Showing 108 results

Archival description
Wine trade petition
GB 0096 MS 856 · 1743 or 1754

Petition to Henry Pelham, First Lord of the Treasury, presented by glass makers giving 'Reasons against importing French Wine in Bottles', dating from either 1743 or 1754. Signed by Richard Ricardi, Gerard van Horn, William Jackson and Samuel Lowe.

Wills (Kent, miscellaneous)
GB 0096 MS 773 · 1615-1777

Four wills, details as follows:

  1. Probate copy of the will of William Batte of Shoreham, Kent, making 'my loving master John Baker' the overseer of his will, 27 Dec [1615]. Lacking letters of probate and seal.
  2. Probate copy of the will of Joseph Wright of Maidstone, Kent, 'practitioner of physick', 12 May 1701. Lacking letters of probate and seal.
  3. Copy of the will of John Streatfield of Maidstone, Kent, 12 Apr 1766, with a note of probate on 4 Nov 1768, 'Extracted from the registry of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. The will mentions bequests to the Charity School of Maidstone and monies to be distributed to the poor of the parished of Maidstone, Hever, Mayfield (Sussex), Tonbridge and Penshurst.
  4. Copy of the will dated 11 Oct 1777, with a codicil of 28 Mar 1781, of Robert Streatfield of Burwack [Burwash], Sussex, with a note of probate on 19 Mar 1782. The will was extracted from the registry of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
GB 0096 MS 722 · 1569

Treatise on coinage in Saxony headed 'Lunenburgischer Krays abescheidt Ihn der vorhen nach Quasimodogeniti anno [15]69 [a]usgerustet. So viel die Munze belangedt', 1569.

GB 0096 MS 941 · 1795-1799

Manuscript volume, 1795, entitled 'The European negotiator or Exchange operations elucidated. Containing the denominations and values of the monies of accompt. - The course of exchange, the usances and days of grace of all the commercial cities in Europe and the reciprocal reduction of their monies into those of every place with which they have established exchanges...Also arbitration of exchange...Tables of foreign monies, weights and measures equated and compared with those of England. A table of duties on goods passing the sound...'. There is a note adding additional information, 1799, on f.53r.

GB 0096 MS 97 · [1740]

Manuscript volume containing a treatise by Jacques Angrand, Vicompte de Fontpertuis, on French finance, [1740], comprising a treatise on the benefit of public credit, entitled 'L'Utilité du crédit public', demonstrated in four parts. The manuscript includes an allegorical drawing in pen and ink on folio 8.

Tracts on coinage
GB 0096 MS 27 · [1613-1633]

Manuscript volume containing tracts on coinage by Leon Lee, [1628-1633], namely proposals on the coinage addressed to Richard Weston, 1st Earl of Portland and Treasurer of England, a paper outlining methods of preventing abuse of the coinage, and an explanation of the exchange. The volume also contains a [presumably unrelated] account of the reception of Princess Elizabeth of England, at Frankenthal, for her marriage to the Elector Palatine Frederick V, later King of Bohemia, Jun 1613.

GB 0096 MS 405 · 19th century

Manuscript volume containing 'The Public and private life of Squallina, enriched with various anecdotes of distinguished persons, compiled by an intimate acquaintance of all', dated to the 19th century.

Shepherd's account book
GB 0097 SR 1032 · 1547-1549

Account book of the sheep of Thomas Touneshend of Norfolk, 1547-1549, with a transcript by K Matsumara and a commentary in Japanese.

Sermons, 1670
GB 0096 MS 568 · 1670, 1692

Manuscript volume of sermons, compiled in 1670, with later additions. The last five pages contain lists of theological works, one page being headed 'Catalogus Librorum 1670'. The third page of the manuscript, dated 20 Mar 1692, records the loan of two books, with a note that 'These are return'd'.

Scottish trade report
GB 0096 MS 81 · 1703-1704

Manuscript volume containing a report on the state of Scottish trade, 1703-1704, so far as this can be gathered from the Custom House books, giving details of Scottish imports and exports. The report was ordered by the Council of Trade.

