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World War One Pamphlets
GB 0096 MS1152 · Fonds · 1913-1921

World War One Pamphlets collection, 1913-1921, comprises suppressed leaflets and pamphlets including those written by Clifford Allen and Fenner Brockway, 1913-1917; The Tribunal, 1918-1919; Union of Democratic Control leaflets, 1919; pacifist leaflets, 1915-1916; No-Conscription Fellowship leaflets, 1916.

GB 1446 MS 15 · Collection · [mid 19th century]

Manuscript notebook comprising vocabulary lists of Western African dialects including of the Ashira, Mpongwe and Pangwe peoples, including notes on grammar and account of 'Krapf march in Eastern Africa', mid 19th century.

GB 0096 MS 288 · Fonds · c1450-1500

Three treatises bound in one volume; the title pages, colophons and a few initials are illuminated. The verso of the penultimate leaf has been used for a notarial instrument dated 28 August 1571. The last leaf [blank?] is missing and has been replaced by a leaf from another MS. ff [1-51]: Petri Pauli [Vergerii] Iustinopolitani ad Ubertinum Karrariensem De ingenuis moribus ac liberalibus adolescentiae studiis liber; ff 52-3: Ode from Vergerius to Ubertinus in 15 stanzas beginning "Kariget nobis pater atque princeps"; ff 54- Guarini Ver[onensis] ad Angelum Corbinellum Florentinum in Plutarchi De liberis educandis translationem de graeco incip[it] prohoemium; ff 89- Magni Basilii De modostudendi poetis et oratori[b]us ex graeco in latinum versum ab clarissimo oratore Leonardo [Aretino] lib[er]. Usually known as "De liberalibus studiis et ingenuis moribus".

GB 0096 MS 287 · Fonds · c1600-1700

'To Maister Anthonie Bacon. An Apologie of the Earle of Essex, against those which falsely and maliciously taxe him to be the onely hinderer of the Peace, and quiet of his Countrey'. The text differs slightly from that of the first printed edition of 1603.

Theresienstadt: reports
GB 1556 WL 1073 · Collection · 1940s

Papers concerning Theresienstadt, 1940s, comprise copies of a report by Dr Muneles on the Hebrew book cataloguing project at Theresienstadt, 1945; typescript report regarding Theresienstadt, an inventory of the land and property, 1945; history of Theresienstadt during the Nazi era and typescript report on the situation there, providing statistical information relating to the inmates and transcriptions of documents produced during the camp's existence by both the Nazi camp authorities and the Jewish self-governing body.

GB 0096 MS 290 · Fonds · c1617-1634

'The Office of a Constable' written by Sir Francis Bacon, contains a speech by Bacon and four other items: ff 14: 'A letter of Advice written to the lower house of Parliament by Sir E.C'; ff 33: 'Spoken to both the houses of Parliament assembled at Dublin by the Lord Deputie of Ireland [Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford] 15 July 1634'; ff 46: 'A Speech delivered in the Starre Chamber by Sir Francis Bacon to the Judges in the last daye of Trinity terme 1617 [8 July]'; ff 53: 'The Commons declarations and impeachments against the Duke of Buckingham'; ff 73: 'The Humble Answere and Plea of George Duke of Buckingham to the declaration ... made against him ... by the Commons house of Parliament'.

GB 0096 MS293 · Fonds · c1650

Manuscript concerning the proposed trial of the Earls of Essex and Southampton 1601: ff 6b. The Arraingement of the Earles of Essex and Southampton in Westminster haulle the 19th of februarie 1600/1 [the versos of ff.15 and 16 are written upside down]. ff 21b. The manner of the Demeaner of the Earle of Essex att the time of his Deathe.

GB 0096 MS300 · Fonds · c1500-1700

Contains the following items: ff 3-8. Certaine replies and obiections Answered by William Lord Burleigh at the Councell Table vizt. whether it may stand with good polecy for her Majestie to ioyne with [ciphers] in their enterprize of [cipher]. ff 9-24. A collection of speeches by Sir Nicholas Bacon while Lord Keeper of the Great Seal (1558-1579) ff 27-31. An extract of House of Commons proceedings for Nov 1601. ff 32. A Speech made by the Lord Chauncellor of Fraunce [King?] at such time as he was by the kinges [Louis XIII] commaund willed to [resign] his office. ff 34-35. Wise and grave precepts. ff 36-47. Another collection of speeches by Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper. ff 48-60. To Mr. Anthonye Bacon. An apologye of the Earle of Essex agaynst those that falslye and Maliciouslye taxe him to be the onlye hinderer of the peace and quiet of his Cuntrye. ff 64-77. Severall speeches made by Sir Francis Bacon Lord Keeper of the greate Seele of England. ff 80-118. A collection of certen letters written by Sir Frauncis Bacon Knight and others. [f 112 is blank].

