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Alvarez de Toledo, Manuel
GB 0096 MS338 · Fonds · c 1699

Tumulto del dia 28 de Abril, del Ano 1699: representacion del Conde de Oropesa (al Rey); y la Respuesta, o Glossa, sobre la representacion del Conde.

GB 0096 MS327 · Fonds · [1500-1600]

Armorials relating to Hernan Perez de Guzman, Pedro de Graciadei and others, [1500-1600].

Bedfordshire account books
GB 0096 MS 625 · Collection · 1785-1800

Bedfordshire account books, 1785-1800, comprise fourteen volumes of account books for provisions and drapery in the parish of Westoning in Bedfordshire.

Calle de san Anton
GB 0096 MS358 · Fonds · 1577-1811

Documents relating to houses in Calle de San Anton, Madrid.

Campo, Domingo del
GB 0096 MS351 · Fonds · 1656

Exemption from lodging courtiers and soldiers, Domingo del Campo, 31 Dec 1656.

GB 0096 MS367 · Fonds · 1543

Notarial warrant authorizing possession by order of Ludovico Ortiz, mayor of Madrid, to Francisco de Castaneda of the premises in the Canos del Peral in the vicinity of Salamanca, sold to him by Ana de Vivera, 24 Jul 1543.

GB 0096 MS329 · Fonds · 1733

Certification of the Chaves Echavarri Y Vidal family's nobility issued by Juan Alphonso de Guerra y Sandoval to Philip V of Spain, 1733.

Coello, Antonio
GB 0096 MS348 · Fonds · 1674

'Exempcion perpetua de huespedes de aposento de Corte para dos Casas que Don Antonio Coello tiene en la Calle traviesa de Santa Isabel', Royal exemption from lodging members of the Court granted to Antonio Coello, 1674 February 26.

GB 0096 MS378 · Fonds · 1738

'Copy of Constiutiones del Real Colegio de Ninas Huerfanas de Santa Isabel Reyna de Hungaria de esta corte y villa de Madrid', promulgated by Philip V of Spain on 7 Oct 1838.

El Duende
GB 0096 MS354 · Fonds · c 1735

'Verdadera vida del sutil Duende critico de Madrid, Fr. Manuel de San Jose, Carmelita descalzo: El Duende Politico que da Cuenta de los presentes negocios, y anuncia los futuros de esta Monarquia ano de 1735'.

El Duende
GB 0096 MS331 · Fonds · 1815

Volume contains "Historia del Duende de Madrid" (77 pages) and "Papeles Curiosos, y Politicos, y Poeticos, Ynutulados el Criticos..." (196 pages). El Duende was also known as Manuel de San Jose.

El Duende
GB 0096 MS355 · Fonds · 18th century

'Historia del Duende de Madrid, su Autor Don B. Y. Presvit: varios seri-jocosos Papeles del Duende. Y sus Ymitadores que salieron en diferentes Jueves de los anos 1735 y 36'.

El Escurial
GB 0096 MS362 · Fonds · 1680

'La Junta de los vibos y los muertos en el panteon del Escurial'.

GB 0096 MS342 · Fonds · c1690

'Comienza la Cronica del Illustrissimo Principe Enrique 4 Rey de este nombre de Castilla y Leon'.

Leon Pinelo, Antonio de
GB 0096 MS365 · Fonds · c1660

'Annales o historia de Madrid que hasta el ano de 1658 escrivio D. Antonio de Leon Pinelo'.

GB 0096 MS374 · Fonds · 1657-1675

Papers relating to the loan made by Don Gaspar de Aponte for the war against Portugal and the siege of Olivenza, 1657-1675.

Madrid: Bootmakers' guild
GB 0096 MS346 · Fonds · 1632-1645

Royal charters granting various privileges to the Bootmakers' Guild, 1632-1645.

Madrid: Calle de la Paz
GB 0096 MS350 · Fonds · 1589-1778

A collection of documents relating to houses in the Calle de la Paz, Madrid, 1589-1778.

GB 0096 MS345 · Fonds · 1734-1748

A short history of the poor house Hospicio de San Fernando in Madrid and an account of its present (1747) constitution and administration; copies of documents (1734-1738) relating to the administration of the poor house unders its previous Governor, Gaspar de Molina y Oviedo; a letter of 24 October 1748 to Cardinal Infante, Luis Antonio, asking for financial help to meet increased food prices.

GB 0096 MS349 · Fonds · 1626-1756

Libro de acuerdos de los senores. Testamentarios de la Magestad Cesarea la senora Emperatriz dona Maria, tocantes a la fundacion y detacion que mando hazer en el Monasterio Real de las Descalcas de esta villa de Madrid, que fundo la senora Pincesa dona Iuana Ano de 1626.

GB 0096 MS334 · Fonds · 1517-1541

Three Archiepiscopal letters making appointments to the Chaplainship of Nuestra Senora de Atocha de Madrid.

GB 0096 MS333 · Fonds · 1509-1750

Documents, including terriers and notarial instruments, relating to the church of Nuestra Senora de Atocha of Madrid.

Madrid: Partido de Madrid
GB 0096 MS341 · Fonds · 1770

Demonstrado por Pueblo en Verada, con Noticia de los Vecinos Casas Parroquias y Hermitas qua cada uno tiene.

Madrid redeemed annuity
GB 0096 MS332 · Fonds · 1611-1616

Copies of deeds and other documents effecting the transfer and redemption of an annuity paid to Dona Catalina Mexia and Dona Ysabel de Castro originally to Anastasia de la Pena and subsequently to the Cofradia de el santissimo sacramento y Nuestra Senora de la Minerva of the parish church of St. Martin, Madrid, 1611-1616.