Rivers, Sir George
GB 0096 MS 520 · 1691

Certified copy, made 30 June 1698, of an indenture of settlement of 21 April 1691 between (1) Sir George Rivers, Baronet, and Dorothy, his wife, of Chafford in the parish of Penshurst, Kent, and (2) William Freeman, of Sandown Castle, Kent, and John Seyliard, of Penshurst, of the moiety of (1)'s lands in Suffolk (Holbrook, etc), Essex (Finchingfield) and London (in the parishes of St Andrew's, Holborn, and St Bride's), with an undertaking to levy fines before the justices.

Report on English finances
GB 0096 MS 138 · 1784

Manuscript volume containing a [transcript of a] report by Maximilien Lasowski on the state of English finances in 1784, addressed to his pupil François Alexandre Frédéric, Duc de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (1747-1827), a French educator and social reformer. The report is written in the form of four letters, dated at Bury St. Edmunds, 10 Jun, 25 Jun, 14 Jul and 2 Aug, and includes a letter addressed to the Duc de Liancourt concerning the laws and principles surrounding parliamentary elections in England, and various impressions of political customs there, [1784]. The manuscript is written on the left half only of each page, and there are additions in pencil and ink in the right hand margin.

GB 0096 MS 632 · [1350-1450]

Part of a rental on paper relating to properties in East Kent, including Eastry, Sandwich, Worth and Upton, and written in the late 14th to early 15th century.

Prayer book (18th century)
GB 0096 MS 703 · Mid 18th century

Manuscript volume of directions, devotions and prayers drawn up probably by a pastor particularly for use among the sick, perhaps of mid-18th-century date. The final leaf bears the date 1758, and has been used for keeping an account. Elsewhere are references to 'Charles Linton, Quebec', 10 Mar 1806, and again 'Charles Linton his book his father gave him, Quebec', 10 Mar 1812. A section of the volume contains the printed order for the administration of holy communion, baptism, the visitation and communion of the sick, the burial of the dead, the churching of women, etc.

GB 0096 MS 220 · 1738

Manuscript proposal, 1 Sep 1738, for enclosing 100 acres of common in the township of Pool, [Yorkshire], for the benefit of the chapel. The document is endorsed 'Proposal for endowing Pool Chappel. p 184. Mr Whitaker'.

GB 0096 MS 884 · Mid 18th century

Manuscript verse of 19 lines beginning 'When Morpheus' wand has lull'd my slumb'ring senses / Oft do the wakeful wildly-roving tow'rs'.

Poem, 'Bacchus Verses'
GB 0096 MS 762 · Early 19th century

A copy of a poem entitled 'Bacchus verses' headed 'Moses in Sina North', written in Latin, probably at Eton College during the 19th century.

Philosophy fragment
GB 0096 MS 724 · mid 13th century-late 13th century

Two bifolia, formerly pastedowns, containing part of a work of scholastic philosophy, including a section on fate (sors), with marginal headings, annotations and indexing symbols in the hand of the text and in other 13th century hands. The manuscript was probably written in Italy during the mid-late 13th century.

GB 0096 MS 229 · 1788

Manuscript volume containing a copy of a petition to the House of Lords by the wool producers of Suffolk, 1788, protesting against the bill 'for preventing the exportation of Live Sheep Wool'. The manuscript is endorsed 'Mr Kirby's brief'. The petition was drawn up at a public meeting held at Ipswich on May 29th, 1788.

Paternal advice
GB 0096 MS 144 · c1650-c1700

Manuscript letter, c1650-c1700 from a father to his son who wishes to make a voyage to the Levant and stay at Aleppo, imparting religious and moral advice, with philosophical reflections.

GB 0096 MS 236 · 1807

Manuscript volume, written on 1 Dec 1807, containing notes on trade with Goa, India, and the Far East, with extensive extracts from letters patent of 1 Jun 1637 granted to William Courten. This manuscript was originally bound with a copy of George Carew's Fraud and oppression detected and arraigned. Or An appeal to the Parliament of England in a short narative [sic] and deduction of severall actions at law, depending in the ordinary courts of justice in Holland & Zealand, between diverse subjects of the King of England, and the subjects of the States Generall of the seven United Provinces (London, 1676), in which the letters patent to Courten were printed.

