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Archivistische beschrijving
Wills (Kent, miscellaneous)
GB 0096 MS 773 · 1615-1777

Four wills, details as follows:

  1. Probate copy of the will of William Batte of Shoreham, Kent, making 'my loving master John Baker' the overseer of his will, 27 Dec [1615]. Lacking letters of probate and seal.
  2. Probate copy of the will of Joseph Wright of Maidstone, Kent, 'practitioner of physick', 12 May 1701. Lacking letters of probate and seal.
  3. Copy of the will of John Streatfield of Maidstone, Kent, 12 Apr 1766, with a note of probate on 4 Nov 1768, 'Extracted from the registry of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. The will mentions bequests to the Charity School of Maidstone and monies to be distributed to the poor of the parished of Maidstone, Hever, Mayfield (Sussex), Tonbridge and Penshurst.
  4. Copy of the will dated 11 Oct 1777, with a codicil of 28 Mar 1781, of Robert Streatfield of Burwack [Burwash], Sussex, with a note of probate on 19 Mar 1782. The will was extracted from the registry of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
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Legal case book
GB 0096 MS 806 · [1770]

Manuscript notebook, describing cases to illustrate legal procedure in different forms of action. The cases given relate chiefly to Liverpool and Lancashire, but also to Chester, Berkshire and Middlesex. A table of fees allowed in West Derby Court (Lancashire) occupies the last written leaf. Many of the cases date from 1769, but there are additions to 1776.

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Deeds relating to Yorkshire
GB 0096 MS 476 · 1422-1716

Collection of deeds relating mainly to Yorkshire, 1422-1716, as follows.

  1. Quitclaim with warranty by John Robynson (Robinson) of Jolby (North Riding) to Sir John Clesby, rector of the church of Mersk (Marske, North Riding), Sir Thomas Topclyf (Topcliff), chaplain, and William Ellerbek (Ellerbeck), of his right in all lands, meadows and tenements which they have by gift in the town of Jolby. With witnesses. Signed at Jolby, 20 July, 1422. Seal of Robinson in red wax. Endorsements.
  2. Letters of attorney of Robert Conyers (d 1431) of Sokburn (Sockburn, County Durham), Sir Thomas Laton of Sexhow (North Riding), William, vicar of Covton (Cowton, North Riding), and William Nafferton of Ravynswathe (Ravensworth, North Riding), appointing Richard Mason, Hugh Mawnsell and John Boste to deliver seisin to William Boste and Alice his wife of three messuages in Joleby (Jolby, North Riding). Dated at Sokburne, 20 April, 1427. 4 seals in red wax. Endorsements.
  3. Counterpart bargain and sale indented with warranty by Sir George Gryffyth (Griffith) of Whychenor (Wychnor), Staffordshire, to Richard Smythe (Smith) and John Dyott of the farm of their manor of Little Kelke (Kelk, East Riding) near Burton Annas (Burton Agnes, East Riding). Consideration £180. Dated 28 June, 1555. 2 marks and 2 seals in red wax. Endorsement.
  4. Gift with warranty for a consideration in money by John Dyott and Richard Smyth (Smith) of the city of Lichefeld (Lichfield) to Walter Gryffyth (Griffith) of Whychenor (Wychnor), Staffordshire, of the farm of their manor of Little Kelke (Kelk, East Riding) near Burton Annas (Burton Agnes, East Riding) which they had by conditional gift of Sir George Gryffyth (Griffith), the donee's father. Signed 22 Feb 1560. 1 mark and 2 seals. Endorsements.
  5. Agreement indented between (1) William Rookes, of Roides Hall (Royds Hall) Bradford, and (2) Robert Bradford, of Stanley, Yorkshire, and William Warde, of Bradford, Yorkshire, whereby (1) within one year will have made a deed of feoffment to (2) and will levy a fine to convey to them, for his own use during his lifetime and then for the use of his eldest son, William Rookes and his heirs male, or in default to Tempest Rookes and then to Richard Rookes, his other sons, his manor called Roides Hall in the parish of Bradford, also 100 acres of meadow, 200 acres of pasture, 160 acres of arable, 200 acres of wood, 400 acres of moor and heath, with all houses, barns, stables, orchards, gardens, dove-houses, etc., except Ryvey Wibsey (West Riding), the Neither Common next adjoining to Okenshaye (Oakenshaw, West Riding) and one tenement and lands in the tenure of Thomas Vyckars. Seal tag only. Signed 14 Apr 1575 by William Rookes. Endorsements.
  6. Quitclaim for a consideration in money by Matthew Tompson of Rowesby (Roxby) in the county of York, to Ralph Tankard, of Arden (North Riding) in the same county, of his right in all lands, tenements, meadows, feedings, pastures, rents, services and other hereditaments in Rowesby formerly of Robert Tompson his father, deceased, and given by Robert to Thomas Tompson, brother of Matthew, and his heirs male. Signed 20 July, 1602. Mark of Matthew Tompson. Seal. Endorsements.
  7. Lease indented for 60 years by George Kirke (d 1663), Gentleman of the Robes and a Groom of His Majesty's Bedchamber, and Thomas Metcalf (d 1655), of Nappay (Nappa, North Riding) in the county of York, of a messuage with one acre, a close of 20 acres called the Lery Crofte, 2 oxgangs of land, meadow and pasture, 2 acres called Forby Land or Acres, one close called Forty Acres, 2 parcels of ground, by estimation 8 acres, called The Flats, one close called Yewland with ground containing 30 acres lying without Humberbancke in Ottringham (East Riding) now in the occupation of Francis Cobb. Rent £26 p.a. Signed 30 Nov 1639 by George Kirke. Seal. Endorsements.
  8. Bargain and sale indented with warranty by Thomas Croftes, of Coverham (North Riding), to Edward Croftes of York, of a messuage with appurtenances situated within the liberty of Coverham Abbey and all the grounds thereunto belonging called Jobcroft House now in the tenure or occupation of Anthony Appleby. Consideration £30. Signed 13 Jan 1649 by Thomas Croftes. Seal. Endorsements. Annexed: Bond in £60 of Thomas Croftes to Edward Croftes. 13 Jan.1649. Condition: for the performance of all covenants specified in the bargain and sale of even date. Witnesses. Signed: Thomas Croftes. Seal.
  9. Defeasance indented by Sir Henry Griffith, Bt (d 1656), of Burton Agnes in the county of York, of a recognizance of statute staple, 4 May 1649, wherein he is bound to pay £2000 to Clement Spelman, of the Middle Temple, London, on condition that he pay Spelman £1040 on 4 October next following at the Middle Temple, London. Signed 4 May 1649 by Clement Spelman. Seal. Endorsements.
  10. Right-hand indenture of a final concord between Sir Griffin Boynton, Bt (1664-1731), Richard Hill and John Langstaffe, plaintiffs, and George Bradrick and Elizabeth his wife, John Sleightholme and Elizabeth his wife, and Philip Saunders, deforciants, of 4 messuages, 2 bakeries, 2 curtilages, 54 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 19 acres of pasture, common of pasture for all draught animals and common of turbary, with appurtenances, in Rexby Goatland (North Riding) in the parish of Pickering Growmont (Grosmont, North Riding) and Lythe. Acknowledgment of plaintiffs' rights and quitclaim to them. Warranty. Consideration £120. Dated 27 Oct - 3 Nov 1716.
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Judicial proceedings Act
GB 0096 MS 760 · [1661]

