Microfilm of papers documenting the fate of Jews in Romania, 1930s-1940s, including report on anti-Semitism, 'La situation en Roumanie', Jan 1937; leaflets and correspondence of 'United Roumanian Jews of America', [1940s]; list of survivors in the liberated city of Botosani and statement by Wilhelm Fabricius, formerly German ambassador in Bucharest, Apr 1936-Jan 1941, describing anti-Jewish measures.
Sans titrePlea for food and money from Jews in French internment camp, 1941, comprises a copy of a letter from Dr Michel Lewinsohn and David Kraus in Camp de Vernet- d'Ariège to the Jewish community in Lisbon asking for kosher food for Passover, and money.
Sans titreList of officials in the higher grades of the German foreign office of mixed Jewish descent divided into permanent, temporary and retired officials.
Sans titreMicrofilm of expert witness testimony concerning the German nationality of Jewish former residents of Bukovina, Romania/Ukraine in the context of claims for compensation in post-war German trials, 1963-1968.
Sans titreCopies of papers documenting discrimination against Jewish educational institutions and professionals during the Nazi era, 1933-1967. The subject matter ranges from dismissal on racial grounds of Jewish academics from 1933, through the separation of aryan and non-aryan instruction, c1938, to the closure of Jewish schools, 1941-1942. A substantial part of the material relates to institutions in Cologne and Frankfurt am Main. Includes authorisation for the President of the Akademie der Künst to dismiss Professor Arnold Schonberg from his post as director of a Meisterschule für musikalische Komposition, 17 May 1933; dismissal of Professor Arnold Schönberg by the Preussische Akademie der Künst, 23 May 1933; circular stating that the main aim of lessons was the teaching of National Socialist philosophy and that it would be up to the discretion of individual heads of schools to decide whether non-aryans should be excluded from lessons, 18 July 1934; correspondence and references of Jüdisches Reformrealgymnasium mit Realschule und Lyzeum, Cologne, relating to the employment of Feodore Joseph, Apr 1936-1 Apr 1939; correspondence and papers concerning the fate of the Jewish school, Volkschule beim Philanthropin, Frankfurt, 5 Oct 1935-17 Sep 1941.
Sans titrePapers concerning antisemitic measures in Nazi Germany, 1938, comprising a typescript copy of an order given by Hermann Wilhelm Goering outlining Adolf Hitler's decisions concerning Jews and their property and residence; including use of dining cars and sleepers on trains; ban from entry to certain hotels and restaurants; pensions and mixed marriages. The collection includes an English translation.
Sans titreThree printed leaflets, written in French and Dutch, dating from the 1930s, stating Do not buy at Jewish shops (in Dutch) and The Jews only live to exploit the working class (in French).
Sans titrePapers concerning Jewish community election, 1925, comprise two election pamphlets addressed to the German Jewish community, Breslau.
Sans titrePapers of Lord Fisher of Camden, 1936-1941, comprise a Gestapo file of correspondence and reports relating to the political reliability of Heinrich Niemöller, retired clergyman and father of Martin and Wilhelm Niemöller. It contains original correspondence between the Gestapo offices in Düsseldorf, Bielefeld and Wuppertal, the Reichssicherheitshauptamt and the Reichspressekammer, 1936-1941. The collection also includes a report from the commandant of Dachau concentration camp to the Gestapo, Düsseldorf, relating to Leo Lorch, a Jewish inmate, 1938.
Sans titrePapers concerning Lodz ghetto, 1942-1944, comprise post cards addressed to the Ältester der Juden, Jewish leader of the Lodz Ghetto, from various individuals in Czechoslovakia, Germany and Poland, enquiring after the whereabouts and health of family members. The collection also includes an identity card of Esther Goldberg, entitling her to a midday meal, Lodz Ghetto.
Sans titrePapers concerning the persecution of Jews in Berlin, 1935-1945, notably include copies of an arrest warrant for Leo Boschwitz, 1935, for the destruction of a copy Der Stürme and his release from Lichtenburg concentration camp in the same year; a good conduct certificate issued by Camp le Vernet for Kurt Nohe, 1940; detailed instructions issued by the jüdische Kultusvereinigung zu Berlin to Regina Montilja prior to her deportation to 'the Protectorate', 1942; pro forma summons to the assembly station at Grosse Hamburger Strasse, Berlin, 1943, and at Schulstrasse 78, Berlin, 1944.
Sans titre