GB 0366 EXB/1 · Collection · 1860s

Manuscript notes from an unidentified teacher training college, including 'Course of lectures for 1st years', on 'principles of teaching'; 'principles applied to methods'; 'methods of teaching'; 'class teaching'; 'collective teaching'; 'chief tests of efficient teaching' in different subject areas; 'questions to test the efficiency of a school' on a range of subjects including furniture, discipline, subjects of instruction and methods of teaching in different subjects. Also includes 'Heads of lectures for students of the second year' and 'Notes of lessons on how a lesson should be prepared' and sample lessons including:'Notes of a lesson on the whale'; 'The uses of the participle'; 'The root of man'; 'Division of fractions'. Also enclosed are separate notes on 'Registration, organization and methods as effected by the Revised Code'. It is unclear whether these notes were compiled by a lecturer or a student.

GB 0097 SR 0303 · [1826-1829]

Manuscript notebook containing notes on English financial policy, [1826-1829], including currency, debt, budgets, coinage, the Bank of England and opinions of statesmen on various financial bills passed by the government.

GB 0096 MS 417 · [1764]

Manuscript notebook, [1764], containing an introductory section on philosophy and three sections on logic, the third being unfinished. Two engravings, printed in France, are inserted in the text, and the manuscript is probably French in origin. The partly obliterated date of 1764 occurs at the end of section 3.

GB 0096 MS 586 · c1950

Notebook containing a list of books, chiefly on the subject of mediaeval illuminated manuscripts, and notes on individual manuscripts, compiled ?1950.

GB 0096 MS 749 · c1762

Manuscripts relating to North American trade, namely:

  1. 'An account of the value of the imports into England from the North American Colonies from Christmas 1739 to Christmas 1761.' The account shows the value of imports from each of the 12 colonies, with an abstract of the total amount for each year.
  2. An account similar to the above, showing the value of exports from England to the North American Colonies, 1739-1761.
    There is no evidence to show by whom or for whom the accounts were drawn up. They appear to have been for official use.
Music fragment
GB 0096 MS 839 · 16th century

Fragment of a folio containing four staves of musical notation; on the recto, part of the music is headed '1. H.S. Jeige or hornpip / the mock to the Comitee. Jo. Houlartson', and on the verso there is an apparently unrelated bass part, possibly in a different hand. The manuscript was written in the 16th century.

Morley Estate, Norfolk
GB 0096 MS 246 · 1785-1819

Manuscript account and memorandum book relating chiefly to the 'Morley Estate', that is Morley St Botolph, near Wymondham in Norfolk, and including accounts for buying and selling land, transactions with tenants, taxes and tables of crop rotation. The entries are made in an old notebook with the running title 'Memorandum 1763', and many pages are ruled and dated with one week to a page. The notes relating to Morley St Botolph occupy 49 leaves. Some entries were apparently written by George Cook, and there are frequent references to Daniel Ganning.

GB 0096 MS 859 · 1697-[1882]

Miscellaneous collection of manuscripts, comprising:

