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Archival description
GB 0120 MSS.827-828 · mid-18th century

'Abyssum duplicatum cum Hyrogliphis', illustrated by a few pen-drawings of alchemical apparatus, and 14 water-colour symbolic figures from the 'Viridarium chymicum' of Daniel Stolcius, published at Frankfurt in 1624. The contents of Volume I seem to be a transcript of Anton Joseph Kirchweger's 'Aurea catena Homeri', the title of which, beginning 'Eine Beschreibung von dem Ursprung der Natur [etc.]', is found on the third leaf. This work was first published at Leipzig in 1723 [cf. Ferguson, 'Bibliotheca Chemica', Volume I, pp. 469-471]. The second volume is concerned with the 'Introitus apertus ad occlusum regis palatium' by Eirenaeus Philaletha [cf. Ferguson op. cit. Vol. II, pp. 190-194], and it is noted that the German translation of this work published at Hamburg in 1705 has the title beginning 'Abyssus Alchymiae exploratus'.

Chemistry and Pharmacy
GB 0120 MS.MSL.125 (a & b) · late 18th century

Title; "Receuil (sic) d'Oeuvres d'Observations très Curieuses et Utiles dans L'Art de la Chymie." The manuscript belongs to the second half of the eighteenth century, is written throughout in French, and has probably been compiled from the popular books and pamphlets based on the writings of Albertus Magnus and similar authors, of which many were published during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. There are elements influenced by astrology and alchemy.

GB 0120 MS.MSL.90 (A-F) · 18th century

Commentary on Boerhaave's Aphorismi de Cognoscendis et Curandis Morbis, in Usum Doctrinæ Domestic Digesti ab Hermanno Boerhaave, Lugduni Batavorum, MDCCIX by unknown writer. The first edition contains 1479 Aphorisms, but in the later editions the number was increased to 1495 by the addition of two sections, Rachitis and Rheumatismus. This manuscript follows the later editions.

GB 0120 MSS.1740-1744 · c 1660

Commonplace books containing extracts on many subjects. The compiler may possibly have been a Quaker or Nonconformist, as there are many quotations from such authorities. By a comparison of the dates of the many works quoted-which are mainly by Dissenters, Baptists, etc., these volumes seem to have been compiled not long after 1660.

Entomology: Great Britain
GB 0120 MSS.2295-2297 · 1878-1914

Three note-books by an unidentified naturalist, containing records of insects observed, 1878-1914.

GB 0120 MSS.5940-5941 · 1741-1795

Production books of an English manufacturing apothecary or chemist, 1741-1795, recording batches of compound medicines produced, with the cost of each ingredient and overall manufacturing costs. Internal evidence (including a list of suppliers of simples, mainly in the London area, on the rear paste-down of MS. 5941) suggests that the volumes were compiled in London.

Notes on astronomy 1888-1903
GB 0120 MSS.3694, 3695 · Collection · [1905]

Notes on astronomy, 1888-1903. The date 1905 occurs on p. 173, and the eclipse of that year is mentioned on p. 1214: on p. 1213 the year 1910 is spoken of in the future tense.