Madrid: San Jeronimo el Real
GB 0096 MS340 · Fonds · 1470-1493

Traslado autentico de la merced, y Privilejio que concedio a este Real Monasterio de s. Geronimo de Madrid el Senor Rey Don Jenrique Quarto su fundador de las Tercias de Valdemoro, Parla, y Polvoranca. This is a copy (dated 1493) of a grant made in 1470.

GB 0096 MS344 · Fonds · 1524-1576

Libro de las vissitas desta Iglesia parrochial d' S. Miguel d'los Octoes desde el Ano de 1524 Asta el d'1576. A record of the inspections of the church, its possessions and finances, made every two years by the 'visitator'.

GB 0096 MS371 · Fonds · 1499

Mandate of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella for movement of artillery, May 1499. Given at Madrid.

GB 0096 MS370 · Fonds · 1810

Copy of an agreement made in Madrid, 31 Mar 1810 between the authorities and 13 merchants to supply meat to the troops and hospitals for the months of April and May 1810.

Mexia de Bargas, Francisco
GB 0096 MS328 · Fonds · 1572

Letters patent of Philip II of Spain declaring the nobility of Francisco Mexia de Bargas of the town of Barcience, 21 Feb 1572.

GB 0096 MS357 · Fonds · -161331

Charter of Henry IV of Castille and Leon permitting Don Juan Pacheco, Marques of Villena and Dona Maria de Puerto Carrerro, his wife, to give the town of Moguer as majorat to their son, Pedro, 1458.

GB 0096 MS369 · Fonds · [1700-1800]

Findings in a suit brought by the monastry of Santa Catalina de Sena (in Madrid) against the Conde de Camarata.

Mutiny of Squilace
GB 0096 MS359 · Fonds · undated [18th century]

An account of the mutiny in 1766 of the citizens of Madrid against the Marquis de Squilace, minister of King Charles III of Spain.

GB 0096 MS352 · Fonds · 1719

Estados de la casa real de Espana y demas ramos. Y Nueua planta empezada a practicarse el ano de 1719 en el Ministerio del Cardenal Alveroni. Y en la Yntendencia gen. de Don Joachin de Barrenechea.

GB 0096 MS376 · Fonds · 1816

Plans of plots of land in Canillejas district of Madrid, Jan 1816: each plan gives abuttals and details of ownership. Plans by Juan Francisco Canizares "Agrimensor promero titular de la coronada villa de Madrid".

Privileges for Madrid
GB 0096 MS377 · Fonds · 1214 and 16th century

Privileges for Madrid including transcript of letters of Alfonso IX of Castile, dated 31 January 1214.

Prose and verse passages
GB 0096 MS364 · Fonds · c1757

Prose and verse passages including Historica de el duende de Madrid (1757); breve explicacion de la doctrina de Patino por preguntas y respuestas entre Dr. Josef Rodrogo y los muchachos de la cobachuela; el duende politico que la cuenta de los presentes negocios y anuncia los futuros de esta monarchia a 8 de Diciembre de 1735; Melchor de Fonseca - Maxyms de Bacalini recogidas en un romance yntitulado El Sueno Politico...sobre el rreynado de Don Phelippe IV.

GB 0096 MS360 · Fonds · c1621-1667

Volume containing material relating to the life and execution (in 1621) of Rodrigo Calderon; the Aragon conspiracy of 1648; and the expulsion of the Jesuits by Charles III in 1667. The latter includes copies of letters exchanged between Charles III and Pope Clement XIII.

GB 0096 MS347 · Fonds · undated [18th century]

Al Exmo. Senor Duque del Infantado mi senor en ocasion de auerse ejecutado en su Villa de chamartin una fiesta de toros, con Motiuo de la boda, que se espera desu Hija con el exmo. Senor Conde de Niebla: Romanze.

GB 0096 MS375 · Fonds · 1735-1737

"Vida del M.R.P. Fr. Manuel de San Joseph (vulgo el Duende de Madrid), Carmelita descalzo de la provincia de Navarra". Includes copy of "Copia de la carta que escrivio a su general el P. Fr. Manuel....en Madrid a 17 de Marzo de 1737".

GB 0096 MS335 · Fonds · 1393

Reconfirmation by Henry III of Castille of a grant made originally by Henry II and confirmed by John I, of the town of Astudillo to Ferrando de Sanches de Tovar, 15 Dec 1393.

Sanz de Vellidas, Francisco
GB 0096 MS326 · Fonds · 1668

Letters patent of Charles II of Spain declaring the nobility of Francisco Sanz de Vellidas, 21 Nov 1668.

Sneade, William
GB 0096 MS 474 · c1675-1700

A bill, late 17th century, for services rendered and items supplied by a saddler.

GB 0096 MS368 · Fonds · undated [18th century]

A moral treatise "dedicado al Senor Don Francisco de Oriar, mi Senor, dignidad en la santa inglesia de Toledo".

Torres, Alonso de
GB 0096 MS366 · Fonds · undated [early 16th century]

'Blason y recogimiento de armas', includes some drawings of shields. A loose insert is a 12 leaf booklet of completed shields for the letters A, B and few for C, possibly early 16th century.

GB 0096 MS372 · Fonds · c 1600

Transcripts of accounts of journeys of Spanish nobility and royalty, journeys include: Isabel Clara Eugenia of Austria from Milan to Flanders, 1599; entry of Margaret of Austria, Queen of Spain, into Ferrara 13 November 1598; Philip III of Spain to Madrid in 1599; Archduke Albert of Austria, Count of Flanders, from Barcelona to Genoa in 1599; entry of Phillip III into Valencia in 1599.