  1. Fragment of a printed receipt, completed in manuscript, issued to Admiral Sir Clowdisley Shovell by the Exchequer for 3 months interest for a loan at 8 %, 15 Apr 1697.
  2. Order by Shovell as Admiral to Philip Stanhope, Captain of HMS Milford, to receive a Lieutenant and 30 marines from [HMS] Tilbury, 29 Aug 1706.
  3. Printed receipt, completed in manuscript, for payment to Shovell by the Exchequer of a 6 monthly installment of an annuity, 20 Nov 1706.
  4. Map of Blakeney channel and Cley channel, Norfolk, mounted and coloured, from Greenvile Collins, Great Britain's Coasting Pilot (1693). With an engraved inscription by Collins dedicating the map to Shovell.
  5. Modern reproduction of a reduced plan of Soho Square, London, inscribed 'House of Sir Clowdisley [Shovell]'. The original plan, probably made in the 18th century, was that of 'the late Duke of Portland's estate in the neighbourhood of Soho Square'.
  6. Leaf from a letter-book, with copies of 5 letters initialled 'E.K.', dated 29 Aug 1797, Dublin, to Robert Eyre at Tallow (Co. Waterford); Thomas Osbourne at Fort Charles, Kinsale (Co. Cork); Edward Mapoller at 'Killeoan(?) near Roscommon'; William Hailey at 'Fore Park(?) near Athlone'; and 'Dr. Toves(?)'. The writer had just reached Dublin from London, and intended to travel to Roscommon and Galway. The letters to Eyre and Osbourne(?) mention payments to be made to John Kelly at the Treasury in the castle at Dublin; those to Eyre and Toves(?) refer to 'Davies (who is in custody in London)'. The leaf was formerly part of a binding.
  7. Fragment of a list of deeds concerning the property of Richard and Mary Chiswell at Finchingfield, Essex, written in the 18th century.
  8. Printed bill for an exhibition of the picture of the battle of Lodi of 1796 by Robert Ker Porter, with a sketch of the picture and explanatory notes.
  9. Printed matter including Rules and Regulations of the St James's Loyal Volunteers (1797).
  10. Recipes for 'Ginger Bread Nuts', various drinks, and for medicines; instructions for cleaning 'black straw hats', dating from the early 19th century.
  11. Three engraved certificates completed in manuscript for William Buchanan, (1) for training in midwifery by John Haighton, dated 18 Nov 1814, (2) for attendance of courses on anatomy, signed by John Abernethy, dated May 1815, and (3) for honorary membership of the London Vaccine Institution, dated 26 Aug 1816.
  12. Genealogies of families, endorsed 'Hussey, Barons of Galtrim, Feypo and Maurward, Barons of Scune', relating to the medieval period, written in the 19th century.
  13. Drafts of two essays by Edwin Hadlow Wise Dunkin, headed 'Our Satellite. Sent for insertion in the City of London School Magazine...January 1865' (ff. 1-12), and 'The Lesser Light [i.e. the moon]...August 1866. Sent to Chambers Journal, 4 Sep 1866' (ff. 15-19).
  14. 'A Short Tour on the Cornish Coast', with remarks on weather and monuments, historical anecdotes, and sketches in pencil and pastels, 1879.
  15. 'Voyage of the Lioness', from Scalloway, Shetland, to Foula and Fair Isle. The Lioness was commanded by Captain Robertson; the passengers were described as 'the doctor and the professor'. The journal describes the inhabitants of the islands, and birds and animals seen. Written in the early 20th century.
  16. Monologue in pidgin English, probably written for entertainment, in which Kassim Ali describes his activities during the bombardment of Alexandria, his going on board the Condor, his delivery of a letter to [Ahmed] Arabi, the flight from Alexandria to Cairo, and his prevention of the explosion of the magazine in the fort of Ras-el-Jin. The account probably refers to the bombardment of Alexandria by the British fleet on 11 Jul 1882; see The Times for 22 Jul 1882, p. 5. Written in the 20th century on note-paper addressed 'Kenley, Surrey'.
  17. Modern brass rubbing from the tomb of Thomas Potter (d 6 Jun 1531), taken from Westerham Church, Kent.
  18. Collection of miscellaneous printed ephemera dating from the early 19th to the early 20th century. Includes a receipt for a share in the 'Strand [i.e. Waterloo] Bridge', London, 1812; a card for the White Lion Hotel, Bala, Merioneth, early 19th century; a plan of the Great Exhibition of 1851; pictures of Plymouth pier, early 20th century; a birthday card of 1887; a prospectus for an auction of shares of the Ilford Gas Co., 1907; tickets for books from the Officers' Library of the Royal Marines at Woolwich and Forton, and from B.O. May's Circulating Library, Teignmouth; a book-plate (?) of H.C. Sharpin, Ripon, 19th century; and bank notes of the Republic of Argentina, late 19th or early 20th century.
GB 0096 MS 829 · c1825-1830

Manuscript memorandum, possibly dating from c1825-1830, addressed to 'Messrs. Gibson's, Bankers, London', describing the facilities and extent of the London docks.

GB 0096 MS 207 · c1675

Manuscript volume containing a memorandum proposing the re-establishment of the Composition Trade, c1675, by which foreign merchants were allowed to import goods for re-shipment to foreign parts on payment of a customs duty, and beginning 'The inhabitants of France, Spain, Flanders and other parts, finding that their merchant ships did not pass the seas with that security as those of England...'.