GB 0096 MS295 · Fonds · c1650

Spaccio della Bestia Trionfante. Proposto da Giove, Effetuato dal Consiglio, Revelato da Mercurio, Recitato da Sophia, Udito da Saulino, Registrato dal Nolano, Diviso in tre dialoghi, Subdiviso in tre parti e Consecrato al Molto Illustre ed Eccellente Cavaliero Signore Philippo Sidneo. Stampato in Parigi. MDLXXXIII.

GB 0096 MS294 · Fonds · 1805

'Some reflections on the life of William Shakespeare' by James Corton Cowell, 1805, consisting of two essays, the first of 36 p. and incomplete; the second essay occupies p. 55-87. Cowell is the first critic known to have attributed Shakespeare's plays to Bacon.

GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 85 · 1909-1913

Watercolours and sketches of the North West Frontier Province, India, 1909-1913, by an unknown artist. Views of Himalayan landscapes, forts and outposts including the Landi Kotal Camp, Khargali [Kargil] Heights, Michni Kandao Post, Kabul River, Fort Jamrud, Khyber Pass, Suru fort and Matanni; views of towns, streets and bridges including Sumbal, Bihara, Sopor and the Mar Canal in Srinagar; views of ruins including Takht (Takht-i-Bahi) from the Dal Lake and the Sun Temple, Martand; and landscapes including the Swat River from the Landakai Ridge and the Lower Tochi Valley.

GB 1556 WL 1051 · Collection · c 1934

Papers concerning the situation of non-Aryan lawyers in Germany, c 1934, comprises a report describing their situation, which helps explain the background to the level of discrimination against them.

GB 0096 MS306 · Fonds · 1826-1922

A notebook containing information about early editions of Shakespeare, collected from various sources. On the flyleaf is a note signed by F.J. Burgoyne, Librarian, Lambeth Library, stating that "This MS. from page 19 is in the handwriting of John Payne Collier." (Collier (1789-1883) was a Shakespeare scholar with a reputation for forgery.)

GB 106 10/50 · Fonds · 1929-2001

This scrapbook consists of press cuttings on the subject of prostitution from national and regional newspapers, for the years 1929-2001 (only five cuttings dated before the 1970s).

GB 106 10/10 · Fonds · 1908-1909

This scrapbook consists of press cuttings from the national and regional press relating to the suffrage campaigns, 1908-1909.

GB 106 10/14 · Fonds · 1899-1902

This scrapbook consists of press cuttings relating to concerts, entertainments, recitals, dramatic performances, fetes, bazaars, charitable and fund-raising events, many taken from women's magazines, such as The Lady; also includes profiles of women notable for a wide range of specialisms ranging from botany to tapestry painting.

GB 106 10/30 · Fonds · 1907-1909

This scrapbook consists of press cuttings relating to concerts, entertainments, recitals, dramatic performances, fetes, bazaars, charitable and fund-raising events, many taken from women's magazines, such as The Lady; also includes profiles of women notable for a wide range of specialisms ranging from botany to tapestry painting. Manuscript index at front.

GB 106 10/48 · Fonds · 1930-1934

This scrapbook consists of press cuttings and typescript notes on the position relating to family allowances in different countries including America, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany and Luxembourg, 1930-1934.

GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 86 · 1918

Group photograph of 3 Squadron RAF football team, plus officers, with handwritten caption on reverse, `taken 4 May 1918 at Hastings'. Also informal group snapshot photographs of British troops from various regiments, no caption, c 1918.

GB 0096 MS1127 · Fonds · 1788

List of Irish counties with numbers of houses delineated by the number of hearths, whether newly inhabited and other detail, 1788. Includes comments on the nature of the survey.

