taxed and assessed in the same way as the rest of the king's subjects. Transcript of the signatures of 18 persons, including the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of Coventry, and the Earls of Arundel, Bridgewater and Dorset.

Sans titre
Assignment of land in Yorkshire
GB 0096 MS 585 · 1761

Indenture quadripartite of 11 Feb 1761 by which George Lane, of Bramham Park, Yorkshire (West Riding), with the consent of Ralph Bourchier, 'doctor in physick', of Great Ormond Street in the parish of St.George the Martyr, London, and his daughter and heir Margaret Bourchier, assigned to the Hon William Chetwynd, of Dover Street, London, the manors or lordships of Benningborough [Beningbrough], Overton [Ovington], Barforth and Newton-upon-Ouse, all in the North Riding of Yorkshire, formerly the estate of John Bourchier, deceased, for the remainder of a term of 500 years. Signed and sealed by the four parties. Ralph Bourchier inherited the estates on the death of his great-niece Mildred, wife of the Hon Robert Lane, in 1760.

Sans titre
GB 0096 MS 591 · [1528]

Manuscript extracts from 'le plus ancien registre qui se trouve au grand Conseil du Roy [lequel] commence [au] dernier jour du mois d'octobre 1483 & finissant le 7e jour de fevrier 1527', possibly written in 1528.

Sans titre
Mathematical notebook, Italian
GB 0096 MS 594 · c1500

Manuscript volume containing mathematical calculations tables, accounts and sketches, with notes in Italian, c1500.

Sans titre
Account book, Norfolk farm
GB 0096 MS 621 · 1820-1829, 1842-1845

Incomplete farm account book relating to a farm at Calthorpe, Norfolk, kept by an unidentified tenant famer, who also had a farmhouse at Aylsham. The account book gives details of crops and acreage planted between 1820 and 1827, and accounts of receipts and expenses from 1 Nov 1820 to 15 Aug 1829, which show that the farmer sold mostly cereals, eggs and butter, mainly at Erpingham market. There are also notes relating chiefly to the harvest of cereals in 1843 with 'Pegg's Pig Account' for 1834, a list of fields totalling 25 acres headed 'Glebe', and a note of the assessment of Calthorpe for the poor rate in 1842.

Sans titre
Commonplace book (poetry)
GB 0096 MS 704 · Early 19th century

Commonplace book, written in the early 19th century, containing copies of poems by various authors, including Mrs. R. Wilmot, the Reverend John Chetwood, and Eward Wilmot. The poems include 'To Miss Wilmot, now Mrs. Bradford, on her arrival from Russia' by F.S.I. (p.135), and 'Prologue written for the opening of the Lyceum at Madras 1782, spoken by Major Maule, by Eyles Irwin, Esq.' (p.245). A few poems are dated, 1782, 1788, 1802-1816.

Sans titre
Inventory of the goods of Robert Gibbs
GB 0096 MS 740 · 1808

'An inventory of all the household furniture and other effects of Mr. Robert Gibbs, deceased, that was on the premises of no.7 Theobald's Row', London, 23 Nov 1808'. The goods are listed under the names of persons (Edward Gibbs, Thomas Gibbs, Louisa Gibbs, Mr. Dalton, and Mrs. Smith), and under rooms, e.g. kitchen, parlour, shop, granary. The endorsement gives the total value as £230 4s.6d, valued by Mr. Davis. A few items are individually valued.

Sans titre
North American trade accounts
GB 0096 MS 749 · c1762

Manuscripts relating to North American trade, namely:

  1. 'An account of the value of the imports into England from the North American Colonies from Christmas 1739 to Christmas 1761.' The account shows the value of imports from each of the 12 colonies, with an abstract of the total amount for each year.
  2. An account similar to the above, showing the value of exports from England to the North American Colonies, 1739-1761.
    There is no evidence to show by whom or for whom the accounts were drawn up. They appear to have been for official use.
Sans titre
Judicial proceedings Act
GB 0096 MS 760 · [1661]

Manuscript copy of 13 Charles II c.2, or 'An act for confirmation of judicial proceedings', enacted in Dublin' on 12 Jun 1661, and printed by William Bladen in 1661. The English act is 12 Charles II c.12. The manuscript may have been bound with the printed copy of the act, now item 6 in a Goldsmiths' Library volume (Ref: G.L. F) lettered 'Acts Charles II-1660-82'. The manuscript is accompanied by 8 leaves containing legal notes in a contemporary hand.

Sans titre
Poem, 'Bacchus Verses'
GB 0096 MS 762 · Early 19th century

A copy of a poem entitled 'Bacchus verses' headed 'Moses in Sina North', written in Latin, probably at Eton College during the 19th century.

Sans titre
Legal commonplace book, [1708-1732]
GB 0096 MS 807 · [1708-1732]

Legal commonplace book, [1708-1732], containing miscellaneous memoranda, mainly relating to ecclesiastical courts, including the following:

  1. Tables of fees, including those payable to officials in the archdeaconry of Leicester (c 1708); visitation fees; 'Fees due to the Clerk of the Peace and other Officers at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace'; fees taken by Proctors at Norwich and Leicester and by officials of the archdeaconry of Sudbury; lists of stationery required for legal transactions, available at 'Mr. Moley's near the Cross in Bury St Edmunds'; and 'Mr. Nelsons account of artificers servants & labourers wages etc', giving 61 occupations.
  2. List of deaneries in Norfolk and Suffolk giving the churches in each, and the apparitors of each deanery, with a 'Table of fees where the court proceeds of its own accord', and a note of activities of Mr. Clagett in 1732.
Sans titre
Memorandum relating to the London docks
GB 0096 MS 829 · c1825-1830

Manuscript memorandum, possibly dating from c1825-1830, addressed to 'Messrs. Gibson's, Bankers, London', describing the facilities and extent of the London docks.

Sans titre
Commentary on the Psalms; legal letters
GB 0096 MS 843 · 14th century; 1695

Manuscript fragments used to strengthen a book-binding, as follows:

  1. Leaf containing part of scholastic commentary on Psalm 101, 2-5. The exposition is broken up into paragraphs. The manuscript was written in England in the 14th century.
  2. Letters, dated 1695, issued by the Greffiers of the Court of the Small Seals for Contracts, Paris, recounting proceedings before the notaries Jean Herrard and Charles Gaugnard which involve Pierre Rémy and others, Master-Tailors of Paris. With a printed heading.
Sans titre
Contract to repair stables, 1670
GB 0096 MS 849 · 1670

Contract, dated 28 Dec 1670, containing an undertaking by John Brown to repair the stables he rented from Thomas Panton, and to stop up the water course from the horse pond in Round Mill Yard. Signed and sealed by John Brown.

Sans titre
Bible (Latin)
GB 0096 MS 905 · 13th Century

Latin Bible, written in the 13th century.

Sans titre
Commonplace book
GB 0096 MS 911 · Unknown

Commonplace book.

Sans titre