GB 0096 MS 272 · 1677-1682

Manuscript volume entitled 'Suspiria piae et acclamantis animae, or meditations, thoughts, ejaculatory prayers. On severall Occasions for private Benefit. But Made publick as they may be Applicable to ye private Necessities of any under the same Sentiments, Conditions and Temptations', [1677-1682].
The book is dedicated to "Mary Wife of Thomas Brocas of Beurepaire in ye County of Southampton Esq.", with the suggestion that she might have it printed, if she thinks it of sufficient merit; this she appears not to have done.

Medieval choirbook
GB 0096 MS 910 · 14th century

Leaf from a choirbook dating from the 14th century.

GB 0096 MS 145 · c1750-c1800

Manuscript account, [1750-1800], of all the cow pastures belonging to the town of Medbourne, Leicestershire, giving a list of 49 inhabitants and the number of cows sent to the 'Upper' and 'Nether' pastures respectively. 20 of the names are to be found in the poll book for the 1741 parliamentary election in Leicestershire.

GB 0096 MS 263 · [1668]

Manuscript volume containing writings on mathematics, [1668], and entitled 'The use of the rule and compass in drawings of lines, angles, parallels and geometrical superficial figures comprehended in eight practices, together with notes on decimal arithmetic, logarithms, mensuration, fortification, dialling and other branches of mathematics. The handwriting and watermarks are of the seventeenth century, and the date 1688 appears on the verso of leaf 68, where adjoining a 'Table for the declination of the sunne', is written 'Example for the 22th May 1668'. On leaf 112 appears 'A particular of all my mathematical instruments and the severall prices I paid for them'.

Mathematical treatise
GB 0096 MS 391 · c1682

Manuscript volume containing a mathematical treatise, [1682], with diagrams in the text. The chapter headings are: 'Analysis triangulorum rectilineorum', 'geometriae practicae cap. 1m', 'principia geographiae generalia', 'de globe eiusque usibus', 'de projectione astronomica', 'de invenienda locorum longitudine', and 'astronomia'.

GB 0096 MS 594 · c1500

Manuscript volume containing mathematical calculations tables, accounts and sketches, with notes in Italian, c1500.

Marriage settlement
GB 0096 MS 554 · 1678

Counterpart indenture of a marriage settlement, dated 6 Aug 1678, whereby Scarborough Chapman, of Lyncombe and Widcombe in Somerset, in consideration of his intended marriage with Anne Brinsden, widow, of Bristol, and the sum of £400 received from her, conveyed to Humphrey Little, goldsmith, of Bristol, Samuel Price and Arthur Hart, merchants, of Bristol, a messuage in Lyncombe and Widcombe, near the church of chapel there, formerly in the occupation of Robert Fisher the elder and Robert Fisher the younger, both deceased, and now of John Weekes the younger and several others, for the term of the lives of Chapman and his future wife and their heirs male, and then to Little, Price and Hart for the term of 1000 years. Signed and sealed by Humphrey Little, Arthur Hart; the third seal is unsigned.

Manchester Board of Health
GB 0096 MS 142 · [1804]

Manuscript notebook, compiled in [1804], containing copies of letters, resolutions, reports, certificates of health etc relating to the foundation and early years of the Manchester Board of Health from 1784 to 1804, notably a list of persons ill of the fever at Ashton-under-Lyne, 7 Jan 1796; statistics of christenings and burials for Ashton-under-Lyne, 1790-1791; resolutions of the Quarter Sessions in Manchester, 1784; material relating to fever among the deserters in the castle of Chester,1793-1795.

Madrid, plans and views
GB 0096 MS 998 · 15th century-19th century

Large bound scrapbook entitled 'Madrid Plans II', and containing prints and engravings of plans and views of Madrid and certain buildings in the city. The material is generally not dated, but depicts scenes from the 15th to the 19th centuries. There are also some 19th century newspaper cuttings relating to buildings in Milan.

GB 0096 MS 23 · 1606

Manuscript volume, 1606, containing a list of all the Offices of England, with the fees belonging to them in the gift of King James I. It contains particulars of the offices connected with the Law Courts, the Court, the Royal Household, garrisons, towns, fortresses, castles, parks, forests, and bishoprics. Of the King's artificers, the Sergeant Paynter was at the head with £100, while the Keeper of the Libraries was at the bottom with £3 6s. 8d.