GB 0096 MS304 · Fonds · c1650-1700

Poems by Sir Francis Hubert, Sir Robert Cotton and Ben Jonson: ff 2-147. 'The Deplorable Life and Death of Edward the Second': The first poem [by Sir Francis Hubert] comprises 581 seven line stanzas. Printed in 1628 and 1629. MS. Harleian 2393 in the British Museum has two versions of the poem, the first "imperfect at the end, as wanting all after the 352 stanza ... It is written to Queen Elizabeth"; the second, like the present MS., "revised and corrected ... being now fitted-up for the perusal of King James I ... and, in the whole, consists of 581 stanzas ... the author, at the end, calls himself Infortunio."; ff 150-164: 'A short view of the Raigne of King Henry the third': The second poem is by Sir Robert Cotton and was printed in 1627. ff 276b-278: 'The bodie'. Daniell, poet; 'The minde', the third poem ['Daniell, poet'] is, in fact, by Ben Jonson. It has 8 four line stanzas. 'The minde', the last poem, has 18 four line stanzas.

GB 1556 WL 689 · Collection · 1941

Plea for food and money from Jews in French internment camp, 1941, comprises a copy of a letter from Dr Michel Lewinsohn and David Kraus in Camp de Vernet- d'Ariège to the Jewish community in Lisbon asking for kosher food for Passover, and money.

GB 1556 WL 1145 · Collection · 1935-1945

Papers concerning the persecution of Jews in Berlin, 1935-1945, notably include copies of an arrest warrant for Leo Boschwitz, 1935, for the destruction of a copy Der Stürme and his release from Lichtenburg concentration camp in the same year; a good conduct certificate issued by Camp le Vernet for Kurt Nohe, 1940; detailed instructions issued by the jüdische Kultusvereinigung zu Berlin to Regina Montilja prior to her deportation to 'the Protectorate', 1942; pro forma summons to the assembly station at Grosse Hamburger Strasse, Berlin, 1943, and at Schulstrasse 78, Berlin, 1944.

GB 0096 MS308 · Fonds · 1607-1640

Parliamentary speeches and copies of letters by Francis Bacon, Sir Robert Cotton, Robert Earl of Salisbury, Oliver St. John, Sir John Eliott, Sir Francis Seymour, Sir Benjamin Rudiard and Sir Philip Sidney, 1607-1640, containing the following: ff 1-29. A Declaration how Kinges of England have from tyme to tyme supported and repared their estates. Collected out of the records remaining in the Tower of London by Sir Robert Cotton Knight and Baronett 9[superscript zero] Jacobi Regis [March 1611-March 1612] ff 30-52. Consideracions uppon his Majesties estate, by Roberte late Earle of Salisburye [1610], with the Proposicions made by his Majestie To the Lordes of his Councell, And the Councells humble Annswere and Advise Thereunto. ff 55-72. The Coppye of a Letter written to the Lower House of Parliamente Touchinge dyvers Inconveniencyes and grievaunces of State, etc. ff 73-76. A letter of Oliver St. Johns touching and against the Benevolence demaunded [by James I in 1615] after dissolving of Parliament. ff 77-87. Sir John Eliott his speech in the Commons house of Parliament Jaun [i.e. June] 3, 1628. ff 88-93. To the Kings most Excellent Majestie The Humble peticion of Sir John Eliott Knight, Prisoner in the Gatehouse London 1627. ff 95-180. Divers speeches in Parliament Anno 1640. ff 183-202. A Speeche Delivered by Sir Frauncis Bacon in the Lower House of Parliamente, Quinto Jacobi [March 1607-1608]. The speech was in fact delivered on Feb. 17, 1607] Concerninge the Article of generall Naturalizacion of the Scottishe Nation. ff 204-206. Sir Frauncis Seymors Speeche [in the House of Commons, November 1640]. ff 208-214. Sir Beniamin Rudiardes speech in the house of Commons the 21 January 1640. [And another in April 1640]. ff 216-227. The Polliticke Survey of A Kingdome. ff 230-243. The Coppye of a Letter written by Sir Phillipp Sidnye to Queene Elizabeth Touchinge hir Marryage with Mounsieur [i.e. Francois de France, duc d'Anjou]. ff 245-249. A submissive and Petitionary Letter subscribed To the Right honourable the Lordes of the Parliament in the upper house of Parlieament Assembled, and Intituled The humble submission and suplication of the Lord Chancellor of England. [Bacon's general admission of the charges made against him, and resignation from the Chancellor-ship. 22 April, 1621]. ff 251-254. The State of a Secretaryes Place and the Perill, wrytten by the Right honnorable Roberte late Earle of Salisburye. ff 254b-256. A Relation of the manner of the Proceedinge, with Sir Thomas Mouson, uppon the Pleadinge of his Pardon, in the Courte of the Kinges Bench, the xii[superscript zero] of Februarii 1616. ff 260-271. An Unhappie viewe of the whole behaviour of my Lord Duke of Buckingham att the French Island [Ile de Re, off La Rochelle. The expedition of 1627] Secretlie discovered by W.F. an unfortunate Comnader in that untoward service. ff 273-281. A Relation of The Proceedings against Ambassadors whoe have miscaried themselvs and exceeded their Commission ... written by Sir Robert Cotton 27 April 1624 by expresse Comaund from the Duke of Buckingham.

