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Assessment of rates, 1634
GB 0096 MS 455 · [1634]

Incomplete copy of instructions to sheriffs of counties and mayors of corporate towns to fix tax assessments, dated 12 August, 1634. The sheriffs are to divide the whole charge laid upon the county into hundreds, lathes and other divisions, and those into parishes and towns, which are to be rated by houses and lands 'saveing that it is his Majestie's pleasure that where there shall happen to be any men of ability, by reason of gainfull trades, great stockes of money or personall estate, who perchance have either none or little land and consequently in an ordinary landscott, would pay nothing or very little such men be rated and assessed according to their worth and ability, and that the moneys that shall bee levyed upon such may be applied to the spareing and easing of such as being either of weake estate, or charged with many children or great debts are unable to beare soe great a chardge as the lands in their occupation might require in an usuall and ordinary proportion...'. The clergy are to be taxed and assessed in the same way as the rest of the king's subjects. Transcript of the signatures of 18 persons, including the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of Coventry, and the Earls of Arundel, Bridgewater and Dorset.

French taxation forms
GB 0096 MS 572 · 1767-1856

Collection of French printed forms, mostly local taxation demands and receipts, completed in manuscript, 1767-1856, including those for taxes paid by the Labaume family of Beaune, wine merchants, 1785-1816, with forms of 1811 and 1814 connected with legal proceedings against them for debt, and receipts for taxes paid by Philippe Regnault, brewer, of Dijon, 1802-1815.