GB 0096 MS 17 · 1590

Manuscript volume, 1590, entitled 'A generall collection of all offices of England with their fees in the Queenes gifte', giving details of the offices in the courts at Westminster, the Royal Household, military posts, and posts connected with royal houses, parks and forests. The manuscript also includes a valuation of clergy livings and the tithes payable to Queen Elizabeth I. An eighteenth century index is included.

List of names
GB 0096 MS 443 · [1700-1750]

Manuscript list of 38 names (including 3 on the dorse), with sums of money opposite each, dating from [1700-1750]. The document is headed by four other names, probably those of the 'preasers' or appraisers mentioned at the top of the page. On the dorse is written 'Messe bookes'.

GB 0096 MS 693 · 1731-1842

Letters to merchants in France, 1731-1842, with details of trade, movement of cargoes, prices, and credit. The letters are from European cities including Cayenne (French Guiana), St Pierre (Martinique), Bristol, London, Christiana (Oslo), Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Milan, Genoa, Livourne (Livorno), Hamburg, Dresden, Berlin, Chambery (Savoy), and Vevey (Switzerland) Recipients include Schröder, Schyler & Co. of Bordeaux; Roux and Co, Marseilles; Gaden, Klissisch and Co, Bordeaux; La Baume and Co, Beaune; and P. Olivier and Co, St Omer.

GB 0096 MS 135 · 1780, 1783

Manuscript letter appointing Louis Casimir Brown Inspector of Manufactures in Caen producing cloth or materials used in its treatment, 15 Sep 1780. With the signature of Jacques Necker, Director General of Finances, the signature of the Intendant of Caen, and a note dated 27 Feb 1783 of registration by the greffiers of the bailliage of Caen.

GB 0096 MS 847 · 1420, 1435, 1499

Documents relating to land tenure in Calais, 1420-1499, as follows:

  1. Conveyance, dated 9 March 1420, between Henry Morton of Calais and John Baxter, burgher of Calais, and Richard Newerk, of a cottage in Hemp Street, St Mary's parish, Calais, which Morton had inherited from Robert Clyderowe by the latter's will of 2 Oct 1419. Abuttals given. Seal of Morton, on a parchment tag cut from a deed relating to Calais mentioning the following names: John Basing and Thomas Mysterton; fragment of the seal of the Mayoralty of Calais.
  2. Two halves of an indenture, dated 22 June 1435, by which Henry Bywell, also known as Topclyf, burgher of Calais, sold to Hugh Wychard, baker of Calais, a tenement in the parish of St Mary, Calais. The terms of the sale were recorded in another document; this indenture recorded the right of the vendor to occupy the property until the buyer should require it. Seals of the parties do not survive. The indenture was cut through the words 'Thomas Rygon'.
  3. Conveyance, dated 21 Jan 1499, between Richard Walden and Jacob Yerford, merchant of the staple of Calais, of a tenement in the parish of St Nicholas, Calais. Walden appointed Thomas Barton, merchant of the staple of Calais, his attorney in the transaction. Seals of Walden and the Mayoralty of London, on a parchment tag cut from a deed drawn up in the name of George Nevill, knight, 'dominus Berge[vaun?]y'.
GB 0096 MS 271 · 1588-1814

Volume containing a miscellaneous collection of legal documents relating to Kent and Sussex, 1588-1814, mainly comprising printed bonds completed in manuscript, with a small number of articles of covenant, abstracts of title, letters of attorney and quitclaims. Includes a letters of 1691 to Mrs James Iggelden of Benenden, Kent, and papers relating to her family, 1691-1730.

GB 0096 MS 846 · 1418

Conveyance, dated 7 May 1418, between Thomas Ashwell and Robert Clyderhowe, both burghers of Calais, of a cottage in Hemp Street, St Mary's parish, Calais. Abuttals given. Includes the seals of Ashwell, and the Mayoralty of Calais on a parchment tag cut from a deed mentioning the following names: Robert Colton, burgher, Jacob de Rypon, probably inhabitants of Calais.