GB 1556 WL 1050 · Collection · 1968-1970

Papers of Osnabrück war crimes trial and appeal, 1968-1970, comprise a trial judgement against 5 former members of Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, in which the state court of Osnabrück found 3 of the defendants guilty of mass murder and 2 of being accomplices to mass murder in Italy in 1943, 1968, and a trial judgement of the appeal of the 5 defendants, in which the Bundesgerichtshof upheld the appeal on the grounds that the period of 20 years under the statute of limitations had lapsed, 1970.

On the Incubation of an Egg
GB 0114 MS0062 · c 1769

Manuscript volume titled 'On the Incubation of an Egg', c 1769, comprising notes and observations on the incubation of a hen's egg. Including references to the work of Marcello Malpighi (1628-1694), Albrecht von Haller (1708-1777), and John Hunter (1728-1793).

Notes on astronomy 1888-1903
GB 0120 MSS.3694, 3695 · Collection · [1905]

Notes on astronomy, 1888-1903. The date 1905 occurs on p. 173, and the eclipse of that year is mentioned on p. 1214: on p. 1213 the year 1910 is spoken of in the future tense.

Neo-Nazi material (1980s)
GB 1556 WL 632 · Collection · [1980-1989]

Copies of German neo-Nazi material, [1980-1989] including periodicals; publications of (or about) neo-Nazi organisations in Germany; articles on neo-Nazi activities from the German press.

GB 1556 WL 709 · Collection · 1937-1940s

Papers relating to Nazi propaganda against Great Britain including list of Nazi propagandists against Great Britain giving brief biographical details and letter from Dorothy Woodman, secretary of The Union of Democratic Control to Dr Warburg of the Jewish Board of Deputies regarding Max Kohl, a Nazi propagandist who had addressed a meeting held by the Salisbury Post War Brotherhood, 1937.

GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 88 · May-July 1945

Photographs of London, 8 May 1945, including views of celebrating crowds in various sites including Parliament Green and Trafalgar Square; war savings hoardings covering the site of the statue of Eros at Piccadilly Circus, and the base of Nelson's Column, Trafalgar Square; and people queuing to enter an exhibition showing a V2 rocket. Also photographs of Rt Hon Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill saluting crowds from an open car and of election posters, June-July 1945.

GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 89 · [1917]

Photographs taken on board an unidentified ship; [1917]; including views of other ships in convoy HMS LYSANDER, HMAT SHROPSHIRE, HMS IMPLACABLE, HMS MANTUA, HMAT ASCANIAS, RMS RIMUTAKA, HMAT TOFUA, HMS KING ALFRED, SS HIGHLAND GLEN, HMS KENT, HMHS OXFORDSHIRE, HMAT SUFFOLK, HMAT MARATHON, and HMS ORAMAH; pictures of crew and passengers; scenes of life and work onboard, including sailing from Melbourne, Australia; disembarking at Plymouth, England; church services; transferring officers by rowing boat; a boxing match; landing troops; the wireless room; Sundays at sea; views of various locations en route including Table Mountain, Hout Bay, docks and post office, Cape Town, South Africa; street and village scenes in Sierra Leone; trips to Lane Gove River, Sydney, and an Aboriginal corroboree (Aboriginal dance), Port Darwin, Australia.

GB 1538 S78 · 1766

Medical and miscellaneous commonplace-book, 18 Jan 1766, chiefly comprising descriptions of medical conditions including fevers and angina; also containing non-medical information including a chronology of English history and synonyms in the English language.

GB 0120 MSS.5940-5941 · 1741-1795

Production books of an English manufacturing apothecary or chemist, 1741-1795, recording batches of compound medicines produced, with the cost of each ingredient and overall manufacturing costs. Internal evidence (including a list of suppliers of simples, mainly in the London area, on the rear paste-down of MS. 5941) suggests that the volumes were compiled in London.