Manuscript copy of 13 Charles II c.2, or 'An act for confirmation of judicial proceedings', enacted in Dublin' on 12 Jun 1661, and printed by William Bladen in 1661. The English act is 12 Charles II c.12. The manuscript may have been bound with the printed copy of the act, now item 6 in a Goldsmiths' Library volume (Ref: G.L. F) lettered 'Acts Charles II-1660-82'. The manuscript is accompanied by 8 leaves containing legal notes in a contemporary hand.

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GB 0096 MS 807 · [1708-1732]

Legal commonplace book, [1708-1732], containing miscellaneous memoranda, mainly relating to ecclesiastical courts, including the following:

  1. Tables of fees, including those payable to officials in the archdeaconry of Leicester (c 1708); visitation fees; 'Fees due to the Clerk of the Peace and other Officers at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace'; fees taken by Proctors at Norwich and Leicester and by officials of the archdeaconry of Sudbury; lists of stationery required for legal transactions, available at 'Mr. Moley's near the Cross in Bury St Edmunds'; and 'Mr. Nelsons account of artificers servants & labourers wages etc', giving 61 occupations.
  2. List of deaneries in Norfolk and Suffolk giving the churches in each, and the apparitors of each deanery, with a 'Table of fees where the court proceeds of its own accord', and a note of activities of Mr. Clagett in 1732.
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GB 0096 MS 843 · 14th century; 1695

Manuscript fragments used to strengthen a book-binding, as follows:

  1. Leaf containing part of scholastic commentary on Psalm 101, 2-5. The exposition is broken up into paragraphs. The manuscript was written in England in the 14th century.
  2. Letters, dated 1695, issued by the Greffiers of the Court of the Small Seals for Contracts, Paris, recounting proceedings before the notaries Jean Herrard and Charles Gaugnard which involve Pierre Rémy and others, Master-Tailors of Paris. With a printed heading.
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GB 0096 MS 988 · 1738

Certificate of burial in wool, 1738, for Mary Wilbey of the parish of St Benedict, Cambridge.

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GB 0096 MS 181 · 1858-1859

Manuscript volume containing an account of the discovery, trial and conviction of Antonio Calvocorressi and Thomas Moss for causing Turkish coin to be illegally made in Birmingham, 1858. Includes a prefaratory letter from the Turkish Consulate in Birmingham to the 'Monsieur Mussurus, Ambassador to the Sublime Porte, London', dated 15 Jun 1859.

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