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Brougham, Henry Peter: letters, [1799-1868], 1844
GB 0096 AL173 · Arquivo · [1799-1868], 1844

(i) 3 letters from Henry Peter Brougham to unidentified correspondents, [1799-1868]; (ii) Letter from Henry Peter Brougham replying to a request from R Custance, of Woolwich, 1844. Requesting a copy of one of his works.

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Brougham, Henry Peter: letter, 4 Dec [1851]
GB 0096 AL508 · Arquivo · [1851]

Letter from Henry Peter Brougham of Château Eleanor Louise, Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes, [France] to J M [John Murray] of Albermarle Street, London, 4 Dec [1851]. Concerning the proofs of his book The History of England and France under the House of Lancaster. Comments on the coup d'état [of Napoléon III] in Paris.

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Brougham, Henry Peter: letters, [c1809]-1863
GB 0096 AL156 · Arquivo · [1809]-1863

10 letters from Henry Peter Brougham to various correspondents, [1809]-1863. Including an admission slip to the House of Lords, 1854. Autograph, with signature.

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Brougham, Henry Peter: letters, 1807-1820
GB 0096 AL170 · Arquivo · 1807-1820

4 letters from Henry Peter Brougham to Richard Sharp MP, 1807-1820. Relating to political topics. All letters are autograph, with signatures.

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Brougham, Henry Peter: letter, [1846]
GB 0096 AL507 · Arquivo · [1846]

Letter from Henry Peter Brougham to [Augustus] De Morgan, [1846]. Asking to be sent 'the best solution you got yesterday of your 8th question, line 1, page 2'.

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Brougham, Henry Peter: letters, 1836-1853
GB 0096 AL14 · Arquivo · 1836- 1853

4 letters from Henry Peter Brougham to Augustus De Morgan, 1836-1853. Chiefly relating to [Count Guglielmo] Libri the book thief and [Francois] Arago. Autographs, with signature.

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Brougham, Henry Peter: letter, 5 Aug 1830
GB 0096 AL155 · Arquivo · 1830

Letter form Henry Peter Brougham of York to T Hodgkin, Esq, of 5 Brunswick Terrace, Pentonville, [London], 5 Aug 1830. Written on the eve of Brougham's election as one of the four MPs for Yorkshire: 'I have not the least shadow of a claim to sit for this immense county except my principles and my known devotion to them.' Refers to the July Revolution in France: 'Never was such a death blow dealt to tyranny and priestcraft, never such a severe lesson inflicted on our own infatuated rulers ...'. Autograph, with signature.

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Brougham, Henry Peter: letter, 10 Aug [1799]
GB 0096 AL169 · Arquivo · [1799]

Letter from Henry Peter Brougham of St Kilda to William Erskine, Esq, at Mr Dundas's, St Andrews Square, Edinburgh, 10 Aug [1799]. 'You owe this letter more to a frolic than anyting else: several of us thought of writing just to try whether by any chance their Epistles would reach, so I address mine to you to let you know that your description of St. Kilda is perfectly poetical but does not contain one word of truth. My sea sickness prevents me writing this myself ...'. Written in another hand and signed by Brougham. Endorsed in Erskine's hand: 'H. Brougham, St. Kilda 10 Aug. 1799, rec'd 6 Novem. 1799'.

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Brougham, Henry Peter: letter, 15 Oct 1818
GB 0096 AL154 · Arquivo · 1818

Letter from Henry Peter Brougham of Appleby Castle to an unknown recipient, 15 Oct 1818. Offering to pay, jointly with friends, for the education of a gifted boy with poor parents. Autograph, with signature.

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Brougham, Henry Peter: letter, 11 Sep [1857]
GB 0096 AL461 · Arquivo · [1857]

Letter from Henry Peter Brougham of [Westmorland] to [Augustus] De Morgan, 11 Sep [1857]. Referring to an article in Notes and Queries [2nd series, Volume 4] and discussing mathematical subjects. Autograph, with signature.

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