GB 1556 WL 1041 · Collection · 1936-1941

Papers of Lord Fisher of Camden, 1936-1941, comprise a Gestapo file of correspondence and reports relating to the political reliability of Heinrich Niemöller, retired clergyman and father of Martin and Wilhelm Niemöller. It contains original correspondence between the Gestapo offices in Düsseldorf, Bielefeld and Wuppertal, the Reichssicherheitshauptamt and the Reichspressekammer, 1936-1941. The collection also includes a report from the commandant of Dachau concentration camp to the Gestapo, Düsseldorf, relating to Leo Lorch, a Jewish inmate, 1938.

Lodz ghetto: postcards
GB 1556 WL 1048 · Collection · 1942-1944

Papers concerning Lodz ghetto, 1942-1944, comprise post cards addressed to the Ältester der Juden, Jewish leader of the Lodz Ghetto, from various individuals in Czechoslovakia, Germany and Poland, enquiring after the whereabouts and health of family members. The collection also includes an identity card of Esther Goldberg, entitling her to a midday meal, Lodz Ghetto.

GB 1556 WL 649 · 20th Century

Typescript list of Gestapo and SS war criminals, with brief details of the nature of their crimes.

GB 0096 MS309 · Fonds · c1600-1700

Letters and Parliamentary speeches, [1600-1700]; Containing the following items: ff 1-100. A Collection of Divers Arguments and speeches delivered to Kinge James, and propounded to the House of Parliament. Touching the necessitie of calling of parliaments with divers Consideracions of his Majesties Estate, and his Majesties propositions thereof to the Lords of his Councell with the Councells Annswere thereunto, by Robert Cicill late Earle of Salisburie, and Lord Treasurer of England. [The pages containing the King's Propositions and the Council's Answer were evidently lost shortly after the MS. was written: for there are two indexes, the later of which (on f.2 before the original index), in a hand almost contemporary with the original MS., contains only those items which are still present.] ff 103-132. The Fore Runner of Revenge Uppon the Duke of Buckingham For the poysoning of the most potent King James ... And the Lord Marquis Hamilton and others of the Nobilitie. Discovered by Master George Eglisham one of King Jameses Phisitians ... Franckford 1626. [Evidently copied from the first edition of the English translation of "Prodromus Vindictae", which bears this imprint.] ff 134-159. The King's Propositions and the Council's Answer, missing from section (1). ff 161-175. An unhappie view of the whole behaviour of the Lord Duke of Buckingham at the Ile of Ree. [The expedition of 1627] Secretlie discovered by W.F. an unfortunate Comander in that untoward service. ff 177-181. Of Robert Devereux Earl of Essex and George Villiers Duke of Buckingham Some Observations By way of Parallell in the time of there estates and fortunes and measure of favours [By Sir Henry Wotton]. ff 182-203. The Disparitie Between the Earle of Essex and the Duke of Buckingham. [By Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon. This version lacks the last thousand words of so of that printed in the "Reliquiae Wottonianae" 1685] ff 206-237. To Mr. Anthony Bacon. An Apologie of the Earle of Essex against those which falsly jeaslously and maliciously takes tax him to be the only hindrance of the peace and quiet of his Country compiled penned by himselfe Anno Domini 1599 1598. imprinted at lo[ndon] 1603. [The readings between ** are interlinear additions, in a different hand, which continue throughout the text. They correspond with the readings of the 1603 edition. There are occasional marginalia in a third hand, but they have been heavily cropped by the binder.] ff 240-271. A Speech delivered by Robert [Cecil] Earle of Salisburye Lord Treasurer of England by the appoyntment of the Kings Majestie unto the Lords Knights and Burgesses of both houses of Parliament ... [14th February] 1609 [n.s. 1610] Anno regni Regis Jacobi etc Septimo [Some marginalia in a different hand]. ff 272-285. An Apologie upon the death of Sir Robert Cecell knight late Lord Threr [Treasurer] of England written against his libellers and presented to Kinge James. ff 286-301. A Discourse written by Sir John Suckling Knight to the Earle of Dorsett. ["An Account of Religion by Reason". Preceded by an introductory letter. There are considerable annotations at the beginning and end of the text in a different hand; some of the matter is lost by cropping.] ff 302-348. A Collection of divers letters, written at sundry tymes, and upon severall occasions, to many of the Nobilitie and gentrie of this Kingdome, by that famous Councellor at lawe Sir Francis Bacon knight late Lord Chancellor of England. ff 351-390. An answere to Tom-Tell-Troth the Practise of Princes and the Lamentacions of the church. [By George Calvert, Baron Baltimore]. ff 393-403. A True relacion of the Treaty and ratificacion of the mariage concluded ... betweene ... Charles kinge of greate Brittaine ... and the Lady Henrietta Maria Sister to the French Kinge. [Dated 8 May 1625]. ff 407-438. A discoverie of the Hollanders fishing or Trades and their circumventing us therein and the meanes how to make proffit by the fishing with the profit honnour and security that will redound to his Majestie and all sorts of Subiects within his three Kingdomes by it.

GB 1556 WL 579 · Collection · 1963-1968

Microfilm of expert witness testimony concerning the German nationality of Jewish former residents of Bukovina, Romania/Ukraine in the context of claims for compensation in post-war German trials, 1963-1968.

Jews in Romania
GB 1556 WL 597a · Collection · 1930s-1940s

Microfilm of papers documenting the fate of Jews in Romania, 1930s-1940s, including report on anti-Semitism, 'La situation en Roumanie', Jan 1937; leaflets and correspondence of 'United Roumanian Jews of America', [1940s]; list of survivors in the liberated city of Botosani and statement by Wilhelm Fabricius, formerly German ambassador in Bucharest, Apr 1936-Jan 1941, describing anti-Jewish measures.

GB 1556 WL 801 · Collection · 1933-1967

Copies of papers documenting discrimination against Jewish educational institutions and professionals during the Nazi era, 1933-1967. The subject matter ranges from dismissal on racial grounds of Jewish academics from 1933, through the separation of aryan and non-aryan instruction, c1938, to the closure of Jewish schools, 1941-1942. A substantial part of the material relates to institutions in Cologne and Frankfurt am Main. Includes authorisation for the President of the Akademie der Künst to dismiss Professor Arnold Schonberg from his post as director of a Meisterschule für musikalische Komposition, 17 May 1933; dismissal of Professor Arnold Schönberg by the Preussische Akademie der Künst, 23 May 1933; circular stating that the main aim of lessons was the teaching of National Socialist philosophy and that it would be up to the discretion of individual heads of schools to decide whether non-aryans should be excluded from lessons, 18 July 1934; correspondence and references of Jüdisches Reformrealgymnasium mit Realschule und Lyzeum, Cologne, relating to the employment of Feodore Joseph, Apr 1936-1 Apr 1939; correspondence and papers concerning the fate of the Jewish school, Volkschule beim Philanthropin, Frankfurt, 5 Oct 1935-17 Sep 1941.

GB 1556 WL 1515 · Collection · 1925

Papers concerning Jewish community election, 1925, comprise two election pamphlets addressed to the German Jewish community, Breslau.

GB 0096 MS299 · Fonds · 1612

In Arithmetica diversche questyen met hare solutien: door C.J. Broersz, liefhebber der Reeckenconst ... Tot Haarlem, Bij Gillis Rooman, woonende in de Jacobine-strate, in de vergulden Parsse, Anno 1590. The transcription of the book by Broersz occupies the first 33 leaves, and is signed F.[?] J. Riett, 1612. Ff. 35-88 contain further arithmetical problems, including some in verse form illustrated by pen-and-ink drawings.

Havard-Windus indenture
GB 0100 KAL/A21 · Collection · 1783

Indenture for deed of an estate in Cublington and Chilston, in the Parish of Madley, Herefordshire, between Neast Havard and John Windus, 20 Mar 1783.

GB 1446 MS 12 · Collection · [late 19th century]

Grammar of the Binandele language, Mamba River, British New Guinea, including grammar notes, Gouin exercises and translations and Binandele-English and English-Binandele dictionaries.

German soldiers' letters
GB 1556 WL 1470 · Collection · 1942

German soldiers' letters collection, 1942, comprises various Feldpost letters of different German Wehrmacht soldiers to their families, January-November 1942. These include a letter announcing the death of a soldier in Stalingrad; envelopes with stamps showing Adolf Hitler; an envelope which doubles as a folded map, presumably showing a part of Russia and a photograph of Wehrmacht-soldier in Russia.
